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Buzz Lightyear takes fans of Disney/Pixar's Toy Story, Toy Story 2, and Toy Story 3 to infinity and beyond in this coloring and activity book featuring over 30 stickers that glow in the dark!
Eli Maor examines the role of infinity in mathematics and geometry and its cultural impact on the arts and sciences. He evokes the profound intellectual impact the infinite has exercised on the human
The infinite! No other question has ever moved so profoundly the spirit of man; no other idea has so fruitfully stimulated his intellect; yet no other concept stands in greater need of clarification t
To Infinity and Beyond explores the idea of infinity in mathematics and art. Eli Maor examines the role of infinity, as well as its cultural impact on the arts and sciences. He evokes the profound int
In 1986, gifted animator John Lasseter, technology guru Ed Catmull, and visionary Steve Jobs founded Pixar Animation Studios. Their goal: create a computer animated feature, despite predictions that i
With this book, children can unlock the mysteries of maths and discover the wonder of numbers. Readers will discover incredible information, such as why zero is so useful; what a googol really is; why
Get ready for awesome activity fun with this Disney Infinity sticker book! Solve tricky puzzles and use stickers to complete activities with Mr Incredible, Sulley, Captain Jack Sparrow and many more D