In this unique book, the reader is invited to experience the joy of appreciating something which has eluded understanding for many years — entropy and the Second Law of Thermodynamics. The book has a
This book presents a clear and readable description of one of the most mysterious concepts of physics: Entropy. It contains a self-learning kit that guides the reader in understanding the concepts of
This book presents a clear and readable description of one of the most mysterious concepts of physics: Entropy. It contains a self-learning kit that guides the reader in understanding the concepts of
The principal message of this book is that thermodynamics and statistical mechanics will benefit from replacing the unfortunate, misleading and mysterious term “entropy” with a more familiar, meaningf
This is a sequel to the author's book entitled “Entropy Demystified.” The aim is essentially the same as that of the previous book by the author: to present Entropy and the Second Law as simple, meani
This book presents an innovative unified approach to the statistical foundations of entropy and the fundamentals of equilibrium statistical mechanics. These intimately related subjects are often devel
The energy crisis and the climate change crisis are really just twin manifestations of the entropy crisis, argues Deutscher (Tel Aviv U., Israel), who introduces the concept of entropy to a general au
Deutscher examines theories about an impending collapse of the world economy due to the depletion of natural resources, the reasons the COP 21 Agreement recommended massive reduction in greenhouse
This informal, readable introduction to the basic ideas of thermal physics covers the extremum principles of entropy and free energies. Prerequisite material on mathematics and quantum mechanics is re
This book introduces the reader to two of the main directions of one-dimensional dynamics. The first has its roots in the Sharkovskii theorem, which describes the possible sets of periods of all perio
Entropy is a measure of order and disorder. If left alone, aging systems go spontaneously from a youthful, low entropy and order, to an old, high entropy and disorder. This book presents the commonal
In this unique book, the reader is invited to experience the joy of appreciating something which has eluded understanding for many years — entropy and the Second Law of Thermodynamics. The book has a
The principal message of this book is that thermodynamics and statistical mechanics will benefit from replacing the unfortunate, misleading and mysterious term “entropy” with a more familiar, meaningf
This book discusses the proper definitions of entropy, the valid interpretation of entropy and some useful applications of the concept of entropy. Unlike many books which apply the concept of entropy