A foolproof guide to releasing shoulder and neck tension, this book shows how imagery and touch can be used to eliminate stiffness and pain. It provides simple and effective exercises that can be done
This complete (and completely gross) guide to the human body is the hilarious debut nonfiction children′s book from worldwide bestselling author and former doctor Adam Kay!Do you ever think about your body and how it works? Like really, really think about it? The human body is extraordinary and fascinating and, well . . . pretty weird. Yours is weird, mine is weird, your math teacher′s is even weirder.This book is going to tell you what′s actually going on in there and answer the really important questions, like:Are boogers safe to eat? Look, if your nose is going to all that effort of creating a snack, the least we can do is check out its nutritional value. (Yes, they′re safe. Chew away!)And how much of your life will you spend on the toilet? About a year—so bring a good book. (I recommend this one.)Sit back, relax, put on some rubber gloves, and let a doctor take you on (slightly repulsive) tour of your insides. Welcome to Kay′s Anatomy*.*A fancy word for your body. See, you′re learn
Longlisted for Blue Peter Book Awards 2022《Kay的身體百科》是亞當·凱(Adam Kay)幽默又知識豐富的首部兒童書,由喜劇演員亨利·帕克(Henry Paker)插畫,榮登暢銷榜首!這本有趣的解剖學書適合小學和初中生,揭露人體奇妙又詭異的秘密:鼻屎能吃嗎?為何人一生要花一年在廁所?跟隨本書展開一場充滿趣味和「惡趣味」的內臟之旅,笑中學習,樂享知識!Do you ever think about your body and how it all works? Like really properly think about it? The human body is extraordinary and fascinating and, well... pretty weird. Yours is weird, mine is weird, your maths teacher's is even weirder.This book is going to tell you what's actually going on in there, and answer the really important questions, like:Are bogies safe to eat? Look, if your nose is going to all that effort of creating a snack, the least we can do is check out its nutritional value. (Yes, they're safe. Chew away!)and...How much of your life will you spend on the toilet? About a year - so bring a good book. (I recommend this one.)So sit back, relax, put on some rubber gloves, and let a doctor take you on a poo (and puke) filled tour of your insides. Welcome to Kay's Anatomy*.*a fanc
記得那隻太過害羞,想交朋友卻把動物們瞪跑的盯盯熊嗎?嚴冬在即,理應冬眠的牠卻怎麼也睡不著,大熊試著模仿其他動物的睡覺方式,卻徒勞無功…誰能來幫幫牠呢?Bear is back! The lovable hero of Waterstones Children's Book Prize shortlisted The Bear who Stared is getting into more scrapes in this irresistible follow-up title from Duncan Beedie.Winter is approaching and it's time for Bear to have a nice long sleep . . . but the more he tries to get to sleep, the more AWAKE he feels. So he decides to copy his forest friends who seem to doze off without any trouble: he sings in the trees like Blackbird, burrows underground like Badger, and even hangs upside down from his cave-roof like a bat. But nothing works - until wise Frog shows him how to relax, and soon the forest is reverberating with his snores!A perfect bedtime story which will strike a chord with all parents of fidgety, wriggly, wide-awake children!A follow-up to the bestselling Waterstones Children's Book Prize shortlisted The Bear Who StaredChildren will engage with the lovable bear who doesn't quite get thing
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