When five little monkeys eat some ice cream and play in the mud, they become icky, sticky monkeys . . . and Mama says it’s time for a bath! But even after those silly little monkeys scrub themselves c
★出版一年內,旋即售出12國版權★──上市首週雙冠軍──空降《華爾街日報》、亞馬遜商業類排行榜TOP 1榮登《今日美國》、《多倫多星報》暢銷榜蘋果公司共同創辦人/史蒂夫.沃茲尼克 Steve Wozniak《原則》作者、橋水基金創辦人/瑞.達利歐Ray Dalio《富爸爸,窮爸爸》作者/羅勃特.清崎 Robert Kiyosaki──重量級推薦運用西洋棋大師的思維進行精準布局,找到事業與人生步步為
Die-cut windows reveal glimpses of what five spacemen observe as they fly around the world, then leave one by one because they do not like what they see.