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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:莎拉‧妮薩‧亞當斯  出版社:春天出版國際  出版日:2024/09/30 裝訂:平裝
一張斑駁的書單,九本改變人生的好書。兩個陌生人,友誼只有一頁之遙…….入圍全球最大書評網站Goodreads讀者票選年度最佳小說,逾三萬七千則★★★★★書評狂推!.美國獨立書商協會選書.BookPage書評網當月選書.入選The Diverse Book Awards.《新聞週刊》、《Parade》雜誌、NBC新聞、LITHUB文學網站、POPSUGAR……爭相推薦展開新生活、建立新友情的機會,原本不屬於這兩個孤寂的靈魂──但每段故事都有個開端……當穆凱許犧牲他的固定買菜行程與愛看的生態紀錄片,造訪家附近的圖書館,他不知道自己的人生即將從此改變。亞蕾莎,一位對工作沒有熱情的圖書館員,某一次她在一本書的最後發現一張皺皺的閱讀清單,上頭寫著九部作品名稱,毫不起眼。恰巧穆凱許走進圖書館請她推薦新書,原本對閱讀一竅不通的亞蕾莎,為了讓自己顯得專業,偷偷把這份書單暗藏起來,一本一本的推薦給穆凱許。她必須趕在穆凱許下次來還書時趕緊把下一本讀完,這樣才能振振有詞地推薦。就這樣穆凱許與亞蕾莎把清單上的小說一本接著一本讀下去,隨著每一次書中的邂逅、每一個發現的新世界,他們的憂愁逐漸消散……
定價:499 元, 優惠價:9 449
作者:傑克.梅吉特-菲利普斯-文; 伊莎貝爾.托拉斯-圖  出版社:親子天下  出版日:2023/12/01 裝訂:平裝
羅德.達爾的荒誕趣味X大衛.威廉的溫馨感人售出30餘國版權,充滿轉折與懸疑的新一代幽默幻想經典華納兄弟與《怪獸與牠的產地》製片大衛.海曼改編電影即將上映為了永保青春,男人和怪獸締結契約超過五百年,怪獸提供逆齡藥水,而他會為怪獸帶來任何牠想要的東西,但這次怪獸要求的竟是......一個小女孩。資深國小教師 林怡辰|戀風草青少年書房店長 邱慕泥|青少年小說研究專家 張子樟|親職專欄作家 陳安儀|諮商心理師、暢銷作家 陳志恆|教育部閱讀推手 彭遠芬|教育部閱讀推手 曾品方|小兔子書坊店主 黃淑貞|親職溝通作家與講師 羅怡君 好評推薦!◎得獎紀錄:★2022奧森圖書獎(Awesome Book Award)決選★2024美國康乃狄克州豆蔻圖書獎(Nutmeg Book Award)提名★2021-2022美國緬因童書獎閱讀書單(Maine Student Book Award Reading List)◎本書3大特色:特色1 繼羅德.達爾與大衛.威廉後,英國新銳作家傑克.梅吉特-菲利普斯打造新一代幽默幻想經典。特色2 角色鮮活立體,搭配生動的插畫、懸疑與轉折的情節,是勾起孩子開啟閱讀樂趣的最佳敲門磚。特色3 透過主角與怪獸的協議,思考生命的長短、財富的多寡與人生價值之間的關係,發人深省。特色4 上市前即售出30餘國版權,改編電影將由華納兄弟與《怪獸與牠的產地》製片大衛.海曼操刀。 艾比尼瑟即將迎接屬於他的512歲生日,但他的外表看起來只是一個還不到二十歲的俊美男子。這個祕密來自艾比尼瑟養在閣樓裡的一隻奇特怪獸,瀕臨絕種的渡渡鳥、會唱歌的鸚鵡,甚至是自己飼養的寵物貓……只要是怪獸想吃的東西,艾比尼瑟都會設法帶到牠面前,作為報酬,怪獸則會吐出金錢、逆齡藥水等禮物。然而,隨著兩人締結契約的時間越長,怪獸漸漸無法滿足於普通的食物,開始提出一些困難的要求,這次牠向艾比尼瑟索求的竟是一個可愛多汁的孩子!為了保持青春的外貌,艾比尼瑟來到一所孤兒院裡,他能在這裡順利完成怪獸交辦的任務嗎?或者會發生什麼意想不到的遭遇呢?【少年天下】系列簡介1. 專屬國中生,給10-15歲「輕」少年的閱讀提案。2. 夠酷而不幼稚,能吸引少年的包裝和題材。3. 以少年為本位,提供邁向成長的關鍵字。4. 有深度但無難度,得以思辨的優質文本。◎本書關鍵字:羅德.達爾、大衛.威廉、尼爾.蓋曼、幽默荒誕、生命
定價:400 元, 優惠價:9 360
作者:傑克.梅吉特-菲利普斯-作; 花小金井正幸-繪  出版社:親子天下  出版日:2024/05/30 裝訂:平裝
復仇的舞臺已備妥,那個生物回來了……羅德.達爾的荒誕趣味X大衛.威廉的溫馨感人售出30餘國版權,充滿轉折與懸疑的新一代幽默幻想經典華納兄弟與《怪獸與牠的產地》製片大衛.海曼改編電影即將上映首刷贈送「怪獸來襲」藏書票,限時珍藏!怪獸消失後,貝瑟妮和艾比尼瑟開始練習當好人。好心的克蘿黛特一邊忙於演出,一邊帶著他們做善事。然而情況不但不如預期,這隻紫鸚鵡還開始越來越像……怪獸?資深國小教師.作家 林怡辰|戀風草青少年書房店長 邱慕泥|青少年小說研究專家 張子樟|親職專欄作家 陳安儀|諮商心理師 陳志恆|教育部閱讀推手 彭遠芬|小兔子書坊店主 黃淑貞|臺北市私立再興小學研究教師 廖淑霞|諮商心理師 蘇絢慧| 讚聲推薦!◎首刷特別版:「怪獸來襲」藏書票組(共2張)*材質:萊卡奇豔*尺寸:7.5 X10cm◎得獎紀錄:★2022奧森圖書獎(Awesome Book Award)決選★2024美國康乃狄克州豆蔻圖書獎(Nutmeg Book Award)提名★2021-2022美國緬因童書獎閱讀書單(Maine Student Book Award Reading List)◎本書4大特色:特色1 繼羅德.達爾與大衛.威廉後,英國新銳作家傑克.梅吉特-菲利普斯打造新一代幽默幻想經典。特色2 角色鮮活立體,搭配生動的插畫、懸疑與轉折的情節,是勾起孩子開啟閱讀樂趣的最佳敲門磚。特色3 透過主角們突破自我的過程,對比怪獸唯利是圖的價值觀,提醒我們何謂良善的本質,以及不該以刻板印象評判他人,發人深省。特色4 上市前即售出30餘國版權,改編電影將由華納兄弟與《怪獸與牠的產地》製片大衛.海曼操刀。艾比尼瑟在他第512年的人生,終於甩掉殘酷邪惡的怪獸,展開與貝瑟妮、紫鸚鵡克蘿黛特的友誼新生活。貝瑟妮一心想洗刷整人大王的名聲,強迫艾比尼瑟一起當好人,不僅斷捨離怪獸吐出來的寶貝以表決心,還要求他一同到社區當志工。然而,那些怪獸寶貝沒有預想的安分,貝瑟妮的好人之路也備受質疑刁難,艾比尼瑟更無法自拔的竟想念起怪獸。 最詭異的是,忙於演出的克羅黛特突然在彩排暈倒,之後甚至越來越反常,長相和舉止都一天比一天像某個可怕生物!這些不順利究竟是碰巧,還是角落中真有蠢蠢欲動的狠毒陰謀?貝瑟妮與艾比尼瑟是否能攜手幫助鸚鵡好友,或者還有什麼更巨大的難題等著他們?【少年天下】系列簡介1. 專屬國中生,給10-15歲「輕
定價:400 元, 優惠價:9 360
作者:傑克.梅吉特-菲利普斯  出版社:親子天下  出版日:2024/11/28 裝訂:平裝
不速之客即將大駕光臨,準備好迎接驚喜了嗎?羅德.達爾的荒誕趣味X大衛.威廉的溫馨感人售出30餘國版權,充滿轉折與懸疑的新一代幽默幻想經典華納兄弟與《怪獸與牠的產地》製片大衛.海曼改編電影即將上映怪獸被關起來後,街坊鄰里恢復了和平。麻朵小姐準備幫貝瑟妮開一個盛大的糖果派對。正當所有人在歡慶盛宴時,街道彼端卻有黑暗生物狂奔而來……資深國小教師.作家 林怡辰|戀風草青少年書房店長 邱慕泥| 諮商心理師 陳志恆|暢銷奇幻小說作家 陳郁如| 小兔子書坊店主 黃淑貞|作家&國小校長 顏安秀|諮商心理師 蘇絢慧 ──好評推薦!系列得獎紀錄★2022奧森圖書獎(Awesome Book Award)決選★2024美國康乃狄克州豆蔻圖書獎(Nutmeg Book Award)提名★2021-2022美國緬因童書獎閱讀書單(Maine Student Book Award Reading List)★第46次中小學生讀物選介—文學翻譯類精選之星★第86梯次好書大家讀—文學讀物A組入選★2024前瞻兒童少年翻譯小說推薦書單★2024天下雜誌教育基金會—希望閱讀百本好書入選本書特色特色1 繼羅德.達爾與大衛.威廉後,英國新銳作家傑克.梅吉特-菲利普斯打造新一代幽默幻想經典。特色2 角色鮮活立體,搭配生動的插畫、懸疑與轉折的情節,是勾起孩子開啟閱讀樂趣的最佳敲門磚。特色3 藉由主角們的掙扎,探討如何看待他人的過錯,以及真正的善意要怎麼在利己與利他間取捨平衡。特色4 上市前即售出30餘國版權,改編電影將由華納兄弟與《怪獸與牠的產地》製片大衛.海曼操刀。貝瑟妮和艾比尼瑟以為他們擺脫了怪獸,可以開啟開始平靜安穩的新生活,這時,怪獸卻被朵莉思從牢籠釋放了。祕密特務聲稱這個史上最恐怖的生物已改過自新,要求兩人擔任怪獸的臨時監護人,帶著牠在街頭巷尾作善事。 重生後的怪獸看起來和藹可親,嘔吐物也變得美好可愛,不僅收服街坊鄰居的心,還為艾比尼瑟博得前所未有的好名聲。然而貝瑟妮並不相信怪獸,只覺得這又是一場精心策劃的邪惡計謀,也讓她和艾比尼瑟的友誼再次遭受嚴峻的考驗。與此同時,麻朵小姐準備幫貝瑟妮舉辦一個盛大的糖果派對,洗刷過去她在大家心中惡作劇大王的形象,就在所有人沉浸在熱鬧歡慶的氛圍,城市另一端醞釀著一場大災難。這兩個行善搭檔是否能看清善意背後的真相,阻止向派對襲來的龐大黑影?【少年天下】系列簡介1
定價:400 元, 優惠價:79 316
作者:喜多村惠  出版社:三采文化  出版日:2021/11/19 裝訂:精裝
★英國凱特格林威大獎 提名作品★\ 微笑是每個人與生俱來,最棒的禮物!/ ◎日本知名得獎繪本作家喜多村惠最新力作!◎繪本評論家 賴嘉綾 導讀推薦 【故事簡介】 「歡迎光臨微笑商店!」店員先生說。「請問可以買一個微笑嗎?小小的就好。」 今天是一個特別興奮的日子。小男孩努力存下所有零用錢,他要買一個禮物送給自己!市集有好多攤販和五彩繽紛的顏色,空氣中還能聞到香噴噴的氣味,到底要買什麼好呢?沒想到,不幸的事情發生了…… 【微笑推薦】 「這一家『微笑商店』是什麼樣的地方呢?喜多村惠先生邀請讀者們一起踏入,才能知道是什麼讓心情在瞬間到谷底的男孩勇敢,是什麼樣的建議讓男孩體會微笑的力量?再一次有力的提醒世人——單純與自在的力量。」──繪本評論家 賴嘉綾 「這本圖畫書充滿了精美的插圖、溫和的幽默感以及錯綜複雜的細節,反映出一個多元文化與多元種族的小鎮……這本書證明了微笑確實是不斷給予的禮物。」──BOOK TRUST 「在這個溫暖的故事裡,孩子可以透過不同的視角,觀察到城市的歡樂和細節。喜多村惠是一位獲獎無數的藝術家,他的書籍已被翻譯成多種語言,這是一個安靜而精緻的作品,有很多值得欣賞和享受的地方……」──BOOKS FOR KEEPS 「本書藉由多變、活潑的線條和水彩繪畫所創作而成,喜多村惠的最新故事本質上像是一個寓言,展現出微笑這件簡單的事物會有多麼強大......這是一本適讀年齡廣泛,值得思考和討論的書。」──RED READING HUB 「令人耳目一新的現代寓言,非常適合與學生分享、閱讀和討論。」──SCHOOL READING LIST 「這個簡單而感人的故事,講述了善良的力量是人類的普世價值。喜多村惠豐富細緻的精美插畫,充滿了溫暖的幽默感、同情心和敏銳的洞察力。憑藉其俏皮的故事、微妙的哲學,傳達出簡單的微笑也具有感染力並能產生共鳴。這本美麗的書,保證能振奮年輕和年長讀者的心。」──LANCASHIRE EVENING POST 「這是一本充滿人道、生命力和愛的迷人圖畫書。」──BOOKMARKED 【本書特色】讓人心中漾起暖意、牽動微笑的故事 :)1.得獎無數的日本繪本作家:他總能描繪出孩子的單純與豐富的想像力,並賦予書中的成人能保有善良
定價:320 元, 優惠價:9 288
McGraw-Hill's Top 50 Skills for a Top Score: ASVAB Reading and Math
作者:DR. JANET E. WALL  出版社:Mcgraw-Hill; Inc.  出版日:2010/09/21 裝訂:平裝
Target the 50 key skills to ace the reading and math sections of the ASVAB McGraw-Hill's Top 50 Reading and Math Skills for ASVAB Success focuses directly on sharpening a defined list of specific ski
定價:710 元, 優惠價:9 639
World of Reading Level 2: Disney Zombies: Three Tales of a Girl and a Zombie
作者:Disney Books  出版社:Disney Press  出版日:2022/07/19 裝訂:平裝
Zed and Addison may seem like an unlikely couple. After all, she's a cheerleader and he's a zombie. But when zombies are invited to attend Seabrook High, their worlds collide, and they have an immediate connection.This World of Reading Level 2 bindup follows their story from the beginning. Relive the best moments of the films like when Addison won a spot on Seabrook High's award-winning cheer squad, when Zed became the first zombie to take the field with the Seabrook football team, or that time a pack of werewolves arrived in town in search of their treasured moonstone.World of Reading Level 2 readers offer young fans an appropriate level of reading difficulty and include a list of vocabulary words included in each story.Complete your Disney Channel collection with these other fan favorites:World of Reading Descendants 3 Stronger TogetherWorld of Reading: Phineas and Ferb: Another Grand AdventureGabby Duran Adventures in Alien BabysittingBig City Greens: Blood MoonThe Owl House: Witche
定價:266 元, 優惠價:79 210
Fairy-Tale Puppy Picnic: A Branches Book (The Party Diaries #4)(平裝本)
作者:Mitali Banerjee Ruths  出版社:Scholastic  出版日:2024/05/07 裝訂:平裝
Priya puts together the perfect puppy picnic and raises money to help African wild dogs, in the fourth installment of this full-color early chapter book series!Pick a book. Grow a Reader!This series is part of Scholastic's early chapter book line, Branches, aimed at newly independent readers. With easy-to-read text, high-interest content, fast-paced plots, and illustrations on every page, these books will boost reading confidence and stamina. Branches books help readers grow!Priya is planning a puppy picnic for her friend Dola! It has a fairy-tale theme because Dola's adorable puppy is named Prince! Priya starts her party-prep to-do list. She makes castle invitations, creates DIY crowns, and bakes cupcakes (and pupcakes!). But as the puppy picnic gets closer, it looks like it might rain. Priya tries not to worry, but the weather is not something she can check off her to-do list. Will she have to cancel the picnic?With color-coded speech bubbles, an engaging diary format, plenty of humo
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定價:266 元, 優惠價:79 210
SAT STRATEGIES for Sutdents with Learning Disabilities (Barron's Sat Strategies for Students With Learning Disabilities)
作者:Dr Toni Welkes  出版社:Barrons Educational Series Inc  出版日:2008/05/10 裝訂:平裝
This book was written primarily for parents and teachers of high school students who suffer from learning difficulties that stem from a variety of different causes. Just a few among those possible difficulties are attention-deficit disorder, difficulties in perception, motor control problems, and even severe anxiety attacks related to test-taking situations. The author presents a strategic study program and test-taking plan specifically designed to help such students prepare for the SAT college entrance test. Separate chapters outline test-taking strategies for all three sections of the SAT: Critical Reading, Writing, and Math. The author also advises on how to apply each recommended strategy. Appendices cover lists of prefixes, suffixes, and roots for students to master as they bring their vocabulary up to SAT levels; plus a list of math terms and definitions to help them understand the SAT Math section's questions and answer them correctly.
定價:456 元, 優惠價:79 360
Pizza and Taco: Dare to Be Scared! (精裝本)(Book 6)(grahic novel)
作者:Stephen Shaskan  出版社:Random House USA Inc  出版日:2023/06/27 裝訂:精裝
Flashlights? Check! Scary movies? Check! Ghost Peppers?! Pizza and Taco are ready to prove they're brave as can be in their latest graphic chapter book! Nothing scares these besties...or so they say.Pizza and Taco aren't afraid! To prove it, they dare each other to be scared. Dark closets and scary movies are a piece of cake—kind of. They're ready for the ultimate test—Ghost Pepper hunting! Pizza and Taco are sure they won't get scared...they made a list, after all! This hilarious young graphic novel—with chapters—will tickle the funny bones of kids ages 5-8 and bolster their reading confidence. Young graphic chapter books are a great step on the way to graphic novels and longer chapter books. Readers will also love the first five books in the series:Who's the Best?Best Party Ever!Super-Awesome Comic!Too Cool for SchoolRock Out!
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定價:418 元, 優惠價:79 330
Pea, Bee, & Jay #3: Lift Off (平裝本)(graphic novel)
作者:Brian Smitty Smith  出版社:Harper Alley  出版日:2021/05/04 裝訂:平裝
Buckle up for Flight School with Pea, Bee, & Jay in this early graphic novel series by Brian "Smitty" Smith, perfect for fans of Narwhal & Jelly, emerging readers, and comic lovers alike Jay the blue jay has never learned to fly, which has never been a problem . . . until a crew of super cool birds touch down at the farm and invite him to play some super cool flying games. Now Jay needs to figure out how to fly--and fast--before he misses out on all the fun. Lucky for him, his best buds Pea and Bee know just what to do...Start your engines because Flight School is now in session Praise for Pea, Bee, & Jay: Kirkus Best Books of 2020SLJ Best Books of 2020Fall 2020 Indie Next ListAmazon Best Books of 2020Junior Library Guild Selection2021 Texas Library Association's Little Maverick Graphic Novels Reading List Selection
定價:342 元, 優惠價:79 270
Pea, Bee, & Jay #4: Farm Feud (平裝本)(graphic novel)
作者:Brian Smitty Smith  出版社:Harper Alley  出版日:2022/01/04 裝訂:平裝
Best friends butt heads in Pea, Bee, & Jay #4: Farm Feud, an early graphic novel series by Brian "Smitty" Smith, perfect for fans of Narwhal & Jelly, emerging readers, and comic lovers alike!After a heated argument sends Pea and Bee on the hunt for new friends, Jay is stuck all alone.While Pea tries to form a new crew with Blueberry and Lenny the bee, Bee teams up with a high-strung Acorn and Pea's batty old Gramps. (What the heck, Gramps?!) And Jay? Well, Jay takes matters into his own wings.Can this trio figure out how to make up, or will this be the last of Pea, Bee, & Jay?Praise for Pea, Bee, & Jay: Kirkus Best Books of 2020SLJ Best Books of 2020Fall 2020 Indie Next ListAmazon Best Books of 2020Junior Library Guild Selection2021 Texas Library Association's Little Maverick Graphic Novels Reading List Selection
定價:342 元, 優惠價:79 270
Nonfiction Sight Word Readers Level C (With Storyplus)
作者:Scholastic  出版社:Scholastic Asia  出版日:2023/06/01 裝訂:有聲書
Set the stage for your child to soar with these just-right books that teach the third 25 sight words! This cheery green box includes 25 titles, each focused on a key sight word: will, up, other, about, out, etc. The books' real-world topics withpredictablee text are super-engaging to make mastering these must-know words easy and fun. Includes motivating stickers PLUS a mini-activity book to ensure learning sticks. Books correlate with Guided Reading Level C. First 25 Sight Words (Fry List): will, up, other, about, out, many, then, them, these, so, some, her, would, make, like, him, into, time, has, look, two, more, write, go, see For use with Grades PreK-1.
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定價:1026 元, 優惠價:79 811
Cornbread & Poppy (Book 1-4)
作者:Matthew Cordell  出版社:Little Brown and Company  出版日:2024/04/02 裝訂:平裝
Celebrating both partnership and the value of what makes us individuals, young readers will find this classic odd couple irresistible as they encounter relatable issues with humor and heart. Publishing simultaneously in hardcover and paperback.Don't miss the other books in the series:Cornbread & PoppyCornbread & Poppy at the CarnivalAn IndieBound Bestseller A 2022 Kirkus Best Children's BookA Horn Book 2022 Summer Reading List pickAn Amazon Best Books of the Year for Ages 6-8 for 2022 A Junior Library Guild pickA Chicago Public Library Best Fiction for Younger Readers for 2022 pickAn ABA’s 2022 Best Book For Young Readers Catalog pickA Tiny Beans Best New Chapter Books for Kids of 2022A Connecticut Nutmeg Award nomineeA Cybils Award finalistA Nerdy Book Club Best of 2022 pick A School Library Journal Early Chapter Book List pick A 2023 Cooperative Children’s Book Center Children’s Choices list pick A Good Housekeeping Best Kids' Books of 2022 pickA 2023 Bank St College Best Boo
定價:1064 元, 優惠價:79 841
Cornbread & Poppy (Book 1)
作者:Matthew Cordell  出版社:Little Brown and Company  出版日:2022/01/04 裝訂:平裝
Caldecott medalist Matthew Cordell debuts his first early reader series about two best friends who are as different from each other as can be.Cornbread LOVES planning. Poppy does not. Cornbread ADORES preparing. Poppy does not. Cornbread IS ready for winter. not. But Cornbread and Poppy are the best of friends, so when Poppy is left without any food for the long winter, Cornbread volunteers to help her out. Their search leads them up, up, up Holler Mountain, where these mice might find a new friend...and an old one. Celebrating both partnership and the value of what makes us individuals, young readers will find this classic odd-couple irresistible as they encounter relatable issues with humor and heart. Publishing simultaneously in hardcover and paperback.An IndieBound Bestseller A 2022 Kirkus Best Children's BookA Horn Book 2022 Summer Reading List pickAn Amazon Best Books of the Year for Ages 6-8 for 2022 A Junior Library Guild pickA Chicago Public Library Best Fiction for
定價:266 元, 優惠價:79 210
Pea, Bee, & Jay 1-6 (共6本)(平裝本)(graphic novel)
作者:Brian Smitty Smith  出版社:Harpercollins  出版日:2023/07/11 裝訂:平裝
Kirkus Best Books of 2020SLJ Best Books of 2020Fall 2020 Indie Next ListAmazon Best Books of 2020Junior Library Guild Selection2021 Texas Library Association's Little Maverick Graphic Novels Reading List SelectionPea, Bee, & Jay 1-6 (共6本)(平裝本)(graphic novel)In the sixth installment of this early reader graphic novel series by Brian "Smitty" Smith, Pea, Bee, and Jay encounter a big bully on the farm and gain some extra-large problems to solve!In Pea, Bee, & Jay: The Big Bully, the three besties are searching for treasure when a great big pumpkin storms over and bullies Jay into giving up his very shiny pebble—not cool, Pumpkin. But when they band together to prove that being big doesn’t mean you get to push others around, the trio discovers that Pumpkin's got some extra-large issues of her own. Can Pea, Bee, & Jay get to the real root of the problem and bring the farm back to solid ground?
定價:2052 元, 優惠價:79 1621
Super Cheat Codes and Secret Modes!: A Branches Book (Press Start #11)(全彩平裝本)
作者:Thomas Flintham  出版社:Scholastic  出版日:2022/01/04 裝訂:平裝
全彩橋梁書《Press Start》最新集數。小男孩獲得秘技使電玩遊戲世界天翻地覆,簡單模式、升級模式甚至還有隱藏關卡,讓超級兔的冒險更驚險刺激,直到遊戲逐漸開始崩壞…。Super Rabbit Boy has to fight through gaming gaffs and glitches in the latest installment of this USA Today bestselling series!Pick a book. Grow a Reader!This series is part of Scholastic's early chapter book line, Branches, aimed at newly independent readers. With easy-to-read text, high-interest content, fast-paced plots, and illustrations on every page, these books will boost reading confidence and stamina. Branches books help readers grow!When Sunny finds a list of cheat codes for his game, Animal Land gets turned topsy-turvy! With new weird and wonderful powers and effects, Super Rabbit Boy finds his latest adventure filled with easy modes, hard modes, and secret levels. It's more fun than ever... until the game starts to glitch! Can Super Rabbit Boy make his way through the madness and still save the day?Thomas Flintham's full-color art on every page brings energy and fun to this action-packed se
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定價:266 元, 優惠價:79 210
Julia Donaldson's Songbirds (36本平裝讀本)(附透明書袋)
作者:Julia Donaldson  出版社:Oxford Children's Books UK  出版日:2020/04/30 裝訂:平裝
這 36 個故事非常適合在家閱讀,經過精心分級(Read With Oxford Stage 1-4),透過書中的節奏和韻律,學會自然拼讀。Julia Donaldson’s Songbirds – 36 book pack Plastic wallet made of 36 individual PBs from the Read With Oxford Stage 1-4 Songbirds range.Join the Songbirds characters in these lively and engaging phonic stories! These 36 stories are perfect for reading at home and have been carefully levelled with built in phonics progression, supporting the phonics skills that children learn at school. They contain a wonderful mix of rhythm, rhyme and exciting language, for which Julia Donsaldson is so renowned. Julia Donaldson's Songbirds Read with Oxford Phonics 36 Books Collection Set (Stage 1 - 4):Read with Oxford: Stage 1: Julia Donaldson's Songbirds:Top Cat, Sam's Pot, Bob Bug, Dig, Dig, Dig!, Zak and the Vet, Mum Bug's Bag.Read with Oxford: Stage 2: Julia Donaldson's Songbirds:The Odd Pet, Miss! Miss!, This and That, Fish and Chips, Singing Dad, Doctor Duck, The Big Match, The Shopping List, Gran is Cross, The Trunk and the Sk
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定價:7900 元, 優惠價:19 1499
The Reading List
作者:Sara Nisha Adams  出版社:WILLIAM MORROW  出版日:2022/08/09 裝訂:平裝
定價:760 元, 優惠價:79 600
The Reading List
作者:Sara Nisha Adams  出版社:HarperCollins Publishers  出版日:2022/07/21 裝訂:平裝
*A finalist in the Goodreads Choice Awards for Fiction, discover this year’s most uplifting and heart-warming debut* A faded list.Nine favourite stories.For two strangers, friendship is only a page away . . .When Mukesh Patel pops to the local library, forgoing his routine of grocery shopping and David Attenborough documentaries, he has no idea his life’s about to change.He meets Aleisha, a reluctant librarian and the keeper of a curious reading list – just a scrappy piece of paper with the names of 9 stories. It doesn’t seem anything special. Yet something tells her to keep it close . . .Story by story, Mukesh and Aleisha work their way through the list – their worries slipping away with every encounter, with every world discovered in their unlikely book club of two.A fresh chance at life, at friendship, wasn’t on the cards for these lonely souls – but every story starts somewhere . . .?
定價:549 元, 優惠價:79 434
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