A charming picture book for young children to learn simple facts about saving money. Welcome to Bunnyland, where carrots are money! Honey earns two carrots a week for taking care of her little siblings, but they're very bouncy and VERY loud! All Honey wants is to buy a playhouse of her own for some peace and quiet, and with a bit of maths, decision-making and patience, Honey learns that she can save up to achieve her big dreams. It's never too early to teach your little bunny about money! Collect all the books in the Moneybunny series:Spend It! (A Moneybunny Book)Earn It! (A Moneybunny Book)Give It! (A Moneybunny Book)
Robbie Burns, aka the Naked Trader, is an ordinary bloke who quit his day job and traded his way to over £3 million buying and selling shares – tax-free. No gimmicks. No multiple screens.No lucky bubbles. Just common-sense trading techniques, tea, toast and afternoon naps. And a lot of time to do whatever else he wanted.While whole industries rely on making trading sound more difficult than it really is, the secret no one wants you to know is that anyone can use it to never have to work another ordinary job in their life. This book shows you how to do so without taking silly risks, swallowing a financial dictionary or staring at a screen all day. In the Naked Trader, Robbie Burns reveals:How stock market trading actually worksWhere to find quality companies (and what makes them decent)What a winning trade plan looks likeThe best times to buy and sell sharesProven methods for controlling risk (including the subtle art of stop-losses)The mindset you need for long-term successSurprising w
你知道嗎?Nvidia這間1993年創立的小公司,起初只是在聖荷西一家Denny’s餐廳討論出來的點子,如今卻成了人工智慧時代的寵兒!這本《The Nvidia Way》帶你深入了解這家公司的崛起之路,從遊戲顯卡的利基市場,到如今掌握生成式AI革命的核心地位,Nvidia如何一步步成為全球最有價值的企業之一?書中揭露許多令人驚嘆的秘辛,包括Nvidia如何克服創業初期的失誤、扁平化組織如何激發創新,還有黃仁勳(大家都叫他Jensen)如何用他的遠見與策略,不斷顛覆市場,甚至讓Intel也望塵莫及。如果你想了解AI浪潮的核心推手,以及Nvidia如何創造奇蹟,這本書絕對不容錯過!"The definitive look at the most remarkable business story of this era."—Morgan Housel, New York Times best-selling author of The Psychology of Money and Same As Ever"The Nvidia Way is a riveting history of Nvidia’s unexpected ascent to the top of the tech sector—and a compelling case for why cofounder Jensen Huang is one of history’s great CEOs."—Chris Miller, New York Times best-selling author of Chip War: The Fight for the World’s Most Critical TechnologyA deeply reported business history of the chip-designer Nvidia—from its founding in 1993 to its recent emergence as one of the most valuable corporations in the world—explaining how the company’s culture, overseen by cofounder and CEO Jensen Huan
When her father loses his job, Ramona decides to help out. Maybe she could earn a million dollars making a TV commercial, or get her father to stop smoking to save money (and his lungs)?she is full of
★ 本書獲美國亞馬遜 4.5顆星評價!「施予是必要的,但更要知道如何施予。」"It Is Necessary to Give. It Is More Necessary to Know How."我們常常在思考人行善或作惡的緣由,卻往往百思不得其解,儘管其中有幾個顯而易見的理由,例如罪惡感、自責、害怕杜會責難、宗教導引,甚或是對於最終審判的恐懼,但為什麼有些人就算天塌了也難有什麼慈善作為,有些人看到遊民接近時卻會主動掏出錢來?是什麼樣的施予滿足了那些施予者的需求?那樣施予的需求又是從何而來的?其間有何法則呢?將近一千年以前,偉大的哲學家及醫師麥摩尼地斯(Maimonides),亦即希伯來人所知的藍邦(Rambam),藉由思考「公義」這個問題,而從中領悟出「慈悲之梯」(The Ladder of Giving,又名 The Ladder of Charity)。【麥摩尼地斯的八級階梯】(The Ladder of Giving / Charity)麥摩尼地斯的八級階梯是由頂端最高階段的施予開始寫起,一路寫下來,從理想到現實,各階段主題為「勉強」、「比例」、「懇求」、「羞愧」、「界限」、「腐敗」、「匿名」、「責任」;最低階是屬於吝嗇的施予者,頂點則屬於能幫助窮人自給自足的施予者。◆ 第一階 勉強:吝嗇地施予(Reluctance: To give begrudgingly)◆ 第二階 比例:不是很適當地施予給窮人,但卻樂意這麼做(Proportion: To give less to the poor than is proper, but to do so cheerfully)◆ 第三階 懇求:窮人請求後才給他們錢(Solicitation: To hand money to the poor after being asked)◆ 第四階 羞愧:在窮人請求前就給他們錢,但是冒著讓接受者覺得羞愧的風險(Shame: To hand money to the poor before being asked, but risk making the recipient feel shame)◆ 第五階 界限:施予給你並不認識的人,但讓他們知道你的名字(Boundaries: To give to someone you don't know, but allow you
A comic masterpiece about love, art, greed and the banking crisis, from the author of Skippy Dies Workaholic French banker Claude is so busy making money from Ireland's economic crisis he has no time
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Over 1,000 Tips for Gardening, Country Cooking, Saving Money, DIY Cleaning Solutions, Home Remedies, and More This comprehensive collection of practical tips covers all aspects of keeping a country home, from painting a wall to removing wine stains, making perfect pastry to making your own window cleaner. In addition, find advice for cleaning carpets, making jam, wallpapering, knitting, sewing, and more Woven throughout are poems and proverbs, legends and lore, making this an enjoyable read and a perfect housewarming gift. "Crisp limp lettuce and celery by placing in a pan of cold water for an hour with slices of raw potato.""If an aluminum pan has become discolored, boil some apple peel in it for a few minutes, then rinse and dry.""Tighten up sagging cane seats of chairs by scrubbing both the top and underside with hot soapy water. Rinse in cold salt water.""Sprinkle salt on paths and brickwork crevices to get rid of weeds and grass.""A needle can be threaded more easily if a little h
Does My Goldfish Know Who I Am?: and hundreds more Big Questions from Little People answered by experts, edited by Gemma Elwin Harris, is the essential gift book for all the family, as experts answer impossible questions posed by kids.Why do zebras have stripes? Why do we close our eyes when we sneeze? Why are farts flammable? Why do we have recessions when we can just print more money?If you've ever been flummoxed by a child's questions, Does My Goldfish Know Who I Am? is the perfect book for you. With over 300 real questions from primary school aged children, the book offers bite-sized answers from world class experts - digestible in under 60 seconds.Following the huge success of Why Can't I Tickle Myself? published in Autumn 2012, this new volume will also include quizzes and favourite facts sections, making it a perfect gift for families.At least 33% of the publisher's advance payments and 67% of net royalty income in respect of sales of this book is payable to the NSPCC (Registere