從經典個案學習商業策略哈佛、耶魯、MIT頂尖商學院至今必讀你非懂不可!──《經濟學人》本書大大提升了我的思考與決策高度!──Kenneth D. Brody,美國銀行家暨高盛合夥人運用範圍超乎想像!──Kenneth J. Arrow,諾貝爾經濟學獎得主為什麼輪胎公司要推出米其林美食評鑑?為什麼做電腦晶片的Intel卻成為航空業的競爭對手?為什麼花旗銀行率先使用ATM,卻大量流失顧客?為什麼任天堂
The useful portmanteau ‘Co-opetition’ describes the strategic alliances that competitors forge with each other. Co-opetition strategy research began in the early 1990s and has been steadily increasing
Now available in paperback, with an all new Reader's guide, The New York Times and Business Week bestseller Co-opetition revolutionized the game of business. With over 40,000 copies sold and now in it