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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:克瑞希達.科威爾  出版社:尖端出版  出版日:2019/03/12 裝訂:平裝
定價:250 元, 優惠價:9 225
作者:約瑟•德夫林  出版社:好人出版  出版日:2020/09/09 裝訂:平裝
★ 美國學生最常參考的英文工具書之一★ 中英對照,英文寫作實用指南★ 常踞亞馬遜寫作研究電子書下載排行榜No.1亞馬遜網路書店讀者給予本書5顆星評價――–運用大量例句說明文法規則–無論是面試或海外留學,正確說跟寫英文都很重要–作者對文法的解釋既簡單又易懂–能幫助學習英文為第二外語的人紮實穩固基礎–可獲得許多重要的文法知識提升英文水平跟避免錯誤本書特色統整英文文法的根本原則解說英文特有的慣用語和表達
定價:450 元, 優惠價:9 405
發言的勇氣:拿回你的話語權 成為說話高手
作者:Samara Bay  出版社:閱樂國際文化  出版日:2024/03/01 裝訂:平裝
其實你不是不會演說,只是忘了自己的話語權明明該你說話,你也準備得很完美,但台下陌生或質疑的眼光,卻讓你只敢以最四平八穩的方式發言,而不敢展現你最生動活潑、創新且與眾不同的觀點。不是你不會演說,而是你忘了你說話的的權利。本書告訴你如何拿回你的話語權,如何應用各種技巧找回自己真正的聲音,成為說話高手。當屬於你的那一刻到來,你也可以占據整個屬於你的空間,大聲的說出來。甚麼樣的聲音強而有力,打動人心?讓其他人「聽到你」,不是件簡單的事:你說的話和表達的方式,必須通過聽眾的,甚至你自己的假設和偏見。女性、有色人種和新移民等族群說話的方式,往往有別於人們集體印象中位高權重者,也就是歷史上掌權的有錢白人男性的說話方式。幸運的是,「權力之聲」正在改變。《發言的勇氣》,可以提供你落實這項改變革的工具。在這本充滿革命性的書籍中,廣受歡迎的演講教練 (speech coach) 薩瑪拉‧貝(Samara Bay)提供了全新觀點,教導你如何運用自己的聲音,得到你想得到的東西,並且重新定義權力的聲音—你的聲音就是新的權力之聲。她結合領導、語言學和社會學等跨領域的研究,透過小故事和引人入勝的案例,告訴你在傳遞訊息時,如何在力量和溫暖間找到適度的平衡;在重大場合前,該做些甚麼,讓你的聲音、心靈和精神都做足準備;以及該如何讓自己特殊的說話習慣,像是氣泡音和語尾上揚音等成為你的助力而非阻力。最重要的是,你會找到藏在自己聲音背後的故事:為什麼你會像現在這樣說話,有哪些優點,又有哪些已經不再適合現在的你。《發言的勇氣》充滿熱情,既有趣又深刻,在個人和集體文化層面上,對公開演講進行了省思,並描繪出公開演講可以有的樣貌。這本書符合時代趨勢,同時帶來希望:改變權力之聲,就能改變誰擁有權力。各界人士對《發言的勇氣:拿回你的話語權,成為說話高手》的讚美和推薦「我深愛這本書—這本書幽默、令人驚喜、振奮人心,而且非常重要!這是一項美好的成就,也是一份送給世界的禮物。」—瑞秋‧麥克亞當斯(Rachel McAdams)「薩瑪拉‧貝用卓越的專業知識幫助我們明白,當我們鼓起發言勇氣時,就能充分發揮女性的力量。她鼓勵我們丟掉那些後天學來的,幾乎總是為別人服務的習慣,向我們展現如何運用自己的故事成為英雄,改變自己被世界聽見的方式。」—伊芙‧羅德斯凱(Eve Rodsky),紐約時報暢銷書《公平競爭》(Fair Play)作者「
定價:399 元, 優惠價:9 359
作者:克莉絲汀‧聶夫  出版社:遠流  出版日:2022/02/24 裝訂:平裝
亞馬遜近5星好評讀者評論:這是所有女性都值得一讀的書! ★「自我關懷」大師克莉絲汀.聶夫全新力作★ 誰說女性一定要溫柔、懂得照顧他人?誰說女性不能憤怒、只能默默承受各種歧視?是時候該改變了,透過自我關懷來好好愛自己,將能扭轉長久以來的性別不平等! 當女性能溫柔地與自己同在、勇敢地做出改變,就能從性別角色的限制中解放出來! 克莉絲汀.聶夫在本書中帶給讀者更完整的「自我關懷」概念,透過豐富的研究及其個人生命故事,說明女性如何透過溫柔的自我關懷來接納自己、透過勇敢的自我關懷來採取行動,以爭取權力並改變世界。結合溫柔和勇敢的自我關懷,可幫助女性在職場上取得成功、照顧他人但不過度燃燒自己、在人際關係中保持真誠、在性騷擾和性侵害中不再維持沉默。 女性必須找回自己的力量,才能創造一個更健康的社會,找到長久的幸福。這本充滿智慧、關愛和啟發人性的書,向女性展示如何找到內在的平衡,進而促進更平等的世界。 ◎什麼是自我關懷?自我關懷的三要素1.正念:用正念面對自己的不適感受並加以肯認,不去壓抑痛苦和假裝它不存在。2.普遍人性:了解痛苦是人類共有的經驗,沒有任何人能完全避免身心或情緒上的艱困。3.仁慈:當我們在走過人生泥濘地時,給予自己溫暖、友善和支持的態度。 自我關懷的兩面向1.溫柔的自我關懷:用接納的方式與自己同在,透過「愛與連結的存有」來緩解痛苦。2.勇敢的自我關懷:透過採取行動來減緩痛苦,其形式根據採取的行動而不同:-保護自己:透過「勇敢且有力的明辨」保護自己免於受傷。-供給資源給自己:透過「豐足且平衡的真實」滿足自己的需求。-激勵自己:透過「鼓勵且有智慧的願景」來做出改變。 ◎懂得自我關懷,讓你活出有力量又豐盛的自己!-你將能接納不完美的自己,且知道自己並不孤單,並與真實的自己同在。-你會知道如何與他人劃下界線,要求平等對待,並度過創傷和療癒童年的傷。-你不只為他人付出,也會重視自己的需求,過得真實又滿足。-你會有所成長和改變,也能有智慧地面對困境,發展出成長型思維。-你會了解到,即使一個人也能擁有幸福,不需仰賴他人就能使自己完整。 ◎本書特色1.自我關懷大師全新力作,不僅療癒女性心靈,更賦予女性改變的勇氣。2.透過心理學研究、多位女性的故事,讀者可認識自我關懷
定價:520 元, 優惠價:9 468
作者:羅倫斯‧麥唐諾; 詹姆斯‧派屈克‧羅賓森  出版社:商周文化  出版日:2024/08/03 裝訂:平裝
定價:490 元, 優惠價:79 387
How to Speak Up
作者:Caitie McAneney  出版社:Powerkids Pr  出版日:2024/12/30 裝訂:平裝
定價:537 元, 優惠價:1 537
How to Speak Dragonese (How to Train Your Dragon #3)
作者:Cressida Cowell  出版社:Little Brown and Company  出版日:2010/02/02 裝訂:平裝
★Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III was a truly extraordinary Viking Hero. Warrior chieftain, awesome sword-fighter and amateur naturalist, he was known throughout Vikingdom as 'the Dragon Whisperer', on a
定價:342 元, 優惠價:79 270
How to Speak Oasis:The Unofficial Liam and Noel Phrasebook
作者:Jamie Coleman  出版社:HarperCollins Publishers  出版日:2024/11/21 裝訂:精裝
定價:494 元, 優惠價:79 390
Be Your Own Brand ─ Achieve More of What You Want by Being More of Who You Are
作者:DAVID MCNALLY; KARL D. SPEAK  出版社:Berrett-Koehler  裝訂:平裝
McNally, an author, speaker, and consultant in leadership and brands, and Speak, an author, speaker, and specialist in brand building, explain the concept of developing a personal brand as a process of discovering one's self and aspirations, arguing that the best way to establish a strong, memorable brand is to make a positive difference in the lives of others through lasting impressions that build trusting relationships. They describe how to identify key components of a brand, convey it to the world, see if it aligns with important relationships, and assess progress. This edition has been revised and updated to incorporate new material on how to use social media to build a personal brand and case studies of individuals whose personal brands have impacted the world, such as Temple Grandin and Terry Fox. Annotation c2011 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (
定價:872 元, 優惠價:79 689
Unlearning Silence:How to speak your mind, unleash talent and lead with courage
作者:Elaine Lin Hering  出版社:Cornerstone  出版日:2025/03/20 裝訂:平裝
定價:604 元, 優惠價:95 573
How to Talk to Your Computer (Stage2)
作者:Seymour Simon; Mike Lowery (ILT)  出版社:Harpercollins Childrens Books  出版日:2019/02/26 裝訂:平裝
Have you ever wondered how to get a computer to do something? First you need to speak in a way it can understand! Read and find out all about how to talk to your computer in this updated edition with
庫存 > 10
定價:304 元, 優惠價:79 240
The Social Skills Toolkit (4 books in 1): How to Read People, Speak with Influence, Become Charismatic, and Make Friends Instantly
作者:Patrick King  出版社:PKCS MEDIA INC  出版日:2024/11/04 裝訂:平裝
定價:1080 元, 優惠價:1 1080
The Social Skills Toolkit (4 books in 1): How to Read People, Speak with Influence, Become Charismatic, and Make Friends Instantly
作者:Patrick King  出版社:PKCS MEDIA INC  出版日:2024/11/04 裝訂:精裝
定價:1400 元, 優惠價:1 1400
How to Listen When Markets Speak:Risks, Myths and Investment Opportunities in a Radically Reshaped Economy
作者:Lawrence McDonald; James Robinson  出版社:Transworld Publishers Ltd  出版日:2025/02/13 裝訂:平裝
定價:714 元, 優惠價:95 678
All-in-One Chinese Fun Student Book ― Sing, Play, and Speak Chinese
作者:Hazel Young Hazegawa  出版社:Cheng & Tsui Co  出版日:2012/02/07 裝訂:平裝
All-In-One Chinese Fun books provide teachers in pre-K – 3 classes with an interactive, multi-modal curriculum guide that shows them how to structure the course to fit their own individual classrooms.
定價:999 元, 優惠價:55 549
How I Went from Bad to Verse
作者:Dan Greenburg; Jack E. Davis (ILT)  出版社:Penguin Group USA  出版日:2000/06/01 裝訂:平裝
Zack goes on a class trip, gets an insect bit, and suddenly can't speak a single word that isn't in rhyme. Talking like a modern-day Shakespeare may be fun at first, but not when you can't turn it off
定價:228 元, 優惠價:79 180
Words to Make a Friend: A Story in Japanese and English
作者:Donna Jo Napoli  出版社:RANDOM HOUSE STUDIO  出版日:2021/10/12 裝訂:精裝
A clever and innovative bi-lingual English/Japanese picture book about a Japanese girl and an American girl who prove you don't need to speak the same language to understand each other. When a young Japanese girl moves into her new house, she is happy to see a girl her age playing in the snow just outside her window. The only problem is the Japanese girl doesn't speak English and the American girl doesn't speak Japanese. How will these two girls have any fun at all? As it turns out, it's not that hard when both girls are looking for a friend What starts with a simple hello from the American girl and a yaho response from the Japanese girl, becomes a day filled with simple words and fun in the snow. Each girl's love of play, snow and making a new friend transcends the need to speak the same language, and by using simple words in their own languages along with a bit of charades the girls find they have all they need to build a snow creature. An important book to show children that speakin
定價:722 元, 優惠價:79 570
Who Will Make The Snow (Best Children's Books of 2023)
作者:Taras Prokhasko; Marjana Prokhasko; Jennifer Croft; Boris Dralyuk  出版社:Steerforth Press  出版日:2023/11/14 裝訂:精裝
INCLUDED IN THE NEW YORK TIMES LIST OF BEST CHILDREN'S BOOKS OF 2023The two newest moles in the forest learn to dig themselves out of their comfort zones and experience the boundless, unpredictable world around them—a Social Emotional Learning adventureTwin moles, Purr and Craw, are born on the first day of spring. The newest members of their woodland world, they’re curious about everything. What is swimming? Why does mother speak French as she makes pancakes? What does father scrawl in his notebook? Do animals live in the sea? Why do grownups eat smelly cheese? How do we get better when we're sick? What happens when we die? As they start to grow up, every day is filled with another adventure as they explore the peculiar characters that surround them in the forest. Home is always waiting for them, filled with the clacking of father’s typewriter, the sound of mother playing her upright bass, and the smells of quince jam and medicinal moss brews. During their adventures outside the home,
定價:836 元, 優惠價:79 660
Iveliz Explains It All: (Newbery Honor Award Winner)
作者:Andrea Beatriz Arango; Alyssa Bermudez  出版社:YEARLING  出版日:2023/09/12 裝訂:平裝
NEWBERY HONOR AWARD WINNER - In this timely and moving novel in verse, a preteen girl navigates seventh grade while facing mental health challenges. A hopeful, poetic story about learning to advocate for the help and understanding you deserve. "Powerful." --Lisa Fipps, Printz Honor-winning author of Starfish How do you speak up when it feels like no one is listening? The end of elementary school? Worst time of my life.And the start of middle school?I just wasn't quite right.But this year?YO VOY A MI. Seventh grade is going to be Iveliz's year. She's going to make a new friend, help her abuela Mimi get settled after moving from Puerto Rico, and she is not going to get into any more trouble at school. . . . Except is that what happens? Of course not. Because no matter how hard Iveliz tries, sometimes people say things that just make her so mad. And worse, Mimi keeps saying Iveliz's medicine is unnecessary--even though it helps Iveliz feel less sad. But how do you explain your feelings to
定價:342 元, 優惠價:79 270
Frankie Sparks and the Talent Show Trick
作者:Megan Frazer Blakemore; Nadja Sarell (ILT)  出版社:Aladdin  出版日:2019/06/04 裝訂:平裝
Frankie Sparks uses her inventing skills to help her friend overcome stage fright in this second chapter book in the STEM inspired Frankie Sparks, Third-Grade Inventor series.It’s time for the annual school talent show, and Frankie is excited to audition with her magic act! She wants to be just like her idol, Adelaide Herrmann, Queen of Magic. But on the day of the audition, Frankie’s best friend and Magician’s Assistant, Maya, gets a big, scary case of stage fright! How can Maya be Frankie’s helper on stage if she can’t bring herself to speak in front of their audience? It’s up to Frankie Sparks to invent just the perfect thing to help her best friend cope with the spotlight!
定價:266 元, 優惠價:79 210
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