Now available in paperback? Date on Database: Writings 2000-2006 captures the thoughts of widely known and respected relational database pioneer C. J. Date . Known for his tenacious defense of relatio
This book sheds light on the principles behind the relational model, which is fundamental to all database-backed applications--and, consequently, most of the work that goes on in the computing world t
This collection gathers articles published on web sites and in journals by Date, an independent author and consultant specializing in relational database technology. Some of the selections discuss com
What makes this book different from others on database design? Many resources on design practice do little to explain the underlying theory, and books on design theory are aimed primarily at theoretic
Now available in paperback—Relational databases hold data, right? They do indeed, but to think of a database as nothing more than a container for data is to miss out on the profound power that underli
All of today’s mainstream database products support the SQL language, and relational theory is what SQL is supposed to be based on. But are those products truly relational? Sadly, the answer is no. Th
This authoritative Oracle Press resource on RMAN has been thoroughly revised to cover every new feature, offering the most up-to-date informationThis fully updated volume lays out the easiest, fastest
Capillary Electrophoresis Techniques for Pharmaceutical Analysis at your fingertips-A complete, up-to-date library.This invaluable database--also available on CD-ROM--gives you fast, easy access to th
Based on the 1,800 largest school districts in the United States over a decade, The Politics of African-American Education documents the status of African-American education and the major role that partisanship plays. The book brings together the most comprehensive database on minority education to date that centers around three arguments. First, partisanship permeates African-American education; it affects who is elected to the school board, the racial composition of school administrators and teachers, and the access of African-American students to quality education. Second, African-American representation matters. The effectiveness of African-American representation, however, is enhanced in Democratic districts while representation in Republican districts has little influence. Third, political structures matter, but they are not determinative. Two different structures - election rules and the independent school district - create the rules of the game in US education politics and poli
Belief revision is a topic of much interest in theoretical computer science and logic, and it forms a central problem in research into artificial intelligence. In simple terms: how do you update a database of knowledge in the light of new information? What if the new information is in conflict with something that was previously held to be true? An intelligent system should be able to accommodate all such cases. This book contains a collection of research articles on belief revision that are completely up to date and an introductory chapter that presents a survey of current research in the area and the fundamentals of the theory. Thus this volume will be useful as a textbook on belief revision.
This book highlights research that expands on our knowledge of second- language collocation acquisition. It presents original findings based on the largest collocation database to date, encompassing o
Based on the 1,800 largest school districts in the United States over a decade, The Politics of African-American Education documents the status of African-American education and the major role that partisanship plays. The book brings together the most comprehensive database on minority education to date that centers around three arguments. First, partisanship permeates African-American education; it affects who is elected to the school board, the racial composition of school administrators and teachers, and the access of African-American students to quality education. Second, African-American representation matters. The effectiveness of African-American representation, however, is enhanced in Democratic districts while representation in Republican districts has little influence. Third, political structures matter, but they are not determinative. Two different structures - election rules and the independent school district - create the rules of the game in US education politics and poli