Best known for his epic Lord of the Rings trilogy and The Hobbit, J.R.R. Tolkien was born in British-occupied South Africa. His early life was full of action and adventure. Tolkien spent his childhood
繼電影《魔戒三部曲》之後,亞馬遜重啟開拍全新影集。透過《小人物大夢想》繪本認識這部奇幻史詩的作者J. R. R.托爾金。從南非搬到英國大城市,受困於水泥叢林進而使想像力的種子萌芽,成為當代奇幻文壇巨擘。In this book from the highly acclaimed Little People, BIG DREAMS series, discover the incredible life of J. R. R. Tolkien, author and forefather of the fantasy genre. Little John experienced lots of change in his life from a young age. Moving from South Africa to a big city in England, he longed for the nature he grew up around. After the death of both of his parents, John found comfort in telling stories and building imaginary worlds with his friends. And he continued to tell stories for the rest of his life, creating epic tales of hobbits, dwarves, elves, and wizards as J. R. R. Tolkien. This inspiring book features stylish and quirky illustrations and extra facts at the back, including a biographical timeline with historical photos and a detailed profile of the writer's life. Little People, BIG DREAMS is a bestselling series of books and educational games that explore the lives of
兒童幻想小說是隸屬於兒童文學的一個分支,承襲流傳在民間傳說故事裡的原始思維與狂野想像,十九世紀,德國的格林兄弟收集出版第一版德國民間故事集,民間的想像開始匯入童話創作的血液。地處歐洲的英國出現了約翰·羅斯金、查爾斯·金斯利、路易斯·卡洛爾、J. R. R. 托爾金等一批具有前瞻視野和實驗精神的作家,兒童文學開始進入一個想像的時代。在中國,孫毓修、葉聖陶、鄭振鐸等兒童文學作家開啟了用童話進行寓教於樂
不到半個世紀前,布萊切利莊園還是英國歷史上ZUI大的機密之一。 “二戰”期間,盟軍苦於無法破譯德國的密碼系統,英國政府召集了一批具有才華的數學家、語言學家和其他領域專業知識分子進行密碼破譯工作,“計算機科學之父”艾倫‧圖靈就參與其中,《魔戒》的作者J. R. R. 托爾金也曾是候選人。1938 年,軍情六處收購了布萊切利莊園,這群密碼破譯者聚集於此,為扭轉戰局、爭取世界反法西斯戰爭早日勝利而日夜奮鬥。 密碼破譯者們以驚人的毅力、對保密的堅定承諾以及他們輝煌的新發明,共同確保了盟軍的勝利。本書作者為艾倫‧圖靈的侄子,他經過長期詳盡的調研,將這些密碼破譯者的故事公之於世。