一本誠實、友善、自我揭露的ADHD生活實用指南★Amazon書店4.8星高評、分類排行第二名★★《紐約時報》暢銷How-to書第8名★ ★已授英、美、丹、荷等8國版權★「研究ADHD界的女王」以過來人身分溫暖陪伴,和你一起接納自己、適應生活、度過困境、勇敢向前。「有時候,我坐在那裡讀著研究論文,眼淚就這樣流淌下來,哀悼過去的自己。那個小女孩認為自己做錯了一切,卻不知道自己面臨了什麼樣的障礙。她前半輩子都在責怪自己,而根據研究人員和ADHD專家的說法,對於有ADHD的人來說,這些問題是完全正常的。」「即使別人知道我們有ADHD,我們也常被教導要隱藏我們的困難,而不是想辦法有效地應對。」「我積極收集並分享我的所學,因為我知道,如果不這樣做,我會忘記。」作者傑西卡•麥凱布(Jessica McCabe)從小到大飽受ADHD(注意力不足過動症)症狀所苦,在32歲歷經離婚變故後,開始學習與自己的大腦合作,從一無所有的人生失敗組,變身成百萬知識型網紅YouTuber。本書延續作者的YouTube頻道《How to ADHD》,為每一個人解釋ADHD如何影響日常生活,並從自身生活經驗、專家、研究人員,以及ADHD相關網路社群中,廣泛蒐集整理系統化的策略工具,協助從兒童到成人ADHD患者與自己的大腦和解,適應所處環境與生活。全書各章固定分為4部分,讓你依照自己目的,快速找出需要的內容與工具!1.開頭故事:作者用最平實、幽默而溫暖的文字,誠懇描述自己從小到大與ADHD症狀相關的生活經歷。2.學到什麼:開頭故事中對作者最有幫助、以及在ADHD社群中常產生共鳴的資訊。3.工具箱:每一工具箱有4-5個經科學實證的策略(工具),每一工具提供數種使用方式,這些方式都是ADHD社群中真正實踐有效的具體方式。4.結尾軼事:作者經歷多年學習後,對該章主題的看法的轉變,同時提醒讀者,看待任何議題都不應有單一方式。【本書特色】•結合實用指南與生動故事:作者細膩描述自身故事,讀來時而輕鬆幽默時而感人勵志,帶讀著在又哭又笑的同時,了解ADHD生活可能遇到的問題與挫折,以及與大腦合作應對症狀的策略。•全書排版忠於原著ADHD友善設計:運用「閱讀捷徑」、留白、簡短分段等設計,為ADHD大腦量身打造易於閱讀、抓取重點的內容。•廣納世界各地各界意見:作者整裡訪問及引用世界各地的ADHD個案、專家、學者等
Like a long winter’s dream, this haunting and visionary new novel from 2024 Nobel Prize winner Han Kang takes us on a journey from contemporary South Korea into its painful historyWINNER OF THE NOBEL PRIZE IN LITERATURE 2024Like a long winter’s dream, this haunting and visionary new novel from 2024 Nobel Prize winner Han Kang takes us on a journey from contemporary South Korea into its painful history‘One of the most profound and skilled writers working on the contemporary world stage’ Deborah LevyBeginning one morning in December, We Do Not Part traces the path of Kyungha as she travels from the city of Seoul into the forests of Jeju Island, to the home of her old friend Inseon. Hospitalized following an accident, Inseon has begged Kyungha to hasten there to feed her beloved pet bird, who will otherwise die.Kyungha takes the first plane to Jeju, but a snowstorm hits the island the moment she arrives, plunging her into a world of white. Beset by icy wind and snow squalls, she wonders i
How do you move water? Can we grow food where it does not rain? Find out more about dams, aqueducts and working with water.Working with Water, a Level 3 Reader, is A1+ in the CEFR framework and supports YLE Movers exams. The longer text is made up of sentences with up to three clauses, some expression of future meaning, comparisons, contractions and relative clauses.
When Nolan's sister tries to get him a boyfriend, he fake-dates a bad boy instead in this modern gender-bent young adult rom-com.Nolan Grant is sixteen, gay, and very, very single.He's never had a boyfriend, or even been kissed. It's not like Penn Valley is exactly brimming with prospects. Nolan plans to ride out the rest of his junior year drawing narwhals, working at the greenhouse, and avoiding anything that involves an ounce of school spirit.Unfortunately for him, his adoptive big sister has other ideas. Ideas that involve too-tight pants, a baggie full of purple glitter, and worst of all: a junior-senior prom ticket.How (Not) to Ask a Boy to Prom is a modern gender-bent young adult rom-com from S. J. Goslee.
‘Clever, wickedly fun . . . with an excellent balance of humour and heart. I loved it’ S. A. Chakraborty, author of The City of BrassCairo, 1912: Though Fatma el-Sha’arawi is the youngest woman working for the Ministry of Alchemy, Enchantments and Supernatural Entities, she’s certainly not a rookie, especially after preventing the destruction of the universe last summer.So when someone murders a secret brotherhood dedicated to one of the most famous men in history, Al-Jahiz, Agent Fatma is called onto the case. Al-Jahiz transformed the world fifty years ago when he opened up the veil between the magical and mundane realms, before vanishing into the unknown. This murderer claims to be Al-Jahiz, returned to condemn the modern age for its social oppressions. His dangerous magical abilities instigate unrest in the streets of Cairo that threaten to spill over onto the global stage.Alongside her Ministry colleagues and a familiar person from her past, Agent Fatma must unravel the mystery beh
What happens when the famous fixer of broken things finds a problem that she can't solve?Bea is a fixer. She is the finest fixer, far and wide, and people bring her everything - from tiny sprockets to enormous rockets - because they know she'll have them working again in no time. One day, Bea finds a broken thing.It's very small and very sad, and try as hard as she might, she cannot fix it. Bea soon realises that not every problem has to be solved alone, and that talking to her friends is the answer she has been looking for. This heartwarming story sensitively discusses big feelings like sadness, and acts as a reminder for readers young and old that we don't have to face things alone and can find support in those around us.The perfect companion for readers of Tom Percival's Big Bright Feelings series, The Way Home for Wolf and books by Oliver Jeffers.
The conclusion to the gorgeous and lush Wintersong duology.Six months after the end of Wintersong, Liesl is working toward furthering both her brother’s and her own musical careers. Although she is determined to look forward and not behind, life in the world above is not as easy as Liesl had hoped. Her younger brother Josef is cold, distant, and withdrawn, while Liesl can’t forget the austere young man she left beneath the earth, and the music he inspired in her. When troubling signs arise that the barrier between worlds is crumbling, Liesl must return to the Underground to unravel the mystery of life, death, and the Goblin King—who he was, who he is, and who he will be. What will it take to break the old laws once and for all? What is the true meaning of sacrifice when the fate of the world—or the ones Liesl loves—is in her hands?“A maze of beauty and darkness, of music and magic and glittering things, all tied together with exquisite writing. This is a world you will want to stay los
The squad you love is out of time. Now in paperback, this is the thrilling finale in the epic, best-selling Aurora Cycle series about a band of unlikely heroes who just might be the galaxy's last hope for survival.Is this the end? What happens when you ask a bunch of losers, discipline cases, and misfits to save the galaxy from an ancient evil? The ancient evil wins, of course. Wait. . . . Not. So. Fast. When we last saw Squad 312, they were working together seamlessly (aka, freaking out) as an intergalactic battle raged and an ancient superweapon threatened to obliterate Earth. Everything went horribly wrong, naturally. But as it turns out, not all endings are endings, and the team has one last chance to rewrite theirs. Maybe two. It's complicated. Cue Zila, Fin, and Scarlett (and MAGELLAN!): making friends, making enemies, and making history? Sure, no problem Cue Tyler, Kal, and Auri: uniting with two of the galaxy’s most hated villains? Um, okay. That, too. Act
Chaos and mayhem reign as Izzy and her friends take on another hilarious (mis)adventure. There’s no such thing as an ordinary day at school when they’re around… Izzy and her friends overhear their head teacher talking about “missing treasure” and “running out of time”. They know this means there’s TREASURE buried in the school somewhere and that Mr Graves wants it all for himself. So Jodi says they’ve got to find it first, and they should start by searching the staffroom. After seeing things they will never forget, they head to the basement. Gary Petrie’s dad is working down there and he’s seen something SHINY! So they send Zach’s cat down with a camera strapped to her head and study the footage carefully. What they see is SHOCKING and CHANGES EVERYTHING. It’s not treasure in the basement, it’s a BEAST with SHINING EYES and it’s coming to get them! RUN!!!The original, award-winning Felt Flap series – perfect for babies and toddlers!Each title in this stylish series has five spreads wit
. Mongolian shamaness Sarangerel provides a hands-on guide for serious students of the shamanic path. . Includes complete directions for traditional Siberian rituals, meditations, and divination techniques never before published. . Shows how to recognize and acknowledge a call from the spirits. . Offers traditional wisdom for nurturing a working relationship with personal spirit helpers to promote healing and balance in a community. The shaman's purpose is to heal and restore balance to his or her community by developing a working relationship with the spirit world. Mongolian shamanic tradition maintains that all true shamans are called by the spirits--but those who are not from shamanic cultures may have difficulty recognizing the call or nurturing the essential shamanic relationship with their helper spirits. Buryat shamaness Sarangerel has written Chosen by the Spirits as a guide for both the beginning shaman and the advanced practitioner. Although raised in the United States, she w
來認識旺德,他是個像你我一樣的孩子,常常搬家,上過很多不同的學校。十幾歲的時候,她在圖書館當過女服務員,並幫助老人。然後,她發現自己想成為一名醫生。一路上,她遇到了一位患有結節病的患者。該患者的免疫系統沒有按照應有的方式運作。 Wonder決定她要學習如何進行醫學研究,以便了解這種疾病。有一天,她希望能夠幫助找到結節病的治療方法。我是誰?該系列以科學家的勵志傳記為特色,年輕讀者將能夠將這些科學家視為像他們自己一樣的人。這些書由科學家本人和范德比爾特大學的合著者撰寫,旨在幫助年輕讀者了解科學家是像他們一樣的普通人,他們對學習和發現新事物感到興奮,並決定在學校努力學習,以便為自己創造成為科學家的機會。在了解這些科學家的故事的同時,讀者也將了解一些解釋清楚且易於理解的基本科學思想,並了解這些科學家當今正在研究的前沿科學。我是誰?系列共同編輯:David A Weintraub,范德比爾特大學藝術與科學學院天文學、歷史學和科學技術傳播教授; Ann Neely,范德比爾特大學皮博迪教育與人類發展學院教育實踐榮譽副教授;凱文‧約翰遜 (Kevin Johnson),范德比爾特大學和范德比爾特大學醫學中心生物醫學資訊學和兒科教授。在本系列中:由 STEM 領域的頂尖專家撰寫科學概念的愉快探索Meet Wonder, a kid like you and me, who moved around a lot and went to lots of different schools. As a teenager, she worked as a waitress, at a library, and helped out with older people. Then, she discovered she wanted to become a doctor. Along the way, she met a patient with an illness called sarcoidosis. This patient's immune system was not working the way it was supposed to. Wonder decided that she would learn how to do medical research so that
The basic thesis of the work is that environmental problems are only to be solved by people - people who will be required to make value judgements in conflicts that go beyond narrowly conceived human concerns. Thus people require not only an ethical system, but a way of conceiving the world and themselves such that the intrinsic value of life and nature is obvious, a system based on 'deep ecological principles'. The book encourages readers to identify their own series of such parameters - their own ecosophies. Ecology, Comunity and Lifestyle will appeal to philosophers, specialists working on environmental issues, and the more general reader who is interested in learning some of the foundational ideas of the rapidly expanding field of environmental philosophy.
Calling all Raina Telgemeier fans! The Newbery Honor-winning author of Roller Girl is back with a heartwarming graphic novel about starting middle school, surviving your embarrassing family, and the Renaissance Faire.Eleven-year-old Imogene (Impy) has grown up with two parents working at the Renaissance Faire, and she's eager to begin her own training as a squire. First, though, she'll need to prove her bravery. Luckily Impy has just the quest in mind—she'll go to public school after a life of being homeschooled! But it's not easy to act like a noble knight-in-training in middle school. Impy falls in with a group of girls who seem really nice (until they don't) and starts to be embarrassed of her thrift shop apparel, her family's unusual lifestyle, and their small, messy apartment. Impy has always thought of herself as a heroic knight, but when she does something really mean in order to fit in, she begins to wonder whether she might be more of a dragon after all. As she did in Ro
With his training not working out, Ichigo returns to the world of the living and runs into his father, Isshin, who reveals secrets about his mother and the way she died.
Six months after the end of Wintersong, Liesl is working toward furthering both her brother's and her own musical careers. Although she is determined to look forward and not behind, life in the world