有多年輔導經驗的亞當斯博士主張,輔導必須以聖經為根基。世俗的心理學治療方法是徒勞無功的。基督徒輔導者應該勸人為罪悔改,歸向神,如此神的大能必改變他的生命,解決他的問題。本書是作者前作《聖靈的勸戒》(Competent to Counsel)的實踐本,書中將勸誡式輔導(nouthetic counseling)做了更廣泛而深入的解說,也回答了聖經輔導中常見的問題,包括:‧如何成為一個稱職的輔導者‧聖
This companion volume to Competent to Counsel and The Christian Counselor's Manual is designed to help you assimilate and apply the principles of nouthetic counseling. It is an excellent tool for any
The Christian Counselor’s Manual is a companion and sequel to the author’s influential Competent to Counsel. It takes the approach of nouthetic counseling introduced in the earlier volume