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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:凱文.李曼; 威廉.潘塔克  出版社:足智文化有限公司  出版日:2018/07/23 裝訂:平裝
一位菜鳥記者因為報導實在,有幸採訪到全美最受尊崇的企業家西奧多.麥克布萊德(Theodore McBride),他曾擔任通用科技公司(General Technologies)的執行長十七年之久。透過他們長時間的相處與訪談,麥克布萊德娓娓道出一段四十五年前的故事。他的老師諾伊曼博士傳授流傳千百年之久的七個偉大的管理要訣「牧者的管理智慧」,他以最淺顯的觀念、簡明的譬喻及實例,暢談由先人智慧所引發出的
定價:400 元, 優惠價:9 360
作者:克提斯‧費斯  出版社:寰宇  出版日:2022/01/01 裝訂:平裝
為什麼海龜操作者可以如此成功?一套可以長期打敗市場的系統究竟存不存在?《金融怪傑系列》無法解開的謎團,終於在本書完整公開傳奇交易人理查‧丹尼斯:「我常常說,即使我把自己的交易技巧登在報紙上,根本也沒有幾個人會照著做。總體而言,交易成敗的關鍵在於決心與紀律。」一個傳說的交易實驗,一位最強海龜交易員誕生的故事八〇年代投資圈最為人津津樂道的海龜交易實驗,源自於兩位交易高手間的賭注。傳奇交易人理查‧丹尼斯和威廉‧艾克哈特募集一群菁英團隊,除了傳授兩人畢生所學,並不惜在培訓過程砸下重本,為的就是想證明一套成功的交易法則是否可以後天傳承,還是必須仰賴個人天分。《海龜交易法則》的作者克提斯‧費斯,正是這群菁英團隊中最成功的成員。他以年僅19歲、毫無投資經驗的背景下脫穎而出,並破天荒地為丹尼斯賺進了3,500萬美元,搖身成為業界的風雲人物。在保密期屆滿後,費斯決定打破沉默,揭露「海龜」成員們使用的秘密交易系統,將完整的交易法則──包含時效、風險、報酬,以及創下100%年度報酬的心路歷程──全數公開。費斯將從他的海龜經歷出發,詳細說明成為交易者必備的心理特質,並從極為嚴謹的風險管理及量化標準,分析所有海龜策略的優勢。對於所有讀者來說,本書最彌足珍貴之處,除了能一覽神秘的海龜系統外,更可以觀察到頂尖的海龜交易員費斯如何在面對各種市況下,從一而終貫徹計畫的態度,以及勇於接受環境挑戰的精神。本書將揭露海龜贏家真正的「成功秘訣」──包含指引他們交易的原則、以及遵循系統的心法。◆ 海龜交易法則的核心內容是什麼?◆ 頂尖海龜成員能夠脫穎而出的關鍵是?◆ 如何學習海龜透過機率來掌握贏家優勢?◆ 如何以海龜角度來進行風險與資金管理?
定價:450 元, 優惠價:79 356
作者:辛西雅.克羅森  出版社:日出出版  出版日:2024/03/18 裝訂:平裝
無論一個人多有錢,世界上總會有更有錢的人! 過去的富豪將成為下一個富豪的路標, 世界首富的位置,也將被另一個更有創意、野心勃勃、福星高照、 能洞見未來趨勢的人取而代之。 有錢就是任性?!曾經富甲天下的人,雖有相似之處,卻也完全不同: ★富豪的賺錢之道,一開始都有本錢,有些人的本錢是富二代,有些人的是聰明才智,有的則是滿腔熱情,有的則靠殺戮敵人。 ★富人的影響力不在於他「做了什麼」,而在於他「能做什麼」。 ★歷史學家認為:財富會暴露一個人身上隱藏的毛病。將古怪念頭付諸行動是需要錢的,古往今來富豪們的行徑,往往揭露出他們的本性與怪癖。 ★「從來沒有人能做到!」這句話對富人來說是激勵而非束縛。 ★白手起家的富翁都有顯而易見的剛毅品格:以自我為中心,好像總被一種獸性推動著,無論擁有多少東西都無法滿足。 ★有錢的最大魅力在於:可以讓人有很多選擇。許多富豪選擇不工作,於是「無聊」成了富裕階層的職業病。 富豪的致富之道,有跡可循嗎? 千年以來的富豪們,憑藉著本錢、獨特的性格特點,將時勢轉變為財運。 他們對世人展示了通往富裕之路,卻不一定通往幸福…… 每個時代都有頂級富豪,他們的行為總能超乎常人想像。從聚財、投資、花錢的方式,可以看出富豪們各自的性格、命運的起伏,以及時代的無奈。他們是如何從世人眼中的障礙之處嗅到機會,獲得龐大財富與權力? ★從馬背上打下大片江山領土的成吉思汗,與其說他是十三世紀的野蠻人,其實他更像十九世紀的強盜資本家。在他的時代,土地不是一種投資,是事關生死的問題。 ★教皇亞歷山大六世的致富之道,是運用了比暴力更有效的權力——神的命令。為此他有非常「正當」的理由:生活不體面會使上帝蒙羞。 ★中世紀的資本家雅各.富格爾最愛說的話是:「國王當位,銀行掌權。」他靠著「借貸」而獲得源源不斷的財富,成為新興的金錢貴族。 ★出身良好的曼薩.穆薩,既不是發明家也不是生產商,只因利用地緣關係,就成為十四世紀非洲最大的中間商。 ★擁有數學天分的約翰.勞由賭致富,沒有接受過金融的正規教育,卻不僅創辦私人銀行,還成為法國財政大臣,但最終導致法國經濟崩潰,對此他說:「我犯錯誤是因為我也是人……」。 ★「華爾街女巫」赫蒂.格林總是衣衫凌亂,甚至有些瘋狂,她的金融閃電戰常讓男人們痛哭流涕。她曾說:「我戰鬥時,總是會有葬禮。當然,葬禮不是為我舉行的。」 創造財富的過程,就是人性面的表露。書中描
定價:480 元, 優惠價:9 432
作者:露西.霍恩  出版社:采實文化  出版日:2023/09/26 裝訂:平裝
面對至親至愛的離去,如果悲傷難免,我們可以做些什麼,度過這場巨大風暴? ★ 紐約時報、華爾街日報,各大媒體溫暖推薦★ 露西博士「復原力」TED演講(The three secrets of resilient people),為該年度最受歡迎的影片之一 ▍一個心理學家的悲傷修復之旅 ▍露西博士是研究「復原力心理學」的專家,2010年時幫助紐西蘭基督城地震的居民走出傷痛。但當她經歷了12歲愛女車禍身亡時,她不確定過往的復原力研究能否幫助自己走出喪親之痛。 她決定進行調查,但不同以往的是,她調查的對象是自己,並剖析、記錄自身的身心變化。在這本書中,她將自己的無助脆弱,赤裸呈現。那些反覆交錯的情緒,時而困惑、時而憤怒,有時沮喪,有時又感到寬慰的日子裡,即使被巨大悲傷包覆,仍能採取一些行動,找回面對生活的力量。 ▍悲傷沒有一體適用的方法,但我們仍能積極處理它 ▍過去,研究喪親之痛的專家認為,化解悲傷沒有人人通用的方法,也沒有具體的復原時間表,似乎隨著時間推移,就會「慢慢地」好起來。 但真正經歷過這一切的露西博士發現,這些看似合理的建議,卻與真實情況存在著巨大的差異。在現實生活裡,可能沒有充裕的時間讓人慢慢復原,也許其他家人需要你的照顧,也許為了經濟考量必須立即投入工作,這時該怎麼辦? 於是,在她展開自我的復原之路時,刻意採用已知的復原力策略,積極化解悲傷,讓自己能重新振作,找回生活的掌控權。 ▍關於悲傷,復原力心理學能教我們的事 ▍有什麼方法,可以幫助人們更快走出喪親之痛?什麼樣的人,可以比別人復原得更快?哪些行為和思維,可以幫助幫助我們熬過痛苦? 在這本書裡,「復原力心理學」將成為每個人都能善加運用的個人資源,讓你在痛苦無助時,可以採取正面積極的行動,重拾「正常的」生活。 ››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››› 這本書不是關於你可能會經歷什麼,而是關於你可以做些什麼,帶你以不悲傷的方式,走過悲傷的過程。露西博士希望透過她的文字力量,讓每一顆破碎的心,得以修復。 *選擇生命,而不是死亡。不要因為你已經失去的,而失去了你現在所擁有的。*知道做什麼都不能改變一切,這就是學習處理和面對喪親之痛的關鍵步驟。*不要低估此時體驗和
庫存 > 10
定價:380 元, 優惠價:79 300
101 Essays That Will Change the Way You Think (CD only)
作者:Abby Craden; Wiest Brianna  出版社:TANTOR AUDIO  出版日:2021/03/01 裝訂:有聲書
Over the past few years, Brianna Wiest has gained renown for her deeply moving, philosophical writing. This new compilation of her published work features pieces on why you should pursue purpose over passion, embrace negative thinking, see the wisdom in daily routine, and become aware of the cognitive biases that are creating the way you see your life. Some of these pieces have never been seen; others have been read by millions of people around the world. Regardless, each will leave you thinking: this idea changed my life.
定價:2115 元, 優惠價:1 2115
101 Essays That Will Change the Way You Think (CD only)
作者:Brianna Wiest; Abby Craden  出版社:TANTOR AUDIO  出版日:2021/03/01 裝訂:有聲書
Over the past few years, Brianna Wiest has gained renown for her deeply moving, philosophical writing. This new compilation of her published work features pieces on why you should pursue purpose over passion, embrace negative thinking, see the wisdom in daily routine, and become aware of the cognitive biases that are creating the way you see your life. Some of these pieces have never been seen; others have been read by millions of people around the world. Regardless, each will leave you thinking: this idea changed my life.
定價:1596 元, 優惠價:1 1596
作者:NORIKO TAKADA; RITA L. LAMPKIN  出版社:Mcgraw-Hill; Inc.  出版日:2010/10/16 裝訂:平裝
Have a successful trip to Japan by learning its culture and the ways of its peopleThe Japanese Way is your handy guide to understanding how people from every corner of Japan think, do business, and ac
定價:532 元, 優惠價:9 479
The Meaning of Life:Letters from Remarkable People on Happiness, Purpose and Finding Your Way
作者:James Bailey  出版社:Little; Brown Book Group  出版日:2024/11/07 裝訂:精裝
定價:1100 元, 優惠價:95 1045
The Meaning of Life:Letters from Remarkable People on Happiness, Purpose and Finding Your Way
作者:James Bailey  出版社:Little; Brown  出版日:2024/11/07 裝訂:平裝
定價:879 元, 優惠價:95 835
Little People, BIG DREAMS Matching Game ― Put Your Brain to the Test With All the Girls of the Little People Big Dreams!
作者:Isabel Sanchez Vegara  出版社:Rock Point Gift & Stationary  出版日:2018/10/16 裝訂:精裝
With cards featuring the stylish illustrations from the international best-selling series Little People, Big Dreams, this matching game is a fun way for young minds to interact with the women from th
定價:714 元, 優惠價:79 564
People Power: Peaceful Protests That Changed the World
作者:Rebecca June; Ximo Abadia  出版社:Prestel Junior  出版日:2023/05/09 裝訂:精裝
From Gandhi to Rosa Parks, the Arab Spring to Black Lives Matter, this introduction to the power of protests covers nearly every continent to show young readers that they can be effective on their own or as part of a movement. Filled with colorful, detailed illustrations and straightforward, engaging texts, this book uses double-page spreads to tell the story of world-changing moments when justice prevailed over intolerance, and peace overcame conflict. Neither preachy nor pedantic, the text offers clear-eyed information in a way that kids can relate to, helping them understand issues that they are probably already aware of, such as climate change, and introducing them to events which happened decades ago or worlds away.Throughout this optimistic and hopeful book, the message is clear-peaceful protest can effect change, and everyone's voice matters.
定價:644 元, 優惠價:9 580
Hidden ─ A Child's Story of the Holocaust
作者:Loic Dauvillier; Marc Lizano (ILT); Greg Salsedo (ILT); Alexis Siegel (TRN)  出版社:First Second  出版日:2014/04/01 裝訂:精裝
In this gentle, poetic young graphic novel, Dounia, a grandmother, tells her granddaughter the story even her son has never heard: how, as a young Jewish girl in Paris, she was hidden away from the Nazis by a series of neighbors and friends who risked their lives to keep her alive when her parents had been taken to concentration camps.Hidden ends on a tender note, with Dounia and her mother rediscovering each other as World War II ends . . . and a young girl in present-day France becoming closer to her grandmother, who can finally, after all those years, tell her story. With words by Loïc Dauvillier and art by Marc Lizano and Greg Salsedo, this picture book-style comic for young readers is a touching read. “The graphic novel format helps reinforce the contrast between the dark, scary moments and the happier times.” —The Horn Book“Affecting and effective” —BCCB“*Lizano draws people the same way that small children do: a giant oval for the head and two dots for the eyes. But his peo
定價:722 元, 優惠價:79 570
Little People, BIG DREAMS: Charles Darwin (英國版)(精裝本)
作者:Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara; Mark Hoffmann  出版社:Frances Lincoln Childrens Books  出版日:2021/01/05 裝訂:精裝
From the critically acclaimed, multimillion-copy bestselling Little People, BIG DREAMS series, discover the life of Charles Darwin, the scientist who changed the way people see the world. Although
定價:549 元, 優惠價:79 434
Survivors of the Holocaust ― True Stories of Six Extraordinary Children
作者:Kath Shackleton; Zane Whittingham (ILT); Ryan Jones (ILT)  出版社:Sourcebooks Inc  出版日:2019/10/01 裝訂:精裝
This important and moving graphic novel chronicling how six children survived the Holocaust is a timely reminder of the horrors that can be inflicted on innocent people, and serves as a way to introdu
定價:760 元, 優惠價:1 760
Survivors of the Holocaust ― True Stories of Six Extraordinary Children
作者:Kath Shackleton; Zane Whittingham (ILT); Ryan Jones (ILT)  出版社:Sourcebooks Inc  出版日:2019/10/01 裝訂:平裝
This important and moving graphic novel chronicling how six children survived the Holocaust is a timely reminder of the horrors that can be inflicted on innocent people, and serves as a way to introdu
定價:570 元, 優惠價:79 450
Pathfinders:Extraordinary Stories of People Like You on the Simple Path to Wealth-And How To Join Them
作者:JL Collins  出版社:Harriman House Publishing  出版日:2023/10/31 裝訂:精裝
From "The Godfather of FI", a follow-up to his international bestselling personal finance sensation The Simple Path to Wealth!Pathfinders brings together scores of amazing and insightful real-life stories from real people on the journey to financial independence-providing practical encouragement and inspiration for anyone who wants to join them. Lighting the way in the real world to The Simple Path to Wealth, these are fascinating, heartfelt, often surprising tales: - of struggles overcome and the rewards that followed - of enterprising solutions to unexpected problems - of sacrifices made and the kindness of strangers - of surprisingly simple steps-and the amazing places they can take youand much, much more. Author JL Collins accompanies these readers' stories with reflections on his "rules for the road"-as well as a candid conversation about the journey to financial freedom with his daughter, the inspiration for his original international bestseller.Pathfinders is the ultimate compan
定價:1539 元, 優惠價:79 1216
You're Dad:A Little Book for Fathers (and the People Who Love Them)
作者:Liz Climo  出版社:HarperCollins Publishers  出版日:2021/05/27 裝訂:精裝
The hilarious and heartwarming companion to international bestselling author Liz Climo's You're Mum. DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD! Oh, hello! Now that I have your attention... You must be dad! You're probably pretty busy.Being a dad isn't easy. Maybe you already know this. Maybe you will soon.Perhaps you've been preparing for this day for a long time. Perhaps you haven't. And if you have a little one on the way you might feel a little anxious.Maybe even a bit scared. There's a lot to prepare and plan. Because, let's face it - being a dad is a huge responsibility.But, it's worth it. Now the real fun begins. From new dads to those who've been around the block, dads who go to work to those who are at home, and all the dads in between, You're Dad is a touching tribute to fathers everywhere.With humour, heart and adorable drawings, Liz Climo celebrates fatherhood in all its shapes and sizes (and species). Featuring different types of dads and the paths they may travel, Climo's whimsical animal
定價:604 元, 優惠價:79 477
Attack of the Shadow Smashers: A Branches Book (The Notebook of Doom #3)(平裝本)
作者:Troy Cummings  出版社:Scholastic  出版日:2013/10/29 裝訂:平裝
The latest monsters threatening Stermont Elementary are shadowy shapeshifters that attach themselves to people, eat their shadows, and block out all light--but before he can think of a way to deal wit
定價:266 元, 優惠價:79 210
The Fixer of Broken Things
作者:Julia Patton  出版社:Templar Publishing  出版日:2021/08/05 裝訂:平裝
What happens when the famous fixer of broken things finds a problem that she can't solve?Bea is a fixer. She is the finest fixer, far and wide, and people bring her everything - from tiny sprockets to enormous rockets - because they know she'll have them working again in no time. One day, Bea finds a broken thing.It's very small and very sad, and try as hard as she might, she cannot fix it. Bea soon realises that not every problem has to be solved alone, and that talking to her friends is the answer she has been looking for. This heartwarming story sensitively discusses big feelings like sadness, and acts as a reminder for readers young and old that we don't have to face things alone and can find support in those around us.The perfect companion for readers of Tom Percival's Big Bright Feelings series, The Way Home for Wolf and books by Oliver Jeffers.
定價:439 元, 優惠價:79 347
The Valley of Lost Secrets
作者:Lesley Parr  出版社:Bloomsbury Childrens Books  出版日:2021/01/14 裝訂:平裝
When Jimmy is evacuated to Wales with his little brother, Ronnie, he thinks his biggest problem will be dealing with the boredom of the countryside. But when he discovers a human skull, hidden in the hollow of a tree, he starts to wonder if Wales is more dangerous than war-torn London! Where has this skull come from? Before Jimmy knows it, he is pulled into a mystery from many years before. A mystery that has been haunting the village of Llanbryn. In a time of turmoil, can Jimmy find a way to bring people together again?
定價:384 元, 優惠價:79 303
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  • 120



