My Father’s War tells the compelling story of a unit of black Buffalo Soldiers and their white commander fighting on the Italian front during World War II. The 92nd Division of the Fifth Army was the
Armed with only early boyhood memories, Lawrence P. Jackson begins his quest by setting out from his home in Baltimore for Pittsylvania County, Virginia, to try to find his late grandfather’s old ho
1st Lieutenant Waverly would not be surrendering to the Japanese on April 9, 1942, like tens of thousands of Philippine and Americans did before making the infamous Bataan Death March. Thousands of th
My Father's War is the gripping story of a son's struggle to understand his family's wartime experience in a Japanese concentration camp, and to come to terms with its effects on him.Born in Holland
Based on the logbooks of a?pilot in the Mediterranean during World War II, this book is an exciting blend of?war history and personal memoir that focuses on the pilots of the Sunderland flying boat T9
The author describes the life of her father, a World War II veteran, who witnessed the atrocities of the Braunau concentration camp, and documents his struggles with anxiety and nightmares after his r
Acclaimed biographer Annette Kobak turns her attention to her own family as she sets out to uncover her father's never-discussed past. A mysterious and conspicuously silent figure in Annette's life fo
In this astonishing story that “reads like a thriller and is so, so timely” (BuzzFeed) Ariana Neumann dives into the secrets of her father’s past: “Like Anne Frank’s diary, it offers a story that need
In a fascinating memoir, the Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist offers a portrait of her father, a daring spy behind enemy lines during World War II, his wartime activities and extraordinary exploits,