This volume presents two Leibnizian writings, the Specimen of Philosophical Questions Collected from the Law and the Dissertation on Perplexing Cases. These works, originally published in 1664 and 166
Contemporary philosopher John Searle has characterized Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646–1716) as “the most intelligent human being who has ever lived.” The German philosopher, mathematician, and logici
In Leibniz in 90 Minutes, Paul Strathern offers a concise, expert account of Leibniz’s life and ideas, and explains their influence on man’s struggle to understand his existence in the world. The book
Neither the development of metaphysics in all its purity during the period encompassing the three thinkers, nor the transformations that physics underwent from Newton to Lagrange or those in botany fr
This book is a collection of essays on the reception of Leibniz’s thinking in the sciences and in the philosophy of science in the 19th and 20th centuries. Authors studied include C.F. Gauss, Georg Ca