A chapter book edition of Nobel Peace Prize winner Malala Yousafzai's bestselling story of courageously standing up for girls' education. Malala's memoir of a remarkable teenage girl who risked her li
In this book from the critically acclaimed, multimillion-copy best-selling Little People, BIG DREAMS series, discover the life of Malala Yousafzai, the incredible activist for girls' education and the
Penguin Readers is a series of popular classics, exciting contemporary fiction, and thought-provoking non-fiction written for learners of English as a foreign language. Beautifully illustrated and car
An illustrated introduction to the life and achievements of the Nobel Peace Prize winner recounts how she risked her life to engage in nonviolent protests against the Taliban, advocating for the educa
Meet two heroes of Pakistan who stood up for the rights to freedom and education in these inspirational nonfiction tales from acclaimed author-illustrator Jeannette Winter. Two stories of bravery in o
This all-new board book primer - from the multimillion-copy bestselling Little People, BIG DREAMS series - introduces the youngest dreamers to the world's best-loved leaders. 'Hello little leader! Let's learn about braveness, and boldness, and kindness. There's plenty of leaders who were once young like you.' Including cherished favourites, as well as some new, leaders from the series, introduce your baby to great leaders from history and today.With all-new lyrical text that is fun to read out loud to baby, this inspiring board book includes colourful, captivating illustrations of Rosa Parks, Greta Thunberg, Martin Luther King Jr., Malala Yousafzai, Harriet Tubman, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Mahatma Gandhi and Corazon Aquino. Leaders is the perfect first empowerment primer for babies and toddlers. Little People, BIG DREAMS is a bestselling series of books and educational games that explore the lives of outstanding people, from designers and artists to scientists and activists.All of them ach
Unwrap some Christmas magic with this advent calendar of 24 mini books from the iconic Little People, BIG DREAMS series. Inside each envelope, children will find stories about inspirational people from across the world, from groundbreaking musician Elton John and eco hero Steve Irwin, to freedom-fighter Martin Luther King and visionary artist Frida Kahlo. Discover the incredible lives of these bold little dreamers:Charles Dickens, Dolly Parton, Amelia Earhart, Aretha Franklin, Martin Luther King, Stephen Hawking, Jane Austen, David Bowie, Albert Einstein, Elton John, Ernest Shackleton, Malala Yousafzai, Taylor Swift, Frida Kahlo, Astrid Lindgren, Muhammad Ali, Jane Goodall, Lewis Hamilton, Neil Armstrong, Steve Irwin, Anna Pavlova, Zaha Hadid, Marie Curie, Nelson Mandela.Little People, BIG DREAMS is a bestselling biography series for kids that explores the lives of outstanding people, from designers and artists to scientists and activists. All of them achieved incredible things, yet ea
Unwrap some Christmas magic with this advent calendar of 24 mini books from the iconic Little People, BIG DREAMS series. Inside each envelope, children will find stories about inspirational people from across the world, from ground-breaking musician Elton John and eco hero Steve Irwin, to freedom-fighter Martin Luther King and visionary artist Frida Kahlo. Discover the incredible lives of these bold little dreamers: Charles Dickens, Dolly Parton, Amelia Earhart, Aretha Franklin, Martin Luther King, Stephen Hawking, Jane Austen, David Bowie, Albert Einstein, Elton John, Ernest Shackleton, Malala Yousafzai, Freddie Mercury, Frida Kahlo, Astrid Lindgren, Muhammad Ali, Jane Goodall, Lewis Hamilton, Neil Armstrong, Steve Irwin, Anna Pavlova, Zaha Hadid, Marie Curie, Nelson Mandela. Little People, BIG DREAMS is a best-selling biography series for kids that explores the lives of outstanding people, from designers and artists, to scientists and activists. All of them achieved incredible things
全球最年輕的諾貝爾和平獎得主馬拉拉親述★專為青少年書寫的勇氣故事「我曾祈禱擁有一枝神奇鉛筆改變世界,但現在,我知道必須靠自己親手去實踐。」── 馬拉拉.優薩福扎伊誰是馬拉拉?我跟其他女孩並沒有什麼不同,但我的確擁有自己的獨特才華。我是父親的掌上明珠,名字得以記載在族譜,還沒有學會走路之前,就無比渴望能夠上學。然而塔利班來到之後,一切都變了,宵禁、禁止西化、女孩也不准再去上學。「恐怖主義」環繞在所有人的周圍,永遠都不知道明天會發生什麼事情。我曾祈禱著能有一枝神奇鉛筆改變世界,但現在,我知道必須靠自己親手去實踐。我們誰也不怕,我們會繼續自身的教育,因為,這是我們的夢想──像鳥兒般自由。我是馬拉拉,這是我的故事。I Am Malala. This is my story.▍ 你能想像,年僅17歲就站上全球的舞台,成為「諾貝爾和平獎」史上最年輕的得主嗎?馬拉拉做到了!她曾經只是一個熱愛學習的普通女孩,卻因為拒絕向恐怖勢力低頭,為所有孩子爭取受教育的權利而改變了世界。馬拉拉的勇氣不只感動了無數人,也讓她獲得「國際兒童和平獎」、「沙卡洛夫人權獎」等國際大獎,更被《Time 時代雜誌》選為年度風雲人物第二名。她的故事告訴我們——即使身處逆境,只要堅持自我,就能為世界帶來改變。本書以第一人稱平實敘述,收錄35張全彩照片,真實再現這位改變世界的女孩的生活與成長軌跡。本書特色1.多元版本,滿足不同讀者:《I Am Malala》推出了針對青少年的特別版本——《Young Readers Edition》,語言更簡單易懂,內容更加故事化,適合青少年讀者了解馬拉拉的成長故事與教育理念。不同版本滿足成人與青少年讀者對深度與啟發性的不同需求。 2.啟發性的成長故事:馬拉拉從一位渴望學習的普通女孩,成為爭取兒童教育權益的全球象徵,書中講述了她如何在逆境中堅持信念,並在國際舞台上倡導變革,激勵讀者勇於追求自己的理想。3.平實敘述,與收錄照片:書籍以第一人稱平實敘述,結合她的成長經歷與社會背景,引人入勝。同時收錄全彩照片,展現馬拉拉的生活點滴與重要時刻,讓讀者能夠更貼近這位改變世界的女孩。
Extensive reading improves fluency and there is a real need in the ELT classroom for contemporary graded material that will motivate students to read. This biography tells the fascinating and empoweri
The book that inspired the film He Named Me Malala--now a major motion picture! I Am Malala. This is my story. Malala Yousafzai was only ten years old when the Taliban took control of her region. They