Will people ever learn to accept a snake as a friend? Anna and Otis the snake are great friends and they love having fun together. But Otis knows people are scared of snakes, so he usually just plays
A hugely endearing, very funny story about kindness, friendship and overcoming fears for fans of Shirley Hughes and Laura Carlin, from award-winning illustrator Maisie Paradise Shearring.Anna and Otis
Beauty is sailing the ocean when pirates attack and her dad is thrown overboard. Just as he sinks beneath the waves, something horrible rises--a kraken! Without hesitation, Beauty makes a deal to beco
~與水晶能量合作,開發自己的最高潛能~★亞馬遜4.8星,1300多則至高好評!★擺渡行者Ricky Otis專業審定!★水晶療癒師的必備工作手冊【本書特色】◎超過50種【淨化】、【聚焦】、【財富】、【愛情】、【孕育】、【創造】等日常水晶儀式。◎從挑選水晶、設置連結與意圖、淨化等能量技術開始,將水晶融入日常生活,踏上從內到外改變生活的旅程。◎完整解析常見水晶型態、設計日常能量處方,清楚列明儀式所需時間與效能,水晶療癒師必備聖經。【名家好評】◎「《儀式與水晶》就是令人著迷,以通情達理且淵博的知識所寫成,並帶有某種神奇魔力,唯有多年來對無形領域的信任和實作的經驗才能累積而成。」——《紐約時報》 (The New York Times) 暢銷書《Goddesses Never Age》的作者克里斯蒂安娜•諾斯魯普(CHRISTIANE NORTHRUP, M. D.)◎「在混亂的時代裡,《儀式與水晶》分享與水晶平靜且接地的能量連結可以如何幫助我們和彼此及自己互動。」——演員、作家兼電影工作者,莉娜.丹恩(LENA DUNHAM)◎「海瑟和提咪提供簡單而強大的儀式,每天都可以輕鬆與宇宙能量調和。她們的解說揭開了水晶的神祕面紗,協助你將水晶融入日常生活中,並帶來不可思議的效果。」——《紐約時報》最暢銷書《The Universe Has Your Back》的作者,嘉柏麗.伯恩斯坦(GABRIELLE BERNSTEIN)◎「《儀式與水晶》教會我如何運用水晶能量來轉換我的心態……所以我已經準備好迎接生活中的任何挑戰(即使是身為三個孩子的超級媽媽所帶來的混亂!)。」——母親、演員兼作家,莫莉.西姆斯(MOLLY SIMS)◎「《儀式與水晶》縮小健康書籍與水晶書籍之間的差距,結合實用的水晶能量技術,讓個人得以提升。」——創作歌手,傑森.瑪耶茲(JASON MRAZ)水晶深藏在地球深處數百萬年,每顆水晶都發展出自己獨特的故事和靈性訊息,是地球的迷你記錄者,擁有純淨剔透的能量。如果我們能夠善用它們的振動,便能取得比作為個人和社會更大的智慧。海瑟.阿斯奇諾西和提咪.揚德羅彙整25年來與水晶能量和合作的經驗,在《儀式與水晶》一書中,清楚說明個別水晶的能量和歷史,以及專注的儀式和冥想,讓我們瞭解如何將水晶的療癒力量用於賦權、平衡和啟發。在與水晶連結時可設定以下的意圖,將生活的挑戰轉化為成長的
Built for giggles and fun read-alouds, this classic children's song has been adapted by #1 New York Times bestselling illustrator of Love and Otis, Loren Long!There's a log on the bottom of the lakeTh
New York Times bestselling author/artist Loren Long creates an unforgettable children's classic. Otis is a special tractor. He loves his farmer and he loves to work. And he loves the little calf in th
In the short time that Otis has been in stores, readers-young and old-have taken to it in the same way that readers throughout the years have embraced many of our most celebrated picture books. Loren
(PVG Personality). This fantastic collection provides a retrospective of 18 classics from '60s soul superstar Otis Redding. Includes: Amen * Chained and Bound * Fa-Fa-Fa-Fa-Fa (Sad Song) * The Happy S
[Otis Moon is an] "intriguing noir thriller: the voice is assured, the period detail is perfect." -Kate Burke Miciak, vice president and executive editor, The Bantam Dell Publishing Group "Otis Moon i