It's the Science Fair, and the second grade is all over it! Some kids are making man-eating robots. Some kids are holding their breath for a very, very long time. Some kids are doing interesting thing
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Meena Harris debuts with an empowering picture book about two sisters who work with their community to effect change, inspired by a true story from the childhood of her aunt, US Senator Kamala Harris,
每個人的心中,都有個理想人生的圖像,但再怎麼努力,總有一步之遙,總是領悟太遲。知名的哈佛跨世代人生研究,穿越上千人的一生,窺見人生終局的祕密,讓你別再錯過。★《紐約時報》暢銷書 ★The Next Big Idea Club推薦必讀★亞馬遜編輯精選最佳非文學、分類榜TOP1 ★TED Talk TOP10★國際媒體重磅推薦:《紐約時報》、《華盛頓郵報》、《時代雜誌》、《波士頓環球報》、《衛報》、Kirkus、TODAY、CNN、CNBC、NPR、《哈佛商業評論》、《哈佛校報》(Harvard Gazette)、《哈佛深紅報》(Harvard Crimson)我們最不擅長的,就是經營自己的人生。每個人都充滿矛盾又極為複雜,在追求滿足的路上,經常誤入歧途,僅靠自己的閱歷,摸索不出人生的全貌。哈佛成人發展研究是最著名的跨世代幸福研究,從1938年開始,橫跨三個世代、持續近百年,研究躋身贏者圈的哈佛菁英,也追蹤波士頓貧民區的弱勢人生,連美國前總統甘迺迪也是研究個案,是史上歷時最久的龐大人類境況研究。研究記錄參與者從兒時煩惱、初戀、一路上做的選擇,直到生命最終的時光,翻閱每個研究檔案,就像快轉人生,窺見未經剪輯、也不受回憶扭曲的真實人生經歷。人生充滿轉折,上千個真實的人生境遇,揭露影響一生的重要關鍵。本書作者沃丁格博士與修茲博士,是哈佛研究第四任主持人。兩人從這涵蓋過千人、持續近百年的研究中,得出意想不到的結論:贏在起跑點不是成功人生的保證,童年經驗、個性、出身,都不能決定幸福,最能確保一生品質的,只有最重要的一件事,就是培養正向的人際關係,這是風雨人生的溫暖保護。沒有人的命運被刻在石頭上。人生是沙地上的畫,現在改變,就畫出美好。我們一生中最重要的身份、行為、與經驗,都與人際關係緊密相關。但人際關係既麻煩、捉摸不定、更難以掌控,我們很容易選擇與人保持距離、靠自己就好,或者認為自己的人際關係已經沒救了、一切都太遲了。兩位作者在書中深入挖掘不同的關係類型,包括哪些事對於長期親密關係很重要、早期家庭經驗對身心的影響以及我們可以如何應對、職場上常被忽略的人際交流機會,以及各式各樣的友誼可以帶來哪些驚人的好處。書中也分享許多研究洞見與方法,面對人生中的各種關係,我們都有能力促成正向改變。親密關係――最懂我們的人,也是能傷我們最重的人。伴侶是我們人際宇宙的核心角色,與另一半的關係也會
【本書特色】 ★代際創傷的終極療癒指南,只要掌握方法,每個人都能打破一代又一代承繼下來的創傷,翻轉為傳承給下一代的豐盛力量與智慧。★Next Big Idea Club必讀書目! ★媲美《深井效應》!改變思想和提供治癒能量的傑作。★特別收錄!作者親錄「聲浴靜心」音檔,讓身心靈全面平靜。★陳志恆/諮商心理師、暢銷作家、洪仲清/臨床心理師、蘇絢慧/諮商心理師、蘇予昕/蘇予昕心理諮商所所長、暢銷作家、留佩萱/美國諮商教育與督導博士、吳就君/國立臺灣師範大學衛生教育系退休教授、華人伴侶與家族治療協會創會理事長、艾美.莫林/暢銷書《告別玻璃心的十三件事》作者、維克斯.金/《內在療癒原力》作者、《出版人週刊》《科克斯書評》——國內外名家與媒體好評不斷! 【內容簡介】 將力量,而不是創傷,傳遞給後代!當身體一處傷口未癒合時,會持續引發疼痛,且有可能感染其他器官;當情緒得不到治癒時,同樣也會對我們造成傷痛,並蔓延到我們身邊的家人及朋友,最終,還可能會在數年和數代之間轉移。這就是「代際創傷」。代際創傷可能源於祖先:他們可能受困於不健康的家庭互動方式;也可能遭受集體性的壓迫;或文化中根深柢固的有害行為,如體罰兒童,甚至是流行病等天災。這些傷口的成因很複雜,且深深影響著我們的思想、身體和精神。這就是為什麼某些人會疏離家人、某些人會討好別人,或是某些人會發現自己深陷於依附關係。在這本書中,哥倫比亞大學創傷心理學家瑪麗.布奎博士提供了治癒不斷循環的遺傳性創傷方法。她結合科學研究、實際練習方法,與在診療室所發生的故事,向讀者講述創傷是如何從上一代傳遞到下一代,以及如何透過切實的工具來打破這個循環。她陪伴你回顧傷痕累累的自己,好好擁抱內在小孩,並學會將力量而不是痛苦傳遞給後代。
Pip is very proud of his big red balloon. But when he lets the balloon go and it pops, he is inconsolable. Luckily, Posy has a clever idea to cheer up her friend and soon they are having fun again!
•獨特雙色套印傳神的圖像視覺,表現職場百態,教你如何在工作中擁抱自己的情緒,在展現職場專業的同時,讓個人感到更加真誠和滿足。•書籍形式新穎,使用親切感十足的插畫,搭配新世代作者(30歲出頭)對職場工作的貼身觀察,具畫面感與實用性。•全書穿插妙語如珠,如實呈現日常職場眾生相,令人心有戚戚焉。華爾街日報暢銷書Next Big Idea Club選書(由知名作家葛拉威爾、蘇珊坎恩、丹尼爾品克、亞當格蘭特
《逆思維》作者亞當.格蘭特(Adam Grant)盛讚好評:「未來的你,將感謝今天的你讀了這本書。」《心態致勝》作者卡蘿.杜維克(Carol Dweck)誠摯推薦:「你對於未來的思考,將會改變你現在的行為。」★Next Big Idea Club 2023年生產力好書★Behavioral Scientist 2023年好書推薦Q. 為什麼我們不管自己的膽固醇有多高,晚餐還是決定只吃肉、不吃蔬菜?Q. 為什麼我們寧可花大錢滿足欲望,卻不為未來打算、認真儲蓄?Q. 為什麼我們讀了很多書,卻還是很難做出改變?如果有一天能穿越時空,看見自己20年後的樣子,猜猜你會看見什麼?為了成為更好的自己,現在你最想做的事又是什麼?在日復一日的生活中,我們總是面臨著儲蓄與消費、運動與耍廢之間種種兩難的抉擇。正由於現在的我無法做出正確的判斷與選擇,因而往往事與願違,無法讓改變真正發生,讓理想的未來成真。行為科學家哈爾.赫許菲德教授長期致力於一項開創性研究:「未來的自己」(Future Self),他發現你對於未來的看法,會對當下及未來的你產生巨大影響。他還發現,人們在思考未來時經常會犯下幾種錯誤,例如:把未來的自己當作陌生人看待,認為事不關己,寧可選擇立即滿足欲望;以為自我是單一、恆定的,忽略只要今天做出更好的決定,就能創造更幸福的明天等等。本書為讀者精心規畫一趟心靈時空之旅,運用許多精彩實例與故事,探索「未來的自己」在生命中的意義,以及對於情緒與決策的影響,提出具體的解決方案與堅持之道,主動擘畫長期的健康管理、財務規畫和行為決策,活得更健康、更富足、更快樂!
亞馬遜每月選書+編輯推薦|Next Big Idea Club年度選書|授權25種語言版本 ? 《華盛頓郵報》《紐約客》《衛報》《哈佛商業評論》等好評報導 ? 心理學重量級作者《恆毅力》達克沃斯、《心態致勝》杜維克、《擁抱B選項》格蘭特、《安靜,就是力量》坎恩一致強推「冷靜,我可以的。」「完蛋了,我一定會搞砸!」「第一次做總是比較難,下次一定會更好!」「算了,反正也沒人在意,我
想要更健康,更有紀律,財富更自由…… 每個人心中都有個更好的期待,但總難達成 行為科學新方法,選對的改變策略,比意志力更長效 直擊隱藏的行動弱點,不費力地解決綑綁自己的問題亞馬遜最佳商管書|金融時報最佳商管書 華爾街日報暢銷書|Next Big Idea Club選書 u 《恆毅力》暢銷作家安琪拉‧達克沃斯專序推薦 u 諾貝爾經濟學獎得主理查‧塞勒、Google前執行長艾瑞克‧施密特、史丹佛心理學家卡蘿‧杜維克等超過二十位領域專家大力強推 u 《紐約時報》年度必讀佳作:「如果你今年只讀一本個人成長書,就是這本了!」想規律運動,但下班已經好累,「明天再開始」真的不是藉口? 已經提前準備、提早開始,卻還是最後一刻壓死線?拖延到底怎麼治? 寫上筆記本、設定連續提醒,還是忘記?是金魚腦還是下意識故意忽略?要改變,真的很難!我們每個人都知道。關鍵在於,讓我們卡關撞牆的阻力,往往不是來自外在環境,而是內心的人性使然。想要更好的生活,不需要壓抑欲望,而是要找到正確的改變策略!本書作者凱蒂‧米爾克曼是Thinkers50管理思想家,也是華頓商學院獲獎無數的熱門教師,曾與白宮、Google、紅十字會等組織合作。她發現,我們難以改變,常常是因為不了解問題的癥結,因此用錯方法或找錯工具,屢戰屢敗之下,漸漸失去了動力。 好消息是,行為科學領域發現了多種方法,可以幫助我們對抗拖延、惰性、先樂後苦的衝動、健忘與自我懷疑等最頑強的內在阻力。 這些方法已經被用在提升疫苗接種率、減少醫院開立非必要藥物、成功讓Google員工更踴躍利用公司的進修課程,也顯著提升大學生成績、助人建立運動習慣、甚至提高了選舉投票率。你可以在本書中學到──l 新起點效應:回到白紙狀態,最容易改變。用一個特殊的時間點、場合或事件作為契機,跟過去的自己說再見,從今天開始就是新的我! l 誘惑綁定法:把苦差事(去健身房)與你迫不及待想做的事(追劇)互相綁定,真的可以一舉兩得,推動自己做長遠效益高,當下卻不快樂的事。 l 承諾機制:別再高估自己的意志力,善用承諾機制,規定自己沒做到時需付出的代價,可以大幅提高目標達成率。 l 複製貼上法:把同儕壓力變助力!自己改變很困難,有意識地尋找已經有成功經驗的典範人物,模仿他們的做法。 l 計畫提示法:「單純忘了
Pip is very proud of his big red balloon. But when he lets the balloon go and it pops, he is inconsolable. Luckily, Posy has a clever idea to cheer up her friend and soon they are having fun again! Ev
A sweeping history of and meditation on humanity's relationship with machines, showing how we got here and what happens nextFaith in technological fixes for our problems is waning. Automation, which promised relief from toil, has reactivated the long-standing fear of job redundancy. Information technology, meant to liberate us from traditional authority, is placing unprecedented powers of surveillance and control in the hands of a purely secular Big Brother.And for the first time, artificial intelligence threatens anthropogenic disaster – disaster caused by our own activities. Scientists join imaginative writers in warning us of the fate of Icarus, whose wings melted because he flew too close to the sun. This book tells the story of our fractured relationship with machines from humanity’s first tools down to the present and into the future.It raises the crucial question of why some parts of the world developed a ‘machine civilisation’ and not others, and traces the interactions between
From celebrity author Kevin Hart comes the laugh-out-loud highly illustrated sequel to Marcus Makes a Movie about a young boy who has big Hollywood dreams―and the hustle to make it happen.“Everybody, grab a ticket and run for a front row seat to Marcus Makes a Movie!” ―Judd Winick, New York Times bestselling author of the Hilo series Marcus’s movie, Toothpick vs. the Doom, is a HIT! But the only thing harder than making a movie is making a SECOND one. Marcus needs to come up with another great idea fast. Too bad his film crew (aka friends) are too preoccupied with their MeTube channels to notice. An invite to The Helen Show has Marcus thinking they’ll be back on top, but will nerves, unchecked ambition, and a rivalry between friends shut down this show before it even begins? In the laugh-out-loud sequel, actor and comedian Kevin Hart delivers a message about being creative, working hard, and learning that sometimes the best dreams are the ones you achieve with your friends.
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Nate wakes up one morning to see The Opposite sitting on his ceiling. This impish creature manages to ensure that whatever Nate says, the opposite will be true. Nate tries to fix each thing as it goes wrong, but the opposite happens! The mess he's making soon gets him into trouble and it takes some very quick thinking, and a clever twist, for Nate to be able to get rid of The Opposite once and for all."With big, bold, surreal illustrations and engaging, offbeat humour, the book is a lovely way to explore the difficult, abstract concept of opposite with young children"Carousel"This might be TV writer Tom McRae's first foray into children's books but the insight, humour and colour with which it explores the idea of opposites is that of a bona fide pro."Kin London"This might be TV writer Tom McRae's first foray into children's books but the insight, humour and colour with which it explores the idea of opposites is that of a bona fide pro."Kin London"The Opposite is the absolute model of w
Spark meaningful discussions about loneliness, friendship, community and coping with loss with this enchantingly illustrated story about a girl who befriends a monster. There’s a Thing on my street. He lives at number 52.I see him sitting in his garden when I walk to school. He was big and lumbering and a wore a tiny top hat perched on top of his rather large head. She didn’t think he had any friends, so she brought him a flower.It wasn’t long before their friendship bloomed… the Thing was gentle and kind and the adventures they went on were the best she could ever imagine. The girl soon discovered that there were many Things, living all over the place… which gave her an idea. She invited them all to a party, and the Things danced till midnight.Thing had never felt so happy. But one day the Thing had to go and their adventures came to an end. All Things have to go sometime… In this poignant story, discover how small acts of kindness can grow into great friendships, and how the co