人生太短,不能吃不好。懂吃,才能享受生活。從土壤一路講究進廚房,全球連鎖義大利高級食材商場Eataly所有知識精華 義大利人絕不餓肚子,也絕不讓家人朋友餓肚子。Eataly是一家全球連鎖食品商場,以結合菜市場與餐廳的複合式經營,銷售義大利各地區多樣化的食材與料理,並推廣在地永續的消費觀念。從義大利杜林起家,創辦人Oscar Farinetti是「Slow Food」(慢食)推廣者Carlo Pet
The secrets to Italian cooking, straight from the source—the wildly popular food emporium that is founded in Italy. "The more you know, the more you will enjoy" is the philosophy behind Eataly, and it
Learn how to make pasta the authentic Italian way with tips, techniques, and recipes from the chefs of Eataly, the world's greatest Italian food market. From dried pasta to fresh pasta and stuffed pas