◆史丹佛大學設計學院執行長親自撰寫。根據自己在史丹佛大學學習及任教三十多年的經驗書寫,分享以創意為出發點的學習、發現及領導的藝術,也精選史丹佛設計學院多年來,近百個難忘的故事和新潮的指定作業。◆高度視覺化的指南,適合需要以創意及靈感找到各種「解決方案」的讀者,是改造生活、職場、社會的設計思考工具書。設計,就是採取行動!繼《做自己的生命設計師》之後,最能改造生活、職場、社會的設計思考工具書◆內容簡介★全球知名的史丹佛大學設計學院「設計方式與思維方法指南」系列書籍的第一本★入圍廊燈商業書獎決選名單這個年代有著種種前景不明的棘手問題,但也有著大好的機會。只要抱持好奇心,選定方向後行動,就可能帶來正面的改變。本書五花八門的方法,帶著我們以韌性、愛心與信心,培養出這樣的能力。史丹佛大學聞名於世的哈索.普拉特納設計學院(Hasso Plattner Institute of Design),讓師生、專家與尋找方向的各界人士,在這個別名d.school的園地集結多元的觀點,解決有無限可能的專案;本書設計的體驗,就是為了協助大家而生。這本刺激思考與高度視覺化的指南,提供完整可靠的寶庫,讓大家在面對不確定性時發揮好奇心與創意。書中收錄令人難忘的故事,外加超過八十則的創新練習,運用大量與發現、學習相關的點子,帶大家走過未知的創意世界。書中的練習源自全球最有創意、最跳脫傳統的人士,包括d.school與IDEO創始人大衛.M.凱利(David M. Kelley)、《ReadyMade》雜誌創辦人葛蕾絲.霍桑(Grace Hawthorne)、創新編舞家艾雷塔.海茲(Aleta Hayes)、Google創新福音長費多里克.G.費爾特(Frederik G. Pferdt)等各界人士。經過課堂上無數次的實務測試後,在此由d.school執行長莎拉.史坦.葛林伯格,帶著讀者一一走過練習。不論是翻轉世界的挑戰,或是地方上遇到的難題,如果想得出新鮮的作法,都可以運用書中「專家的眼睛」這則練習,磨練觀察的技巧,用「如何與陌生人交談」促進理解,用「替團隊設計工具」培養創意領導力。相關活動同時令人感到輕鬆愉快、出乎意料、耗費腦力又帶來衝擊,揭曉隱藏的設計動態如何在工作與生活中,帶動更有活力的創作、感受、探索、實驗與合作。本書將協助你培養行為,強化心態,把好奇心化為點子,點子又帶來行動。***【從史丹
★暢銷書《我工作,我沒有不開心》作者最新作品。★一本富有洞察力和平易近人的圖解指南,幫助我們處理令人難受且超出負荷的情緒。★「本書將幫你再度找回主控權,且不再覺得世上只有你一人在孤軍奮戰。」──亞當.格蘭特(Adam Grant),《紐約時報》暢銷書#1《逆思維》作者即使諸事不順,日子還是要順順的過讀懂各種難以捉摸的棘手情緒,就算經歷高低起伏的大小困境也能有效對應!身處在一個前所未有、充滿不確定性的時代,我們都經歷過不穩定、無法預測且強烈的情緒波動;然而,我們常常感到困頓、羞愧和孤立,卻從來沒有學會承認不愉快的感覺,更不用說有效地理解和駕馭它們。IG廣受歡迎的雙人組@LizandMollie,在一同出版了暢銷書《我工作,我沒有不開心》(No Hard Feelings)之後,莉茲與莫莉看似幸運,擁有眾多讀者的好評、擁有穩定的關係、過著還算優渥的生活;但同時她們也發現自己無論工作或日常都正掙扎於一些難受的情緒漩渦之中。莉茲的公公因癌症過世,她的手腕與脖子疼得厲害,她擔心自己會不得不放棄她的工作,而她才剛剛接受了一個責任更大的新職位。莫莉作為她的團隊中唯一一個遠端工作的人,感到孤立無援,她也正處於慢性疼痛的折磨中,引發了長期的重度憂鬱,有時還有自殺的念頭。莉茲與莫莉不是唯一曾經在強烈情緒裡掙扎過的人,所以她們選擇公開自己的脆弱與不安,希望在本書中為被情緒癱瘓的人們提供工具與方法,了解身處的情況,尋求安慰,重新面對未來。本書除了介紹作者自身經驗,並搭配清晰有趣的原創插畫,也採訪了心理學家、心理治療師和學者,瞭解如何駕馭強烈的棘手情緒,並分享數百名社群上的讀者故事。帶領讀者走出情緒誤區,嘗試將棘手情緒轉化為可管理的情緒。本書將提供以下幫助:●認識七大棘手情緒:不確定性、比較、憤怒、過勞、完美主義、絕望感、後悔,幫助讀者走出情緒誤區。●提供有助於各位靜心觀照情緒的工具,讓你更好地與這些情緒坐在一起,從中學習,並開始修復。●提供棘手情緒評估表,供讀者自我檢測。●放棄想找出萬能解方的迷思;但莉茲與莫莉將為你提供一系列的建議,以便你能找出適合你的方法。●分享作者自己的經驗與來自廣大讀者社群的故事,讓你知道,你並不孤單。●帶各位認識這些棘手情緒背後的意義,以及如何有效和人溝通自身感受。●給予各位支持他人的力量,在重要他人經歷棘手情緒時助其一臂之力。當然,處理棘手情緒沒有任何捷徑,而且
From the celebrated author of Sarah, Plain and Tall, Patricia MacLachlan, comes another humorous and poignant early middle grade novel. My Life Begins! explores how life begins for Jacob when his triplet sisters are born, and how siblings get to know each other as time, and love, evolve.Jacob is nine years old when his life changes.He wants a litter of puppies. But instead his parents have a different surprise. Jacob will be an older brother soon. And there won't be only one new baby. There will be three! When the triplets are born, Jacob thinks puppies are cuter. The babies look identical to him and he gives them a name: "the Trips."For a school science project, Jacob decides to study the Trips. It feels like magic as they begin to smile, talk, and grow. Slowly, he gets to know each of them. They call his mother "Mama" and his father "Da." But what will they call him? One day, one of the Trips calls him "Jay."As each of the triplets become unique and more special with each day, Jacob
Wiggle the tabs and giggle as Jo Lodge's funny animal characters come to life!What can pussy cat see, donkey hear and rabbit smell? And what tastes so good to hungry fox? Wiggle the sliding tabs and giggle as the animals come to life! With brilliantly bold, bright pictures and a sweet, rhyming story loosely based on the senses, Pussy Cat, Pussy Cat, What Can You See? by Jo Lodge is sure to put a big smile to your toddler's face! Also available: Puppy Dog, Puppy Dog, How Are You?
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Acclaimed creator of The Word Collector, Happy Dreamer, Say Something, and Be You, #1 New York Times bestseller Peter H. Reynolds breaks new ground in this ultimate gift book format perfect for readers of every age. A poetic, universal, and joyful celebration of how we feel about the most beloved people in our lives -- we love them BY HEART!I love every smile, every blink,I love you by heart.I love your toes, your head, your nose,I love you by heart.Celebrated, bestselling creator Peter H. Reynolds brings to life this ode to unconditional love with a delightful and poetic tribute to the rare and beautiful love that binds us together. From the intimate and unbridled love parents and caregivers have for their little ones, to the tremendous love of a lifelong friendship, and the boundless love of a grandparent -- this is a heartfelt message to share with the people we cherish; like a song we have known all our lives, we love them by heart.Peter H. Reynold's whimsical and charming art conv