《Oh! My Guide!臺灣超好玩》可當作來外籍人士的旅遊導覽手冊,深度介紹臺灣的十一個城市的特色景點,以偏人文取向及說故事的方式,內容採中英雙語,向外籍人士解說這些景點背後的歷史背景及文化意涵,與目前一般常見的旅遊書有相當不同的市場區隔性。《Oh! My Guide! 吃喝玩樂學華語》為此書的配套華語教材,內容包含旅行中常用的對話。本書特色: 1.中、英雙語編寫,外籍人士輕鬆理解。
科幻 X 科技 X 驚險故事,新鮮、刺激、有趣!超乎你的想像! ·以漫畫形式帶出科學主題,把難解的科學概念圖像化,深入淺出。集知識與閱讀趣味於一身,能吸引初小小朋友。·科技主題貼合時代,亦生活化,並且多元化。·情節如電影故事,具吸引力。科幻 X 科技 X 驚險故事,新鮮、刺激、有趣!超乎你的想像!一個個的臭屁,都在爆出隱藏在身體裏的秘密! 噗噗呠——「阿爆來了!很臭呀!」放屁大
作為訓練的一部分,一名年輕的弟子受到老師的挑戰,要求他在沒有任何測量工具的情況下找到碗的直徑。他能有辦法在晚餐前找到答案嗎?我是數學明星!系列包括具有挑戰性的數學難題,以故事形式呈現。透過引人入勝的故事情節,並使用各種數學啟發式技巧,逐步描述謎題,然後逐步解決,這些技巧也是世界著名的新加坡數學課程的一部分。透過插圖和引人入勝的故事情節,孩子們將學習數學啟發法,並受到啟發,堅持理解、表現和解決有趣的數學問題!系列特點:根據新加坡數學課程的規定,學習使用數學啟發法解決數學難題每本書都包含由 Yeap Ban Har 撰寫的解決問題指南As part of his training, a young disciple is challenged by his master to find the diameter of a bowl — but without any measuring tools. Can he find a way to obtain the answer before dinnertime?The I'm a Maths Star! series comprises challenging Maths puzzles, presented in story form. Puzzles are described and then solved, step-by-step, through an engaging storyline, and using various Maths heuristic techniques that are also taught as part of the world-renowned Singapore Maths curriculum. Through illustrations and an engaging storyline, children will learn Maths heuristics, and be inspired to persevere in understanding, representing, and solving fun and intriguing Maths problems!Series features:Learn to solve difficult Maths
一位老師在畢業聚會上給她的小學六年級學生最後一個要解決的問題。學生能否齊心協力找出答案並圓滿結束最後一年的學習呢?我是數學明星!系列包括具有挑戰性的數學難題,以故事形式呈現。透過引人入勝的故事情節,並使用各種數學啟發式技巧,逐步描述謎題,然後逐步解決,這些技巧也是世界著名的新加坡數學課程的一部分。透過插圖和引人入勝的故事情節,孩子們將學習數學啟發法,並受到啟發,堅持理解、表現和解決有趣的數學問題!系列特點:根據新加坡數學課程的規定,學習使用數學啟發法解決數學難題每本書都包含由 Yeap Ban Har 撰寫的解決問題指南A teacher gives her Primary 6 class one last problem to solve during their graduation party. Can the pupils work together to figure out the answer and end their final year with a bang?The I'm a Maths Star! series comprises challenging Maths puzzles, presented in story form. Puzzles are described and then solved, step-by-step, through an engaging storyline, and using various Maths heuristic techniques that are also taught as part of the world-renowned Singapore Maths curriculum. Through illustrations and an engaging storyline, children will learn Maths heuristics, and be inspired to persevere in understanding, representing, and solving fun and intriguing Maths problems!Series features:Learn to solve difficult Maths problems usin
當一對雙胞胎無法就誰的數學更好達成一致時,他們的父親給了他們一個令人困惑的問題。只要一點線索,誰會先找到答案?我是數學明星!系列包括具有挑戰性的數學難題,以故事形式呈現。透過引人入勝的故事情節,並使用各種數學啟發式技巧,逐步描述謎題,然後逐步解決,這些技巧也是世界著名的新加坡數學課程的一部分。透過插圖和引人入勝的故事情節,孩子們將學習數學啟發法,並受到啟發,堅持理解、表現和解決有趣的數學問題!系列特點:根據新加坡數學課程的規定,學習使用數學啟發法解決數學難題每本書都包含由 Yeap Ban Har 撰寫的解決問題指南When a pair of twins cannot agree on who is better in Maths, their father sets them a baffling problem. With just a few clues, who will find the answer first?The I'm a Maths Star! series comprises challenging Maths puzzles, presented in story form. Puzzles are described and then solved, step-by-step, through an engaging storyline, and using various Maths heuristic techniques that are also taught as part of the world-renowned Singapore Maths curriculum. Through illustrations and an engaging storyline, children will learn Maths heuristics, and be inspired to persevere in understanding, representing, and solving fun and intriguing Maths problems!Series features:Learn to solve difficult Maths problems using Maths heuristics, as ident
當一對雙胞胎無法就誰的數學更好達成一致時,他們的父親給了他們一個令人困惑的問題。只要一點線索,誰會先找到答案?我是數學明星!系列包括具有挑戰性的數學難題,以故事形式呈現。透過引人入勝的故事情節,並使用各種數學啟發式技巧,逐步描述謎題,然後逐步解決,這些技巧也是世界著名的新加坡數學課程的一部分。透過插圖和引人入勝的故事情節,孩子們將學習數學啟發法,並受到啟發,堅持理解、表現和解決有趣的數學問題!系列特點:根據新加坡數學課程的規定,學習使用數學啟發法解決數學難題每本書都包含由 Yeap Ban Har 撰寫的解決問題指南When a pair of twins cannot agree on who is better in Maths, their father sets them a baffling problem. With just a few clues, who will find the answer first?The I'm a Maths Star! series comprises challenging Maths puzzles, presented in story form. Puzzles are described and then solved, step-by-step, through an engaging storyline, and using various Maths heuristic techniques that are also taught as part of the world-renowned Singapore Maths curriculum. Through illustrations and an engaging storyline, children will learn Maths heuristics, and be inspired to persevere in understanding, representing, and solving fun and intriguing Maths problems!Series features:Learn to solve difficult Maths problems using Maths heuristics, as ident
作為訓練的一部分,一名年輕的弟子受到老師的挑戰,要求他在沒有任何測量工具的情況下找到碗的直徑。他能有辦法在晚餐前找到答案嗎?我是數學明星!系列包括具有挑戰性的數學難題,以故事形式呈現。透過引人入勝的故事情節,並使用各種數學啟發式技巧,逐步描述謎題,然後逐步解決,這些技巧也是世界著名的新加坡數學課程的一部分。透過插圖和引人入勝的故事情節,孩子們將學習數學啟發法,並受到啟發,堅持理解、表現和解決有趣的數學問題!系列特點:根據新加坡數學課程的規定,學習使用數學啟發法解決數學難題每本書都包含由 Yeap Ban Har 撰寫的解決問題指南As part of his training, a young disciple is challenged by his master to find the diameter of a bowl — but without any measuring tools. Can he find a way to obtain the answer before dinnertime?The I'm a Maths Star! series comprises challenging Maths puzzles, presented in story form. Puzzles are described and then solved, step-by-step, through an engaging storyline, and using various Maths heuristic techniques that are also taught as part of the world-renowned Singapore Maths curriculum. Through illustrations and an engaging storyline, children will learn Maths heuristics, and be inspired to persevere in understanding, representing, and solving fun and intriguing Maths problems!Series features:Learn to solve difficult Maths
一位老師在畢業聚會上給她的小學六年級學生最後一個要解決的問題。學生能否齊心協力找出答案並圓滿結束最後一年的學習呢?我是數學明星!系列包括具有挑戰性的數學難題,以故事形式呈現。透過引人入勝的故事情節,並使用各種數學啟發式技巧,逐步描述謎題,然後逐步解決,這些技巧也是世界著名的新加坡數學課程的一部分。透過插圖和引人入勝的故事情節,孩子們將學習數學啟發法,並受到啟發,堅持理解、表現和解決有趣的數學問題!系列特點:根據新加坡數學課程的規定,學習使用數學啟發法解決數學難題每本書都包含由 Yeap Ban Har 撰寫的解決問題指南A teacher gives her Primary 6 class one last problem to solve during their graduation party. Can the pupils work together to figure out the answer and end their final year with a bang?The I'm a Maths Star! series comprises challenging Maths puzzles, presented in story form. Puzzles are described and then solved, step-by-step, through an engaging storyline, and using various Maths heuristic techniques that are also taught as part of the world-renowned Singapore Maths curriculum. Through illustrations and an engaging storyline, children will learn Maths heuristics, and be inspired to persevere in understanding, representing, and solving fun and intriguing Maths problems!Series features:Learn to solve difficult Maths problems usin