一封小女孩寄往天堂的信,拯救了一份因死亡而瀕臨破碎的愛……一個關於相信與守護的故事!如此純真,卻觸碰到生命最深層的感動!王浩威、朵朵、李家同、李素真、胡志強、孫越、陳美儒、陳藹玲、彭蒙惠、Di Fer 感動推薦 第一天,那封信是亮粉紅色的。第二天,它是淡藍色的;第三天,是淺綠色。?收到我寫的信了嗎?親愛的上帝…… 這個世界上,真的有天使存在呢!當小安娜莉莎收到上帝寫給她的回信時,她就相信,有一
Julia Song and her friend Patrick would love to win a blue ribbon, maybe even two, at the state fair. They’ve always done projects together, and they work well as a team. This time, though, they’re ha
Julia Song and her friend Patrick would love to win a blue ribbon, maybe even two, at the state fair. They’ve always done projects together, and they work well as a team. This time, though, they’re ha
Julia Song and her friend Patrick want to team up to win a blue ribbon at the state fair, but they can't agree on the perfect project. ThenJulia's mother suggests they raise silkworms as she did years
This classic collection of beautifully illustrated nursery rhymes from Shirley's childhood, will inspire a new generation to discover their own favourite rhymes - and sing them wherever they go. Parents and children can enjoy these rhymes all through the day: from walking to the park on a cold and frosty morning with "Here we go round the mulberry bush" or going to bed with "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star". This collection is the perfect addition to any child's bookshelf.
Urban Foraging is a design-forward, gift-worthy guide to finding, harvesting, and cooking with 50 wild plants that are easily discovered in cities across North America. Cities are full of life―and wild food. A walk through the park could reveal apples, gingko, and goldenrod. A stroll down the sidewalk could uncover dandelions, lamb’s quarters, and lilac. You just need to know what to look for. In Urban Foraging, Lisa M. Rose explains how to find, identify, harvest, and cook with 50 common wild plants, such as chickweed, echinacea, goldenrod, honeysuckle, red clover, and pine. Plant profiles include all the basics necessary for a successful forage: clear photos of the plant before and after harvest, tips for ethical and safe gathering, and details on culinary uses. Simple recipes for each plant will help readers cook with their harvest. For mulberry, there’s a pie recipe. Nettles? A delicious risotto. Urban Foraging is a stylish, scrumptious guide to wildcrafting and a must-have for nat