David Nicholls brings to bear all the wit and intelligence that graced ONE DAY in this brilliant, bittersweet novel about love and family, husbands and wives, parents and children. Longlisted for the
One cool day in late October, Georgia noticed something weird. Objects would move around the house and sometimes they even disappeared. Now, some people may have wondered (especially at this time of
Wagner has been fooled by just about everyone this April Fools' Day--his best friend Pearl, his teacher, and even the librarian. Tired of being on the receiving end of all the pranks, Wagner is determ
波比修群島剛剛破曉。在這裡,所有人都被眾神賜予了獨特的能力,魔法潛藏於每個角落,但一場災難正在蠢蠢欲動。當夜晚降臨,曾經的過去又將成為現在,許多事物則從此變得不同。關於命運、渴望與愛魔幻寫實媲美馬奎斯《百年孤寂》在某個非常遙遠——又或者非常靠近——的地方,有著一片名叫波比修的群島。那裡滿是不可思議的美麗景色,瀰漫著命運與謎團的氣息,形色各異的民眾古怪又頑皮,同時,迫切地需要改變與革新。沙維耶・雷丘斯是這個世代的神廚,由眾神欽點,要在時機來臨時為每個島民做出完美的一餐。能以觸摸治療旁人病痛的艾妮絲,準備出發調查丈夫疑似的不忠。群島總督的女兒桑坦妮,她的魔力始終還沒浮現,而她貪腐的父親強硬地要求神廚替她的婚禮烹煮一場盛宴。不知名人士用橘色油漆四處塗鴉,質問民眾一些困難的問題。同時,一場風暴正在成形。在它來臨以前,直到這一天的結尾,這個充滿狂想的故事將帶領我們橫跨波比修群島,穿越他們的歷史,深入這些迷人角色的難忘人生。《風暴的一天》跟隨著幾位主角在一天之內的旅程,講述了充滿魔法的波比修群島形形色色的人事物百態,觸及到政治的腐敗、殖民歷史與階級差距、婚姻的艱難、自我認同、女性的力量、上癮與戒斷等等廣泛的議題,並包覆在各種強烈的感官體驗裡頭,繽粉的顏色,多汁的水果與食物,豔麗的慾望與性愛,種種事物都被慶祝、被享受,被作者用她融合了原始、叢林、部落歌謠般的粗獷韻味,以及細緻、詩意、有如神話寓言一般感受的美麗語言精彩呈現,當下與回憶交錯流瀉,現實與魔法狂放地融合,成為這場讓人大笑、大哭、大汗淋灕的精彩旅程。 媒體讚譽一個關於悲傷與愛、令人難以忘懷的故事⋯⋯這部小說的眾多魅力之一在於,它頌揚著生活中的各種古怪與奇異。― Independent羅斯從徹底的混亂裡創造著樂趣——在某個時間點,島上每個女人的下體都從她們的身體裡掉了出來,沒有明顯的原因——這是一部無法預測的作品,非常美妙地無所畏懼。 ― New Statesman喧鬧、性感、極富創造力,羅斯的故事就像一股令人振奮的海浪一樣衝擊著讀者。― Daily Mail一部充滿慾望、成癮和後殖民主義的大型狂歡小說,同時也是對食物、愛情和歡樂的頌揚。― Guardian,年度最值得期待書籍《風暴的一天》是火焰與魔法。蕾奧妮・羅斯無情的幽默讓我們沉浸在一個濃密而豐富的地方,那裡所有的故事都被扭曲,世界以大膽的方式碰撞。― Ingrid P
From New York Times bestselling Joanna Ho, author of Eyes that Kiss in the Corners and Eyes that Speak to the Stars, comes a heartfelt picture book about the depths of a mother's love. One Day is a mother's ode to her baby boy--she shares her hopes and dreams for her son as she envisions him exploring the world.Her son will be courageous and kind, powerful and curious, and blaze his own trail. He will know that it is okay to cry, or be scared, or uncertain. Above all, he will know that he is more than enough exactly as he is.An extraordinary gift for Mother's Day and loved ones everywhere.One day, your hair will tumble across your headas you embark on adventuresLife will pull tears thatRoll like rivers over your cheeksLet them roll, sweet boySoftness is a sign of strength