住著可怕狼人的13號房、有過失蹤案件的42號房,小男孩陶德能解開隱藏的8個線索、成功離開天堂飯店嗎?★《星期日泰晤士報》(Sunday Times)兒童週選書★英國水石書店(Waterstones)推薦閱讀★英國最大童書閱讀Book Trust月選書★英格蘭藝術理事會(ACE)支持親職教育閱讀網ReadingZone.com推薦★英國兒童文學推廣慈善機構「火花!學校圖書獎」(Spark! School Book Awards)獲選雲霄飛車般刺激的生活即將展開;請繫好安全帶、抓緊把手,跟陶德一起經歷這場精采的冒險吧!12歲男孩陶德總是很焦慮──爸爸有沒有按時吃藥、有沒有人接6歲的妹妹放學、同學是不是瞧不起自己……生活上的每一件事都可以讓他擔心。某一天晚上,爸爸突然說要去度假,還連夜開車帶一家人到海邊的天堂飯店!然而,爸爸口中華麗、高級、耀眼的飯店,卻變得又破又舊,而且聽說……13號房住了一位狼人、42號房還曾經發生未解的失蹤案件!焦慮的陶德只想逃離這個可怕的地方,但是情緒低落的爸爸只想躺在飯店床上、無憂無慮的妹妹還把飯店當遊樂場。彷彿雲霄飛車般的刺激生活即將展開,陶德能不能帶著爸爸和妹妹,平安離開天堂飯店呢?✈✈✈跟著「英國說故事大師」麗莎・湯普森,一起解開青春情緒之謎。焦慮、憂鬱、躁鬱已經入侵現代人的生活,不論大人或孩子,都有可能陷入情緒的漩渦,甚至影響日常生活。《雲霄飛車男孩》透過細膩、刺激、充滿冒險的故事,帶我們跟著12歲男孩陶德一起面對焦慮與擔心、面對父親的情緒起落,並且學會揭露內心的沉重壓力、學會向外尋求幫助。【本書特色】⬘告訴孩子:焦慮與擔憂是正常的情緒,我們都有可能因為學校、友誼、家庭上遇到的困難而感到不安,但是只要我們願意開口、尋求幫助,許多看似龐大的困難或許就能迎刃而解。⬘告訴家長:孩子細膩的眼能看見家庭中的困境與挑戰,當家中遇到困難時,請記得關注孩子的狀況,並且適時的與孩子多談談心、理解他們的內心想法。⬘告訴老師:憂鬱、躁鬱……我們身邊不乏遇到面臨這些心理健康問題的成人或孩子。而《雲霄飛車男孩》運用故事,讓孩子從中理解這些人遇到的困境、學會同理,並且在需要的時候或許可以伸出溫暖的手幫助他們。【閱讀關鍵與特色】✏適讀年齡:無注音,適合9歲以上閱讀。✏閱讀關鍵字:情緒、行為問題、自我價值、友誼、青少年焦慮、躁鬱症。✏教育議題:品德、家庭教育、閱讀素養。
A hilarious rollercoaster ride of pure entertainment for 9+ readers everywhere, Birthday Boy is the new Baddiel Blockbuster: featuring David's inimitable and award-winning combination of wish-fulfilme
Front DeskMia Tang has a lot of secrets:1. She lives in a motel, not a big house. 2.Her parents hide immigrants. 3. She wants to be a writer.It will take all of Mia's courage, kindness, and hard work to get through this year. Will she be able to hold on to her job, help the immigrants and guests, and go for her dreams?Perfect for fans of Boy At the Back of the Class and A Kind of Spark.Three KeysThe story of Mia, and her family and friends at the Calivista Motel, continues in this powerful, hilarious, and resonant sequel to the award-winning novel Front Desk. Mia Tang thinks she's going to have the best year ever:1. She and her parents have a motel.2. She gets to run the front desk. 3.She's finally getting somewhere with her writing. But, on a rollercoaster of challenges, Mia will need all her determination to hang on tight. If anyone can find the key to getting through turbulent times, it's Mia Tang.Room To Dream Mia Tang is going for her dreams:1. She's finally going on holiday to se
One day, in the middle of the summer holidays and in the middle of a manic episode, Todd and Laurie's dad takes them to stay in the hotel he spent most of his childhood holidays in. The hotel is a rundown dump and the disappointment means Dad takes to his bed. Todd and Laurie have the run of the place and they soon start to uncover a few secrets... THE SUNDAY TIMES' CHILDREN'S BOOK OF THE WEEK 'A warm-hearted, involving story about a mystery explored by a group of unlikely friends in a run-down seaside hotel . The feelgood ending is about kindness and seeking help when you need it' Nicolette JonesTodd and Laurie's dad is either on top of the world, taking them on fun adventures, or down in the depths and sleeping all the time.In the middle of the night, he bundles them into the car and drives them to the Paradise Hotel. He paints a picture of a luxurious mansion by the sea, but the reality is a rundown dump and the disappointment means Dad takes to his bed.Todd and Laurie have the
In this rollercoaster of emotions, of good vs. bad of happy vs. sad you will see-One family, one boy, their lives changed forever by the greed and anger of others. Thomas is only eight years old and h
A hilarious rollercoaster ride of pure entertainment for 9+ readers everywhere, Birthday Boy is the new Baddiel Blockbuster: featuring David's inimitable and award-winning combination of wish-fulfilme
A hilarious rollercoaster ride of pure entertainment for 9+ readers everywhere, Birthday Boy is the new Baddiel Blockbuster: featuring David's inimitable and award-winning combination of wish-fulfilme
A?rollercoaster journey through the glory days of pop music, this memoir from famed produced Tony Visconti brings to life more than five decades of music history. Soon after abandoning his native New