Although most areas of human experience are nowadays discussed freely and openly, the subject of death is still surrounded by conventional attitudes and reticence that offer only fragile comfort becau
Exploring the social and cultural perspectives on death and dying, this fascinating study challenges the reader to examine their own thoughts and feelings towards the inevitable. Arguing for acceptanc
Each anthology in the new Global Viewpoints series (which does not duplicate any material in the Opposing Viewpoints series) delivers contemporary perspectives on the featured issue -- with the majori
This book, based on extensive original research, explores the various ways in which Japanese people think about death and how they approach the process of dying and death. It shows how new forms of fu
One of the most important psychological studies of the late twentieth century, On Death and Dying grew out of Dr. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross's famous interdisciplinary seminar on death, life, and tra
One of the most famous psychological studies of the late twentieth century, On Death and Dying grew out of an interdisciplinary seminar on death, originated and conducted by Dr. Elisabeth Kübler
The two volumes of Death, Dying, and the Ending of Life present the core of recent philosophical work on end-of-life issues. Volume I examines issues in death and consent: the nature of death, brain d
Death is a constant in every society, but each of the world's cultures views the end of life differently. This book examines beliefs about dying, burial, and life after death held by peoples of wide r
Thompson (Centre for Nordic Studies, U. of the Highlands and Islands, Scotland) addresses the attitudes of the Anglo-Saxon era regarding dying and the dead. She explores their thinking and beliefs on
Denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. The five stages of grief, first formulated in this hugely influential work forty years ago, are now part of our common understanding of bereavemen