My First Spanish Words
Wolfpack (Young Readers Edition)




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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:羅里.薩特蘭  出版社:天下文化  出版日:2023/12/22 裝訂:平裝
(原書名:人性鍊金術:奧美最有效的行銷策略)深耕廣告界30餘年、被譽為「英國廣告界最有影響力的人」市場營銷和廣告界最原始的思想家、最鼓舞人心的演講者一手主導奧美變革(Ogilvy Change)團隊的傳奇廣告大師畢生絕學都在這一本!《黑天鵝效應》、《影響力》等暢銷書作者 強力推薦!不是所有看來有道理的事都會成功,也不是所有成功的事看來都有道理。他以一介基層撰稿人之姿,迅速晉升為奧美集團副總監,靠的就是運用各種創意,替無數客戶解決商業難題的破框思考力!他是如何做到?為什麼他總能找到別人想不到的創意?「想得到聰明的答案,常常需要問出愚蠢的問題。」──羅里.薩特蘭我們習於在不理性的世界裡,假裝各種事情比實際上「更理性」。總是追求「符合邏輯的正確答案」,任何創意、提案、發想,都想要找背後的數據和理論來做為驗證,因為上述這樣的理性邏輯,在人們的常識中,代表了「避開風險」。你絕對不會因為堅持理性邏輯而被炒魷魚。只要能說出一套完善、無趣、沒想像力的道理,就算事情沒做好,也不太會遭到指責。比起「沒創意」,「沒邏輯」被開除的機會要高得多。就是因為這樣,使得我們的創意不斷遭到限縮,甚至只敢遵循「過去被證明有效的方法」。◎為何只遵守理性邏輯的安全牌,在商業領域中愈來愈行不通?你或許會問:「沒創意有什麼關係?只要行得通就可以了吧?」然而,堅持理性邏輯=沒創意的做法,最致命的問題在於,你會變得和競爭對手一模一樣。當市面上所有的商品都是符合理性邏輯──例如,價格便宜、規格統一、堅固耐用、功能繁多……,依循每個人都會認為「合理」的方式來設計時,你的商品就等於「毫無特色」!因此,領導奧美變革團隊的傳奇廣告人,羅里.薩特蘭要告訴你:這時候,不合理性邏輯的「創意」,就能幫你抓住消費者的心理,找出和別人完全不同的解決問題方式。舉例而言,比起「最便宜、性價比最高的手機」,一台要價四萬以上,還得等很久才能拿到手的iPhone Pro15為什麼還是吸引眾人紛紛搶購?比起便宜、味道甜美的一般汽水品牌,一瓶又小又貴而且味道還有點詭異的「紅牛」,為什麼能夠挑戰可口可樂在無酒精飲料中市占第二名的地位?原因就出在,他們正巧符合了人類內心,尚未被一般理性邏輯產出的商品所滿足的「隱性需求」!打中了人類在「符合理性邏輯需求以外」的另一種思考邏輯中的好球帶!◎不符合理性邏輯的另一種邏輯,威力超乎想像……那麼,所謂的另一種思考邏
定價:500 元, 優惠價:9 450
作者:喬治娜‧亞當  出版社:典藏藝術家庭  出版日:2018/12/25 裝訂:平裝
藝術是一種時尚、品味,也是一種投資、交易與收藏!然而,當藝術成為被操控的工具時,你,還敢進入藝術市場嗎? ‧美國百年老店諾德勒畫廊,被控販賣假畫倒閉收場‧偽畫大師沃夫岡‧貝特萊奇橫掃市場,騙倒一票鑑定官‧俄羅斯億萬富豪豪奢買畫,反遭仲介商詐騙,對簿公堂 藝術市場正上演著一齣權謀宮鬥的心計戲碼,資本家、藝術家、藝術經紀人、畫廊、拍賣公司、藏家……暗自角力又聯手為藝術市場帶來爆炸性的蓬勃發展,但隨之而
定價:380 元, 優惠價:9 342
Genetic Alchemy: The Dark Art of Alien Engineering
作者:Miguel Salazar  出版社:INDEPENDENT CAT  出版日:2025/02/25 裝訂:平裝
定價:570 元, 優惠價:1 570
The Dark Art and Science of GPS Spoofing: Satellite Wars, Hijacked Signals, and The Invisible Threat
作者:Gareth Morgan Thomas  出版社:Independently published  出版日:2025/01/02 裝訂:平裝
定價:1439 元, 優惠價:1 1439
Everyday Apocalypse: Art, Empire, and the End of the World
作者:David Dark  出版社:Vanderbilt Univ Pr  出版日:2025/05/15 裝訂:平裝
定價:948 元, 優惠價:1 948
Sleight Of Hand Game Guide: Master the Art of Deception in a Dark Neon World
作者:Sandra Williams  出版社:Independently published  出版日:2025/01/10 裝訂:平裝
定價:624 元, 優惠價:1 624
The Art of Ducktales
作者:Ken Plume  出版社:Dark Horse Comics  出版日:2022/10/04 裝訂:精裝
定價:1900 元, 優惠價:1 1900
Masters the Art of Dark Psychology: Advanced Psychological Techniques To Manipulate Any Conversation, Even If You've Never Tried It Before
出版社:Independently published  出版日:2025/01/08 裝訂:平裝
定價:767 元, 優惠價:1 767
The Art of Dead Space
作者:Motive Studio  出版社:Dark Horse Comics;U.S.  出版日:2025/01/28 裝訂:精裝
定價:2474 元, 優惠價:95 2350
The Art of Marvel SNAP
作者:Second Dinner Studios Inc.; Paul Davies  出版社:Dark Horse Comics;U.S.  出版日:2025/03/04 裝訂:精裝
定價:2474 元, 優惠價:95 2350
Dark Psychology and Manipulation: The Art of Mind Control, Persuasion, and Deception in the Digital Age: How Hackers, Scammers, and Social Media Manip
作者:Lucian K. Rodri  出版社:Independently published  出版日:2025/02/22 裝訂:平裝
定價:528 元, 優惠價:1 528
Bright Poems for Dark Days: An Anthology for Hope
作者:Carolyn Gavin(ILT)  出版社:White Lion Pub  出版日:2021/10/19 裝訂:精裝
A beautifully illustrated and insightful anthology to return to time and again. We all have days when we find ourselves in need of some positivity. In difficult times, the words of others can lift us up. Bright, joyful art to inspire hopefulness is combined with carefully curated poems, chosen to lift the spirits through the healing power of words. The book is divided into eight sections on the themes of Joy, Hope, Resilience, Nature, Tranquillity, Gratitude, Escape and Love. Featuring a diverse range of writers from Maya Angelou to Oscar Wilde, Pablo Neruda to Rupi Kaur, the selections are accompanied by explanations and illuminating context that reinforces the positive mental health message. Combining uplifting lines of verse and joyful illustrations, this unique book provides a much-needed dose of hopefulness and happiness in turbulent times, whether as a thoughtful gift for someone in need of solace or a resource that can be turned to whenever we need to.
定價:714 元, 優惠價:79 564
The Art of Ducktales (Deluxe Edition)
作者:Ken Plume  出版社:Dark Horse Comics  出版日:2022/10/04 裝訂:精裝
定價:4500 元, 優惠價:1 4500
The Art of Bravely Default II: 201x-2021
作者:Naoki Ikushima(ILT)  出版社:Dark Horse Comics  出版日:2025/04/22 裝訂:精裝
定價:1900 元, 優惠價:1 1900
The Otherwhere Post
作者:Emily J. Taylor  出版社:Penguin Group USA  出版日:2025/02/25 裝訂:平裝
《紐約時報》暢銷書《魔幻酒店》作者再度為讀者編織一場華麗而黑暗的奇幻冒險,揭開跨越時空的致命謎團。一名少女為真相孤注一擲。七年前,梅芙·阿本西失去了所有:她的世界、父親,甚至自己的名字。為擺脫父親罪行的污名,她以假名生活,從不久留一地。直到她收到一封神秘信,寫著四個不可能的字:「你父親是無辜的。」為追尋真相,她成為「異界郵局」的學徒,學習危險的魔法「符咒術」,這種魔法能讓信件穿越世界。然而,她的調查引起了過多關注。她那神秘又惹人生氣的英俊導師識破了她的謊言,時間緊迫,她必須贏得他的信任。更糟的是,她接連收到威脅信,警告她放棄調查。為揭開七年前的謎團,梅芙可能得付出自己的生命。The New York Times bestselling author of Hotel Magnifique returns with another glittering dark fantasy about a deadly mystery that spans worlds and a teenage girl who must risk everything to uncover the truth.Seven years ago, Maeve Abenthy lost everything: her world, her father, even her name. Desperate to escape the stain of her father’s crimes, she lives under a fake name, never staying in one place long enough to put down roots.Then she receives a mysterious letter with four impossible words: Your father was innocent.To uncover the truth, she poses as an apprentice for the Otherwhere Post, where she’ll be trained in the art of scriptomancy—the dangerous magic that allows couriers to enchant letter
定價:513 元, 優惠價:79 405
The Stone Age
作者:Lesley-Ann Jones  出版社:John Blake Publishing  出版日:2022/06/09 裝訂:平裝
時代洪流沖刷,仍未減其半分鋒芒。搖滾傳奇滾石樂團的60年。From the Sunday Times bestselling authorOn 12 July 1962, the Rollin' Stones performed their first-ever gig at London's Marquee jazz club. Down the line, a 'g' was added, a spark was lit and their destiny was sealed. No going back.These five white British kids set out to play the music of black America. They honed a style that bled bluesy undertones into dark insinuations of women, sex and drugs. Denounced as 'corruptors of youth' and 'messengers of the devil', they created some of the most thrilling music ever recorded. Now, their sound and attitude seem louder and more influential than ever. Elvis is dead and the Beatles are over, but Jagger and Richards bestride the world. The Stones may be gathering moss, but on they roll. Yet how did the ultimate anti-establishment misfits become the global brand we know today? Who were the casualties, and what are the forgotten legacies? Can the artist ever be truly divisible from the art? Lesley-Ann Jones's new histor
定價:824 元, 優惠價:79 651
Hidden ─ A Child's Story of the Holocaust
作者:Loic Dauvillier; Marc Lizano (ILT); Greg Salsedo (ILT); Alexis Siegel (TRN)  出版社:First Second  出版日:2014/04/01 裝訂:精裝
In this gentle, poetic young graphic novel, Dounia, a grandmother, tells her granddaughter the story even her son has never heard: how, as a young Jewish girl in Paris, she was hidden away from the Nazis by a series of neighbors and friends who risked their lives to keep her alive when her parents had been taken to concentration camps.Hidden ends on a tender note, with Dounia and her mother rediscovering each other as World War II ends . . . and a young girl in present-day France becoming closer to her grandmother, who can finally, after all those years, tell her story. With words by Loïc Dauvillier and art by Marc Lizano and Greg Salsedo, this picture book-style comic for young readers is a touching read. “The graphic novel format helps reinforce the contrast between the dark, scary moments and the happier times.” —The Horn Book“Affecting and effective” —BCCB“*Lizano draws people the same way that small children do: a giant oval for the head and two dots for the eyes. But his peo
定價:722 元, 優惠價:79 570
Magic Tree House #6: Afternoon on the Amazon (Graphic Novel)(平裝本)
作者:Mary Pope Osborne; Kelly Matthews; Nichole Matthews  出版社:Random House  出版日:2024/03/26 裝訂:平裝
The #1 bestselling chapter book series is now available as graphic novels! Magic. Mystery. Time-travel. Get whisked away to the Amazon rainforest on a high-stakes adventure with brother-and-sister team Jack and Annie! Watch out for that crocodile! Get ready for a wild ride as Jack and Annie find themselves in the Amazon Rainforest on a dangerous journey. From killer ants to vampire bats, they never know what they'll run into next! Soon, they're hopelessly lost (and a monkey seems to be stalking them. . . what's that about?). Can they find their way through the jungle before it gets dark? For the first time experience this gripping adventure as a graphic novel, bursting with vibrant full-color art that brings the magic to life! Get whisked away with Jack and Annie in more Magic Tree House Graphic Novels!Knight at Dawn: The Graphic NovelMummies in the Morning: The Graphic NovelPirates Past Noon: The Graphic NovelNight of the Ninjas: The Graphic Novel
定價:380 元, 優惠價:75 285
Art2-d2's Guide to Folding and Doodling
作者:Tom Angleberger  出版社:Harry N Abrams Inc  出版日:2016/04/12 裝訂:平裝
Stick figures to the Dark Side only lead! Origami Yoda fans learn how to doodle and fold like a Jedi inArt2-D2’s Guide to Folding and Doodling, the companion to the white-hot middle-grade series, now
定價:342 元, 優惠價:66 225
Spider-Man's Beyond Amazing Adventures: 3 Books in 1
作者:MacKenzie Cadenhead  出版社:Marvel  出版日:2022/07/05 裝訂:平裝
In these full-color illustrated chapter books, Spider-Man is joined by a slew of popular heroes as he fights crime and protects his neighborhood! Whether he's taking on Sandman in Central Park with Squirrel Girl, teaming up with Ant-Man and the Wasp to stop Doc Ock from ruining the science fair, or needs help from Captain Marvel and Ms. Marvel to prevent the Green Goblin from stealing, these action-packed stories are perfect for young readers. Featuring full-color art on every spread and a comic at the end of each story to celebrate Spider-Man's the 60th comic anniversary! For even more adventure, check out these other illustrated chapter books from Marvel Press! Spectacular Adventures!: 3 Books in 1 (featuring Star-Lord, Falcon, and Ant-Man)Astonishing Adventures! 3 Books in 1 (featuring Spider-Man, Captain America, Iron Man)Black Panther: The Battle for WakandaAvengers: Ms. Marvel's Fists of FuryGuardians of the Galaxy: Gamora's Galactic ShowdownDoctor Strange: Mystery of Dark Magic
定價:532 元, 優惠價:79 420
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