One of Charles Dickens's most renowned and enjoyable novels, Great Expectations tells the story of Pip, an orphan boy who wishes to transcend his humble origins and finds himself unexpectedly given th
A beautiful and timely guide to finding inner peace by yogi and meditation coach Swami Purnachaitanya._____Let Swami Purnachaitanya guide you on your personal journey towards finding the root cause of your anxiety, stress and restlessness, using meditation to collect distracted thoughts, soothe the senses and refocus your energy to being present in the moment.The world we live in is rapidly changing, from global warming and a pandemic at a macro level, to changing lifestyles, fake news and stress at a micro level. The ramifications of these events affect our health, productivity and, most importantly, leave a lasting impact on our inner peace. Looking Inward will help the reader to understand their own mind, be better equipped to transcend difficulties and to access the true source of peace, happiness and support from within.Blending wisdom, anecdotes and practical interactive exercises, Swami Purnachaitanya takes the reader on a step-by-step journey towards inner peace and happiness.
Transgender identities and other forms of gender and sexuality that transcend the normative pose important questions about society, culture, politics, and history. They force us to question, for examp
Frontiers of Memory in the Asia-Pacific explores the making and consumption of conflict-related heritage throughout the Asia-Pacific region. Contributing to a growing literature on ‘difficult heritage’, this collection advances our understanding of how places of pain, shame, oppression, and trauma have been appropriated and refashioned as ‘heritage’ in a number of societies in contemporary East and Southeast Asia and Oceania. The authors analyse how the repackaging of difficult pasts as heritage can serve either to reinforce borders, transcend them, or even achieve both simultaneously, depending on the political agendas that inform the heritage-making process. They also examine the ways in which these processes respond to colonialism, decolonization, and nationalism. The volume shows how efforts to preserve various sites of ‘difficult heritage’ can involve the construction of new borders in the mind between what is commemorated and what is often deliberately obscured or forgotten. Take
Ray Kurzweil所著的《奇點臨近》是一本有思維方法論啟示的書;是一本站在歷史的高度,正面思考科技力量的書;是一本充滿想象與預言,但又不失科學論證的書。本書提供了一個嶄新的視角:21世紀既是數百年以來科技、創意的頂點,又是對人類終極命運真摯的愿景。《奇點臨近》特點:奇特與警示的結論,書中六個紀元的劃分奇特又富于哲理;嚴謹與獨特的論述方法,通過分析科學發展趨勢,演繹并預測未來;警世之語與探討性對話,通過智者的眼睛去審視自然、科學以及世界;章尾與未來的對話,是一種思想的博弈:通過設想中的未來去理解當今的技術發展和進化中的人類。本書論述嚴謹,案例豐富,深入闡釋了“奇點”作為一種思潮,其在世界范圍內所產生的廣泛影響,并介紹了其在哲學、科學、技術、藝術等各個方面所展示的獨特魅力。
"21 DAYS TO TRANSFORM, TRANSCEND, AND TREASURE YOUR LIFE "is a collection of twenty-one life lessons that invite you to look at your life, listen to your heart, learn from your daily experiences, and