The Black Swan所謂黑天鵝,是指看似極不可能發生的事件,它具三大特性:不可預測性;衝擊力強大;以及,一旦發生之後,我們會編造出某種解釋,使它看起來不如實際上那麼隨機,而且更易於預測。Google的驚人成就就是一個黑天鵝事件;九一一也是。作者認為黑天鵝潛藏在幾乎每一件事的背後——從宗教之興起,到我們個人生活中的大小事件。 為什麼要等到事情發生之後,我們才認得出黑天鵝現象呢?部分的答案是,
甜美的愛文的天鵝!一道多麼亮麗的景致照見你在水波上現身,在泰晤士河岸翻飛……──本.瓊生 Sweet Swan of Avon! what a sight it wereTo see thee in our waters yet appear,And make those flights upon the banks of Thames...— Ben Jonson 「知人論世」是重要的文學鑑賞方法。傅正明的新作《愛文的天鵝:誰是真正的莎士比亞?德維爾筆名背後的秘辛》,在歐洲文藝復興時期多種文化背景中,力求多角度評論偉大劇作家和詩人威廉.莎士比亞的歷史意義及其屬於一切時代的現實意義。在莎士比亞著作權的爭議中,著者推重「牛津派」(The Oxfordian theory),即以愛德華.德維爾,十七世牛津伯爵(Edward de Vere,17th Earl of Oxford)為莎士比亞全部作品的真實作者。除了引證德維爾的傳記史料和早期作品以外,本書作者兼用美學、政治、文化和宗教的鑰匙和佛學禪宗的視角來解讀莎士比亞之謎,分析滲透在莎劇和詩歌中以天鵝為象徵的「愛」(love)的多義性及其精神昇華。 本書是中文領域第一本簡明德維爾文學評傳和莎士比亞作品的學術研究專著。 About the Book The explication of “understanding the authors and discussing their times” is an important method of literary criticism. From multiple perspectives and on the various cultural backgrounds in the European Renaissance period, this book entitled Swan of Avon attempts to comment on the historical and contemporary significance of the great playwright and poet William Shakespeare who is for all ages. In the Shakespeare authorship question, the
A delightful retelling of a classic story with a twist, ideal for children practising their reading at home or in school.The little swan is not quite like his brothers and sisters. He's small and brow
The world is big.Anna is small.The snow iseverywhereand all around.But one night . . .One night, her mother takes her to the ballet, and everything is changed. Anna finds a beauty inside herself that
Discover the spellbinding magic of Swan Lake in this musical retelling of the ballet – push the button on each beautiful scene to hear the vivid sound of an orchestra playing from Tchaikovsky’s score.