Big art for little hands, these enchanting activity books allow young artists to explore the world's masterpieces on their own terms and with plenty of space to colour outside the lines. ILLUSTRATION
中文世界唯一德文直譯本二十世紀最重要的心理學家開創精神分析藝術理論之濫觴 佛洛伊德是二十世紀最具影響力的思想家,他開創的精神分析學派在精神疾病的診斷以及心理治療方面的建樹讓人嘆為觀止,其精神分析學說更是跨足到人類文明的所有領域,幾乎所有人文社會學科都感受到其難以抗拒的理論魅力。由於個人對於藝術以及文學的雅好,雖然謙稱自己是個外行人,佛洛伊德試著把他的理論應用在對於藝術作品和文學家的評論和分析上,挖掘創作者的心理世界,探索文學藝術和潛意識的關係,寫就了一篇篇讓人傳誦不輟的論文,從此建立了文學批評和藝術理論的精神分析方法學。 本書收錄了佛洛伊德的〈達文西的一則童年回憶〉(Eine Kindheitserinnerung des Leonardo da Vinci, 1910)、〈米開朗基羅的摩西像〉(Der Moses des Michelangelo, 1914)、〈杜思妥也夫斯基與弒父〉(Dostojewski und die Vatertötung, 1928)、〈《歌德自傳》裡的一段童年回憶〉(Eine Kindheitserinnerung aus »Dichtung und Wahrheit«, 1917)以及〈作家與幻想〉(Der Dichter und das Phantasieren, 1908),俾使讀者透過這部論文集一窺佛洛伊德的藝術和文學理論的梗概。
"Who Was 系列 (試讀年齡:學習英文三年以上)Who Was 系列屬於傳記型讀物,適合學習英文三年以上小朋友閱讀,對於一些國外偉人的名字與生平,直接閱讀英文,想必會有更深入的瞭解。以上系列,對於想加強英文的成人讀者,也是很不錯的選擇喔! " 除了畫出鼎鼎大名的蒙娜麗莎之外,你還知道達文西其他的豐功偉業嗎? 讓Who Was Leonardo da Vinci? 帶領你進入時光機,
From armored tanks and gliders to "plastic glass" and drawing machines, this interactive book explores the incredible mind of Leonardo da Vinci through hands-on building projects and activities. Most of Leonardo's inventions were never made in his lifetime and remained sketches in his famous notebooks; kids examine some of these original sketches and learn about the models he made of his inventions. From there they delve into detailed step-by-step instructions, diagrams, and templates for each project, which are interspersed with historical facts, biographical anecdotes, and trivia. Most of the building can be done using simple household supplies: construction paper, tape, markers, glue, cardboard tubes, aluminum foil, and cardboard boxes. Background about the Renaissance as a period of remarkable achievement in art and science appears throughout the book.
Most famous as the painter who created the Mona Lisa, Leonardo da Vinci is also one of history's greatest geniuses--he was a mathematician, architect, astronomer, scientist, and musician. and he even
A series of biographies of artists for young readers provides hilarious, cartoon-style illustrations to complement the easy-to-read text and full-color reproductions of each master's artwork. Includes
Old Masters Memory Game collects the most famous and beloved portrait painters from the 16th and 17th centuries in one game that is fun to play, educational, and a feast for the eyes. The task, as always, is to collect two cards that make one set: in this case, two portrait paintings by the same painter. The sets are clearly recognizable by the posture of the figure, facial expression, the style of painting, and attributes like clothes and hairstyle. To help, there is always the brochure with all the paintings in pairs and a little explanation on the painters.This is a wonderful gift item for gift shops and all museums that collect the old masters. The game consists of 50 cards of 25 sets featuring world-famous portraits by the likes of Rembrandt van Rijn, Johannes Vermeer, Leonardo da Vinci, Sandro Botticello, Titian, Frans Hals, Albrecht Durer, Goya, and many others.
Launching with Leonardo da Vinci, Marie Curie, Nelson Mandela and Amelia Earhart, Little Guides to Great Lives tells the stories of the most amazing people from all over the world and across history,
電影《達文西密碼》裡曾經提到費波納奇這個字;當雅克·索尼埃(Jacques Sauniere)在巴黎羅浮宮遭人謀殺,死者擺出的姿勢很像里奧納多·達文西(Leonardo da Vinci)的著名畫作《維特魯威人》(Vitruvian Man)。這幅畫很著名,因為該畫說明了費波納奇比率的密碼或線如何呈現在人體上。◆多數交易者從來不知道,如何運用費波納奇比率進行時間分析,藉以尋找價格支撐與壓力發生的可
Leonardo da Vinci possessed arguably the greatest mind the world has ever known. Artist, draftsman, inventor, and philosopher, his contributions to modern society are profound and wide-reaching. This
Reads L to R (Western Style) for all ages. The lives of great figures in history are full of inspiring and moving episodes. Young people especially can learn from these stories, gaining hope, courage,