Anatole is the happiest, most contented mouse in all of Paris. He is Vice-President in charge of Cheese Tasting at Duvall's cheese factory. He works in secret at night--the people at Duvall have no id
A cat lives in a house filled with toys, but every day she dreams of being free like the bird she watches through the window. Finally, with the bird's help, she is able to escape and dance on the roof
★BBC Radio 2書迷俱樂部2020春季選書★入圍2021都柏林文學獎★入圍2020《衛報》「非布克獎」★英國《獨立報》2020年度最佳處女作東京,全世界最大的巨型都市之一一隻花斑貓穿行其中,串連起看似不相關的眾生相身為這個國度的「外人」,是否注定就是無法融入這座城市?是否只能永遠與孤獨自處?「我狼吞虎嚥地閱讀這些有關貓、東京、孤獨與救贖,彼此環環相扣的故事……生氣勃勃且高完成度的處女作。」
Eula is the only square cat in town. Everything that normal cats do is hard for her -- she can't get her square paw into mouseholes, she can't wear her favorite circle skirt, and all of her friends ar
靜坐如何救了一隻想太多的貓?原來,解放壓力的力量就從我們的心念開始!就從現在開始!浪漫結合生活佛法與「創世紀以來最美的生物」暢銷作家大衛.米奇最新系列作品美國亞馬遜讀者高度關注回響 THE DALAI LAMA’S CAT AND THE POWER OF MEOW心念就像一座花園,是你選擇要種出什麼的:雜草或鮮花?正念給了我們去選擇的機會。 心念與正念、與靜坐的連結如此密切——仔細想想,你老是對