情感小說的不敗經典,珍.奧斯汀小說全集●新裝珍藏七冊盒裝──六部經典長篇+好讀出版獨家短篇集,原文全譯,全系列皆附精美插圖,是珍迷必收的愛藏完全版!●加贈套裝限定筆記本──兩款內頁紙隨寫隨記,摘錄名場景+錦言佳句,讓珍.奧斯汀的睿智常伴身邊不離手!01《理性與感性》 Sense and Sensibility珍.奧斯汀的小說處女作,最峰迴路轉的作品,開創奧斯汀式獨樹一幟的幽默●英國票選最不可錯過的
珍愛奧斯汀【午茶套組】──新裝珍藏七冊套書(附精美書盒、加贈筆記本)+《與珍.奧斯汀喝杯下午茶》,完整解讀情感小說教主珍奧斯汀! -------------------------------------【珍.奧斯汀小說全集,情感小說的不敗經典】●新裝珍藏七冊盒裝──六部經典長篇+好讀出版獨家短篇集,原文全譯,全系列皆附精美插圖,是珍迷必收的愛藏完全版!●加贈套裝限定筆記本──兩款內頁隨寫隨記,摘錄名場景+錦言佳句,讓珍.奧斯汀的睿智常伴身邊不離手! 01《理性與感性》 Sense and Sensibility珍.奧斯汀的小說處女作,最峰迴路轉的作品,開創奧斯汀式獨樹一幟的幽默●英國票選最不可錯過的百大經典小說之一●李安導演金熊獎電影名作《理性與感性》原著穩重而不善表達感情,她的名字叫「理性」,天真而滿懷熱情,她的名字叫「感性」,當「理性」被感性衝破,「感性」讓理性喚回時,擺盪的情節絕對不容錯過!冷靜的姐姐愛蓮娜愛上了坦率的艾德華,卻發現心上人早有了婚約對象,她及時勒住了自己的真情深陷,以友誼交往……浪漫多情的妹妹瑪麗安,天生聰明伶俐,一心期盼嫁個風度出眾的丈夫,卻愛上了輕佻的公子哥兒魏勒比,慘被拋棄而生重病……透過兩位姐妹花的愛情故事,欣賞珍.奧斯汀最值得聆聽與參考的感情觀。02《傲慢與偏見》 Pride and Prejudice珍.奧斯汀的小說代表作,最愛小說票選永遠高居榜首的愛情經典●BBC票選對女性影響最大的文學作品榜首●英國圖書館員最愛的百大小說榜首一個富有而驕傲的英俊先生,一位任性而懷有偏見的聰穎小姐,當傲慢碰到偏見,激出的火花豈止精采可以形容!因為自身條件的優越,加上對於環境人物的不熟悉,達西先生以冷漠傲然的態度作出人們與自己的區隔,卻也讓人們認定他的傲慢。直到目空一切的達西先生發現了伊莉莎白的魅力,並深陷其中……達西在舞會上的一席話,讓伊莉莎白認定了他的傲慢,加上旁人的挑撥,更是讓她深信兩人的不合,這種偏見讓伊莉莎白努力的拉開達西與自己的距離。可是種種的因緣際會和事件的發生,卻意外促進了兩人的愛情……一部最能改變女性對自己評價的文學作品,在傲慢與偏見之間,細細品味珍.奧斯汀的理性與感性。03《勸服》 Persuasion珍.奧斯汀最真摯感人的告別佳作,揭示一段破鏡重圓的坎坷情路●評價更勝《理性與感性》的愛情小說●BBC 2007年影集《勸服》原著
This deluxe Miniature Edition is packed with summaries ofthenovelsof one of history’s most beloved storytellers, JaneAusten. All six of her classic novels, Sense and Sensibility; Pride and Prejudi
JaneAusten revolutionized the literary romance, using it as a platform from which to address issues of gender politics and class consciousness among the British middle-class ofthe late eighteenth ce
Few novelists have conveyed the subtleties and nuances oftheir own social milieu with the wit and insight ofJaneAusten. Here in one volume are her seven great novels: Sense and Sensibility, Pride a
JaneAusten revolutionized the literary romance, using it as a platform from which to address issues of gender politics and class consciousness among the British middle-class ofthe late eighteenth ce
This new, enhanced leather-bound edition includes all thecompleted novelsof beloved author JaneAusten.JaneAusten's stories of clever women, elusive love, and social mores have struck a chord with
Each boxset contains seven books, together creating a comprehensive collection ofAusten’s best and much-loved works.Beautifully packaged in a ridged, matt-laminated slipcase with metallic detailing,
JaneAusten is without question, one of England's most enduring and skilled novelists. With her wit, social precision, and unerring ability to create some of literature's most charismatic and believab
JaneAusten is without question, one of England's most enduring and skilled novelists. With her wit, social precision, and unerring ability to create some of literature's most charismatic and believab
JaneAusten is perhaps the best-loved of all English novelists. Her knowledge of human nature is remarkable, and her awareness ofthe importance of class, money and appearances makes her a peculiarly
Now in Penguin Classics-a treasure trove ofJaneAusten's novelsView our Austen-mania feature page here. Few novelists have conveyed the subtleties and nuances oftheir own social milieu with the w