Discover the #1 New York Times bestselling training system that has developed world champions—a step-by-step manual for mastering your mind for peak performance and living with absolute fullness of life. Inner Excellence shows you how to: Develop self-mastery—and let go of what you can’t control.Overcome anxiety—and build powerful mental habits.Remove mental blocks—and get out of your own way.Train your subconscious mind—and release limiting beliefs.As a professional baseball player in the Chicago Cubs organization, Jim Murphy’s sense of worth revolved around results. He was focused on achievement but also afraid of failure. When he started coaching professional and Olympic athletes, he often encountered the same mindset. He became obsessed with learning how the best in the world performed with poise under pressure. After years of research, Murphy had a revelatory insight: the pursuit of extraordinary performance and the pursuit of the best possible life are th
您準備好參加有關植物、動物、真菌和細菌的終極測驗了嗎?你是否想知道...植物如何自己製造食物?為什麼蜘蛛不是昆蟲?真菌如何幫助您製作披薩?細菌是長什麼樣子嗎?Quiz Champs 系列是經過專門設計,為年輕學習者提供有趣且具有教育意義的學習體驗。 該系列與新加坡小學科學課綱和劍橋小學科學課程保持一致,內含豐富的問題,以開拓小學生好奇心,並提供答案和附加資訊來幫助學習、複習和準備考試。Are you ready to take the ultimate quiz on plants, animals, fungi and bacteria?Have you ever wanted to know plants make their food?why spiders are not insects?how a fungus can help you make pizza?if you can see what bacteria look like?Join Quiz Champs host Lily Ladybug as you find answers to intriguing questions such as these. Test your mastery of the topic, learn fun facts and crack up at silly jokes along the way!The Quiz Champs series has been specially crafted to be a fun and educational learning experience for young learners. The series is aligned with the Singapore primary Science syllabus and the Cambridge primary Science curriculum, and also includes enrichment questions to stretch curious minds. Answers and additional information have been provided to aid in learning, revision an
非常適合課堂和家庭使用! 您準備好參加有關細菌和健康的終極測驗了嗎? 您是否想知道... 你怎麼會感冒呢?為什麼不該挖鼻孔?你身上寄生著哪些種類的細菌?乳牛對第一種疫苗有何貢獻?與 Quiz Champs 主持人 Barry Bacteria 一起尋找這些有趣問題的答案。測試您對主題的掌握程度,了解有趣的事實,並在過程中嘲笑一些愚蠢的笑話! Quiz Champs 系列經過精心設計,為年輕學習者帶來有趣且有教育意義的學習體驗。已提供答案和其他資訊來幫助學習。 系列特色: 有趣的問答和笑話有趣、好玩的外觀和感覺適合年輕讀者的簡單語言吉祥物隱藏在25頁的書中盡可能融入幽默 Great for classroom and home use! Are you ready to take the ultimate quiz on germs and your health? Have you ever wanted to know ... how you catch a cold?why you shouldn't pick your nose?what kinds of bacteria are living on you?how cows contributed to the first vaccine?Join Quiz Champs host Barry Bacteria as you find answers to intriguing questions such as these. Test your mastery of the topic, learn fun facts and crack up at silly jokes along the way! The Quiz Champs series has been specially crafted to be a fun and educational learning experience for young learners. Answers and additional information have been provided to aid in learning. Ser
Buckle up, because you're about to go on an epic adventure with identical twins, Amber and Blue, and their feathered friend, Chirp!Together, they are going on a quest to find — and understand — DNA. Shrink down smaller than a speck of dust and zoom through the human body to meet a cast of characters crazier than anything you've ever seen!This isn't just any science book, it's a laugh-out-loud, page-turning adventure that will make you fall in love with the wacky world inside every living thing!So grab your lab coat and get ready to:Decode the secrets of DNAUnravel the mysteries of cellsDiscover the power of proteinsHave a blast learning about genetics!Ready to embark on this mind-blowing journey? Let the adventure begin!繫好安全帶,因為你即將與同卵雙胞胎 Amber 和 Blue 以及他們的羽毛朋友 Chirp 一起踏上史詩般的冒險之旅!他們一起踏上了尋找並了解 DNA 的旅程。縮小到比一粒灰塵還小,然後穿過人體去見一群比你曾經見過的任何事物都更瘋狂的角色!這不是一本普通的科學書,它是一本讓人開懷大笑、引人入勝的冒險書,它會讓你愛上每個生物體內古怪的世界!因此,穿上你的工作服並做好準備:解密 DNA 的秘密揭開細胞的奧秘探索蛋白質的力量盡情享受學習遺傳學的樂趣吧!準備好踏上這段令人興奮的旅程了嗎?讓冒險開始吧!
Buckle up, because you're about to go on an epic adventure with identical twins, Amber and Blue, and their feathered friend, Chirp!Together, they are going on a quest to find — and understand — DNA. Shrink down smaller than a speck of dust and zoom through the human body to meet a cast of characters crazier than anything you've ever seen!This isn't just any science book, it's a laugh-out-loud, page-turning adventure that will make you fall in love with the wacky world inside every living thing!So grab your lab coat and get ready to:Decode the secrets of DNAUnravel the mysteries of cellsDiscover the power of proteinsHave a blast learning about genetics!Ready to embark on this mind-blowing journey? Let the adventure begin!繫好安全帶,因為你即將與同卵雙胞胎 Amber 和 Blue 以及他們的朋友 Chirp 一起踏上史詩般的冒險之旅!他們一起踏上了尋找並了解 DNA 的旅程。縮小到比一粒灰塵還小,然後穿過人體去見一群比你曾經見過的任何事物都更瘋狂的角色!這不是一本普通的科學書,它是一本讓人開懷大笑、引人入勝的冒險書,它會讓你愛上每個生物體內古怪的世界!因此,穿上你的工作服並做好準備:-解密 DNA 的秘密-揭開細胞的奧秘-探索蛋白質的力量-盡情享受學習遺傳學的樂趣吧!-準備好踏上這段令人興奮的旅程了嗎?讓冒險開始吧!
非常適合課堂和家庭使用! 您準備好參加有關細菌和健康的終極測驗了嗎? 您是否想知道... 你怎麼會感冒呢?為什麼不該挖鼻孔?你身上寄生著哪些種類的細菌?乳牛對第一種疫苗有何貢獻?與 Quiz Champs 主持人 Barry Bacteria 一起尋找這些有趣問題的答案。測試您對主題的掌握程度,了解有趣的事實,並在過程中嘲笑一些愚蠢的笑話! Quiz Champs 系列經過精心設計,為年輕學習者帶來有趣且有教育意義的學習體驗。已提供答案和其他資訊來幫助學習。 系列特色: 有趣的問答和笑話有趣、好玩的外觀和感覺適合年輕讀者的簡單語言吉祥物隱藏在25頁的書中盡可能融入幽默 Great for classroom and home use! Are you ready to take the ultimate quiz on germs and your health? Have you ever wanted to know ... how you catch a cold?why you shouldn't pick your nose?what kinds of bacteria are living on you?how cows contributed to the first vaccine?Join Quiz Champs host Barry Bacteria as you find answers to intriguing questions such as these. Test your mastery of the topic, learn fun facts and crack up at silly jokes along the way! The Quiz Champs series has been specially crafted to be a fun and educational learning experience for young learners. Answers and additional information have been provided to aid in learning. Ser
Beautifully illustrated in two colour, this new series from the world of Isadora Moon introduces Isadora's mermaid friend, Emerald!Emerald is learning how to be a mermaid princess, but she doesn't feel like one at all. She's not very good at waving to crowds and royal headdresses just aren't her thing - her hair is toospiky and wild. Emerald's wriggly pet octopus, Inkibelle, doesn't much like living at the royal palace either.The annual Ocean Parade is coming up. Will Emerald be brave enough to be a mermaid princess but do it her own, special way?
Beautifully illustrated in two colour, this new series from the world of Isadora Moon introduces Isadora's mermaid friend, Emerald!Emerald is learning how to be a mermaid princess, but she doesn't feel like one at all. She's not very good at waving to crowds and royal headdresses just aren't her thing - her hair is too spiky and wild. Emerald's wriggly pet octopus, Inkibelle, doesn't much like living at the royal palace either.The annual Ocean Parade is coming up. Will Emerald be brave enough to be a mermaid princess but do it her own, special way?Beautiful gift edition packed with extra activities and things to make and do.
Did you know the water in your glass could be the same water the dinosaurs drank? Discover more incredible facts about Earth's water, the challenges facing it, and how your actions can help defend this precious resource. Dive in! No doubt about it, water is fascinating! It's also essential. Every living thing on Earth needs it, from big blue whales to teeny, tiny bacteria. But our planet is facing some serious water problems: Drinkable water isn't easily accessible to everyone, the demands for water around the globe are increasing while the supply is limited, and some human actions are causing disastrous ripple effects downstream for ecosystems and the animals that live in them. Fortunately, there is hope! And that's where this book comes in. By learning the ins and outs of important water issues and making small but powerful changes in our daily life, we can help protect the water that connects us all on our beautiful blue planet. Features include: - What kids can do right now to comb
Find out about the science of living things through hilarious cartoon stripsComic Strip Biology makes learning about the science behind animals, plants and the human body fun!Each spread in this series features a short, funny comic strip that explains a process or aspect of science. Around the strip, diagrams and panels give further information on the topic. They are a fantastic way to engage children aged 8 plus with science.The illustrator, Jess Bradey, is winner of the 2021 Blue Peter Award for Best Non-Fiction for A Day in the Life of a Poo, Gnu and You and also writes and draws for The Phoneix comic.Titles in the series: Biology, Chemistry, Earth and Space, Physics.
Twelve-year-old Fern believes she's living a noble life--but what if everything she's been told is a lie? This is a huge-hearted story about a girl learning to question everything—and to trust in herself.Fern’s lived at the Ranch, an off-the-grid, sustainable community in upstate New York, since she was six. The work is hard, but Fern admires the Ranch's leader, Dr. Ben. So when Fern’s mother sneaks them away in the middle of the night and says Dr. Ben is dangerous, Fern doesn't believe it. She wants desperately to go back, but her mom just keeps driving.Suddenly thrust into the treacherous, toxic, outside world, Fern can think only of how to get home. She has a plan, but it will take time. As that time goes by, though, Fern realizes there are things she will miss from this place—the library, a friend from school, the ocean—and there are things she learned at the Ranch that are just...not true.Now Fern will have to decide. How much is she willing to give up to return to the Ranch
Maxine the meerkat loves to play with her friends, but one day, the doctor calls her into his office for being overweight. Is she in trouble? Join Maxine on her journey to understand healthy habits!The Baby Bear Paediatric Care Series features stories of compassion, focusing on pressing conditions and illnesses facing children in today's world. Through engaging storytelling and beautiful illustrations, children, parents and educators will learn about various childhood conditions, and how they are addressed by doctors and hospitals. The series aims to spark discussion, and to build awareness and hope in children and adults.ABOUT THE AUTHORDr Nishanti Wijedasa Han Ying is a paediatric doctor at KK Women's and Children's Hospital, Singapore. She has a special interest in sport and active living, and strives to encourage children to find joy in sports. As a paediatrician, she is always learning from her patients and hopes this series allows her to give back to them.
Dylan was six when The End came, back in 2018; when the electricity went off for good, and the 'normal' 21st century world he knew disappeared. Now he's 14 and he and his mam have survived in their isolated hilltop house above the village of Nebo in north-west Wales, learning new skills, and returning to old ways of living. Despite their close understanding, the relationship between mother and son changes subtly as Dylan must take on adult responsibilities. And they each have their own secrets, which emerge as, in turn, they jot down their thoughts and memories in a found notebook - the Blue Book of Nebo. In this prize-winning novel, Manon Steffan Ros not only explores the human capacity to find new strengths when faced with the need to survive, but also questions the structures and norms of the contemporary world.
With its strikingly colorful and simple yet clever illustrations, this is the perfect gift book and a fun learning tool for young children exploring the world of sound I hear . . .. . . low notes. . . high notes. . . a bee buzzing. . . a bird singingWhat different sounds are heard throughout the day? How about a phone ringing, a bee buzzing, or even a heartbeat? Living in a world bombarded by noise, people don't always think too much about the sounds they hear or enjoy listening to. This book is a fun learning tool for young children and raises awareness while stimulating conversation.試閱影片
This report summarizes the results of an ambitious three-year ethnographic study, funded by the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, into how young people are living and learning with new me