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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:金召祐  出版社:臺灣廣廈出版集團  出版日:2021/06/10 裝訂:平裝
定價:499 元, 優惠價:79 394
作者:喬辛‧迪‧波沙達; 愛倫‧辛格  出版社:方智  出版日:2024/04/01 裝訂:平裝 臺灣暢銷30萬冊、全球暢銷200萬冊慶祝版!長銷近20年,影響兩代人的勵志經典!幫助數百萬讀者變得更加積極、自律,在學業、工作、生活等方面取得更大成就!為什麼有的人成功,有的人失敗?世界著名激勵演說家花了30年終於發現:答案就在史丹佛大學研究的「棉花糖理論」中!★各大書店心理勵志及商業理財類書籍Top 100★各級學校師長共推,寒暑假推薦書單★企業讀書會熱門書籍★適讀對象:學生、老師、父母、上班族、企業家,以及所有願意改變自己,讓人生更成功的人★隨書附「棉花糖成功心法+我的棉花糖計畫」別冊棉花糖心法中英對照,讓你描摹中文、抄寫英文,將成功心法寫在紙上、刻在心裡;棉花糖計畫五步驟陪你找出目標、擬定行動計畫,讓你的棉花糖夢想成真!擁有成功人生,從不吃棉花糖開始!一個簡單的抉擇,就能改變人生。‧為什麼90%的人,到了65歲還沒辦法享有經濟無憂的生活?‧「延遲享樂」如何比「先苦後甘」獲得更大的報償?‧成功人士謹守的「30秒法則」是什麼?‧如何獲得成功,同時享受生活?答案就在史丹佛大學的一項著名研究裡。這個實驗把小孩子單獨留在房間裡,給他們一人一塊棉花糖,讓他們選擇是要馬上吃掉棉花糖,還是等15分鐘;如果願意等,就可以多得一塊棉花糖作為獎賞。研究人員發現,能夠等待獎賞的小孩,長大以後,都比那些馬上吃掉棉花糖的孩子成功。因為,成功與失敗的差別,不光是努力的程度或夠不夠聰明,而在於擁有「延遲享樂」的本事。以棉花糖實驗為引子,本書其實是要透過主角阿瑟和他的老闆沛辛先生之間的對話,陪著你藉由不斷自問、探索「我願意在今天做些什麼,來獲得明天的成功」,以及制定自己的「棉花糖計畫」並採取行動,踏實築夢。決定未來是否成功的,不是過去,而是你現在願不願意付出。今天做的選擇,會在明天帶來豐厚回饋——只要,你別那麼急著……吃掉棉花糖!★各界好評推薦!A大(《A大的理財金律》作者)好葉(百萬YouTube創作者 、《一人公司的致富思維》作者)艾爾文(作家)宋怡慧(作家、新北市丹鳳高中圖書館主任)謝文憲(企業講師、作家、主持人)我終於有機會可以好好地感謝這本書,以及出版社。人的一生中,若要遇見一本可以徹底改變自己人生的「勵志理財書」,其實是一件可遇不可求的事。而這本書最不可思議的地方是,它救了我一命,在我
定價:310 元, 優惠價:9 279
作者:M. a. Wardell  出版社:INDEPENDENT CAT  出版日:2024/10/22 裝訂:平裝
定價:800 元, 優惠價:1 800
The Marshmallow Man
作者:Jordan Moore  出版社:Teacher Created Materials  出版日:2013/10/01 裝訂:平裝
Charlie can't seem to get enough of the delicious treats at the state fair. When he gets on a roller coaster, he suddenly realizes it might not have been the best idea to eat so much food! With deligh
定價:456 元, 優惠價:66 300
#3 Marshmallow Martians: Museum Sleepover (A Graphic Novel)
作者:Deanna Kent; Neil Hooson  出版社:Random House USA Inc  出版日:2024/01/23 裝訂:精裝
The entertaining third installment of this delightful graphic chapter series is bound to get children giggling. Perfect for kids ages 5-8!The Marshmallow Martians have a contest to win on Planet Moop! They need to find the best, biggest, and most unexpected item. They know they can win with something unusual from their favorite planet--Earth! Where do Earthlings keep all of their biggest and coolest items? A museum, of course!This silly graphic chapter book with its ensemble of adorable martians will have kids laughing out loud while gaining confidence in reading. Graphic chapter books serve as a great bridge to graphic novels and longer chapter books.Read all the books in the series!Marshmallow Martians: Show and SmellMarshmallow Martians: Earth SchoolMarshmallow Martians: Museum Sleepover
定價:418 元, 優惠價:79 330
Don't Gobble the Marshmallow... Ever! : The Secret to Sweet Success in Times of Change
作者:JOACHIM DE; SINGER POSADA ELLEN  出版社:Berkley Pub Group  出版日:2007/11/06 裝訂:精裝
Maintain the Marshmallow Principle-with this follow-up to the international bestseller! Everyone's favorite stumbling striver returns in another simple and telling parable from acclaimed motivational
定價:834 元, 優惠價:79 659
The Storey Treehouse Collection (11本平裝本)(13-143)
作者:Andy Griffiths  出版社:Macmillan Children's Books UK  出版日:2022/07/15 裝訂:平裝
樹屋繼續加蓋中!包含最新集數《瘋狂樹屋143層》的11冊盒裝套書隆重推出!藍思分級500L,搭配幽默的漫畫式插圖。快加入安迪與泰瑞這對樹屋搭檔,準備迎接下一場爆笑瘋狂的冒險任務!THE TREEHOUSE BOOKSAndy and Terry live in a tree. And when we say “tree,” we mean “treehouse” and when we say “treehouse,” we don’t mean just any old treehouse, we mean the most amazing treehouse in the world! It’s filled with things like shark-invested see-through swimming pools, secret underground labs, and marshmallow machines that follow you around and automatically shoot marshmallows into your mouth whenever you’re hungry.The treehouse is also where they make books together. Andy writes the words and Terry draws the pictures...or they would if it weren’t for all the invading pirates, giant gorillas, out of control inventions and evil vegetable attacks that keep distracting them!Contains 1 copy each of –The 143-Storey TreehouseThe 130-Storey TreehouseThe 117-Storey TreehouseThe 104-Storey TreehouseThe 91-Storey TreehouseThe 78-Storey TreehouseThe 65-Storey TreehouseThe 52-Storey TreehouseThe 39
庫存 > 10
定價:4228 元, 優惠價:34 1399
The Storey Treehouse Collection (10本平裝本套書) (13-130)
作者:Andy Griffiths; Terry Denton  出版社:Macmillan Children's Books UK  出版日:2021/07/01 裝訂:平裝
《瘋狂樹屋13-130層》神秘實驗室到月球歷險,每一層樹屋都有令人意想不到的瘋狂冒險,幽默爆笑又充滿想像力,吸引讀者的目光。文字難度落在藍思分級500L左右,伴隨漫畫式插圖適合國小以上的讀者閱讀。10 titles are included in this wonderful boxset:The 130-Storey TreehouseThe 117-Storey TreehouseThe 104-Storey TreehouseThe 91-Storey TreehouseThe 78-Storey TreehouseThe 65-Storey TreehouseThe 52-Storey TreehouseThe 39-Storey TreehouseThe 26-Storey TreehouseThe 13-Storey TreehouseAndy and Terry live in a tree. And when we say “tree,” we mean “treehouse” and when we say “treehouse,” wedon’t mean just any old treehouse, we mean the most amazing treehouse in the world! It’s filled with things likeshark-invested see-through swimming pools, secret underground labs, and marshmallow machines that followyou around and automatically shoot marshmallows into your mouth whenever you’re hungry.The treehouse is also where they make books together. Andy writes the words and Terry draws the pictures…orthey would if it weren’t for all the invading pirates, giant gorillas, out of control inventions and evil
庫存 > 10
定價:4390 元, 優惠價:25 1099
The Storey Treehouse Collection (12平裝本附音檔QRcode)(13-156)
作者:Andy Griffiths; Stig Wemyss  出版社:Macmillan Children's Books UK  出版日:2023/09/01 裝訂:有聲書
附音檔QRcode藍思分級500L,搭配幽默的漫畫式插圖。快加入安迪與泰瑞這對樹屋搭檔,準備迎接下一場爆笑瘋狂的冒險任務!THE TREEHOUSE BOOKSAndy and Terry live in a tree. And when we say “tree,” we mean “treehouse” and when we say “treehouse,” we don’t mean just any old treehouse, we mean the most amazing treehouse in the world! It’s filled with things like shark-invested see-through swimming pools, secret underground labs, and marshmallow machines that follow you around and automatically shoot marshmallows into your mouth whenever you’re hungry.The treehouse is also where they make books together. Andy writes the words and Terry draws the pictures...or they would if it weren’t for all the invading pirates, giant gorillas, out of control inventions and evil vegetable attacks that keep distracting them!The kind of book I would have loved as a kid -Tom Fletcher, on 39-Storey TreehouseBrilliant series and if you haven't read them yet why not? Start at the beginning and work through them all. Laugh out loud funny and I love reading about all the th
庫存 > 10
定價:6593 元, 優惠價:26 1679
The 13-Storey Treehouse (彩色版)(英國版)
作者:Andy Griffiths; Terry Denton  出版社:Pan Macmillan  出版日:2023/04/06 裝訂:平裝
The 13-Storey Treehouse – in colour! The first bestselling book in Andy Griffiths and Terry Denton's wacky treehouse adventures, packed full of comic book style illustrations! Perfect for fans of Dog Man and Bunny vs. Monkey, this book will make you laugh-out-loud on every page. 'The kind of book I would have loved as a kid' - Tom Fletcher, author of The ChristmasaurusAndy and Terry live in the WORLD'S BEST treehouse! It's got a giant catapult, a secret underground laboratory, a tank of man-eating sharks and a marshmallow machine that follows you around and shoots marshmallows into your mouth whenever you're hungry! Just watch out for the sea monkeys, and the monkeys pretending to be sea monkeys, and the giant mutant mermaid sea monster .. . Oh, and, whatever you do, don't get trapped in a burp-gas-filled bubble .. . !Well, what are you waiting for? Come on up!Climb more fun-filled levels by collecting all thirteen books in the seven million-copy-selling series – the perfect chapte
庫存 > 10
定價:494 元, 優惠價:79 390
作者:克萊兒‧特雷‧紐伯瑞  出版社:小魯文化  出版日:2012/07/01 裝訂:精裝
四次凱迪克大獎得主經典之作「書裡的黑白圖畫實在是太精緻了(只有那麼一點點粉水蜜色)。」──《華盛頓郵報》 兔寶寶的陪伴讓人歡欣,每個家庭都要有牠才安心。奧利佛是一隻虎斑貓,牠一直都是家裡最受關注的焦點。棉花糖是一隻兔寶寶,牠搬進了奧利佛的家。一開始,奧利佛並不歡迎棉花糖,可是小兔寶寶的魅力讓人難以抗拒。這是奧利佛和棉花糖變成好朋友的真實故事。
定價:280 元, 優惠價:79 221
作者:Clare Turlay Newberry  出版社:Harpercollins Childrens Books  出版日:2010/01/26 裝訂:平裝
A bunny's a delightful habit, No home's complete without a rabbit. Oliver is a tabby cat who is always the center of attention. Marshmallow is a baby rabbit who moves into Oliver's home. At first Ol
定價:342 元, 優惠價:79 270
Marshmallow Madness! ─ Dozens of Puffalicious Recipes
作者:Shauna Sever; Leigh Beisch (PHT)  出版社:Random House Inc  出版日:2012/02/28 裝訂:精裝
If you’ve never tasted a fresh, homemade marshmallow, are you in for a treat! Marshmallow Madness! shows how to whip up dozens of fluffy, puffy flavors—from Strawberry and Vanilla to Buttered Rum, Roo
定價:644 元, 優惠價:79 509
Owen's Marshmallow Chick
作者:Kevin Henkes  出版社:Harpercollins Childrens Books  出版日:2002/02/01 裝訂:硬頁書
Owen is excited by all the treats in his Easter basket and eats them all, one by one, with great delight, yet when he reaches the little yellow marshmallow chick, Owen's munching is put on hold since
定價:304 元, 優惠價:79 240
作者:Judi Barrett; Ron Barrett (ILT)  出版社:Scholastic  出版日:2009/08/01 裝訂:精裝
The Town of Left and the Town of Right are separated by a dotted yellow line, and no one on either side can remember how things got to be this way! One day, an unlucky citizen crosses the line--forcin
作者:沃爾特.米歇爾  出版社:時報文化  出版日:2015/09/02 裝訂:平裝
先別急著吃棉花糖,但吃了也無需懊悔無論年齡,意志與耐力都可以後天培養、迅速增強! 棉花糖實驗之父、研究自我控制的權威學者————沃爾特.米歇爾Walter Mischel————近五十年來首度走出學院,為一般讀者而寫的心理學經典鉅作深入淺出,全面揭露迅速強化意志的祕訣! 《快思慢想》作者、諾貝爾獎得主|康納曼《EQ》、《專注的力量》作者|丹尼爾.高曼全球重要學者、書評、媒體一致力推★已售出英、法、
定價:380 元, 優惠價:9 342
No te comas el marshmallow...nunca! / Do Not Devour The Marshmallowver! ─ El Secreto Para Un Dulce Exito En Tiempos De Cambio
作者:Joachim De Posada; Ellen Singer  出版社:Penguin Group USA  出版日:2011/11/01 裝訂:平裝
!El secreto para conquistar las recompensas en periodos de transicion! Joachim de Posada, conferencista motivacional internacional y autor del best seller No te comes el marshmallow...!todavia! ha d
定價:912 元, 優惠價:79 720
No te comas el marshmallow... todavia! / Don't Eat the Marshmallow... Yet! ─ El secreto para conquistar las recompensas mas dulces del trabajo y de la Vida / The Secret to Conquering the Sweetest Rewa
作者:Joachim De Posada; Ellen Singer  出版社:Penguin Group USA  出版日:2011/11/01 裝訂:平裝
Argues that the most effective technique for achieving success is to develop the ability to postpone gratification.
定價:912 元, 優惠價:79 720
作者:喬辛.迪.波沙達; 愛倫.辛格  出版社:方智  出版日:2018/02/01 裝訂:平裝
‧ 百萬暢銷書《先別急著吃棉花糖》的進階實用版!‧ 6步驟棉花糖計畫,讓你做任何事都能成功‧ 10步驟棉花糖大計,讓你在變局中反敗為勝‧ 各界菁英推薦:丁學文、李飛彤、周震宇、許勝雄、蔡恩全、戴勝益著名的史丹佛大學棉花糖實驗告訴我們,擁有「先別急著吃棉花糖」的本事,就沒有達不成的夢想。但90%的人,多半一開始就吃掉棉花糖,或是好不容易拿到大棉花糖卻忍不住一次吃光。這些人該怎麼辦呢?在暢銷書《先別急
作者:喬辛‧迪‧波沙達; 鮑伯‧安德曼  出版社:方智  出版日:2014/09/30 裝訂:平裝
《先別急著吃棉花糖》作者最新力作!在人生的路上,難免會一直出現棉花糖,除了先別急著吃,更重要的是,要盯住最大的棉花糖,掌握住對長期目標的熱情與堅持!周震宇 鄭匡宇 謝文憲 熱情推薦 進階的棉花糖守則,讓你勇於突破,不怕改變;喚醒你對大夢想的熱情與堅持!《先別急著吃棉花糖》告訴我們,懂得延遲享樂,任何夢想都能達成。《萬一吃了棉花糖》告訴我們,一開始就吃了棉花糖或好不容易拿到大棉花糖卻一次吃光的人,該
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