多數孩子與青少年高度依賴社群媒體,網路資訊的正確性與網路活動的安全性是現今社會的重要問題。本書談及隱私權設定、網路霸凌及使用濾鏡影響對外表的認知。透過此讀本加強媒體識讀,提升使用社群的安全性。Empower your kids to stay safe online with this fun, comprehensive guide for kids aged 10+. Packed with entertaining illustrations alongside practical information, the Social Media Survival Guide answers questions about all aspects of social media - the good AND the bad - making it a must-have tool for young people (and parents) to help navigate the online world safely and confidently and learn the best approaches to taking care of themselves. Content includes:- In-depth coverage of a range of important a difficult issues young people face including: body image, appearance-enhancing filters, influencers, sexual content and mental health- Uses recognisable themes rather than platform specifics, making the content relevant long-term- Tips on how to set up accounts safely and best manage privacy and messaging settings- Addressing your persona, online reputation, and relationships- Understanding
In The Making of Chinese-Sinophone Literatures as World Literature, Kuei-fen Chiu and Yingjin Zhang aim to bridge the distance between the scholarship of world literature and that of Chinese and Sinophone literary studies. This edited volume advances research on world literature by bringing in new developments in Chinese/Sinophone literatures and adds a much-needed new global perspective on Chinese literary studies beyond the traditional national literature paradigm and its recent critique by Sinophone studies. In addition to a critical mapping of the domains of world literature, Sinophone literature, and world literature in Chinese to delineate the nuanced differences of these three disciplines, the book addresses the issues of translation, genre, and the impact of media and technology on our understanding of “literature” and “literary prestige.” It also provides critical studies of the complicated ways in which Chinese and Sinophone literatures are translated, received, and reinveste
《English for Everyone》英語自學用書。套書分級落在多益考試500-900分之間,插圖輔助原意簡單不複雜的例句,更以顏色、方塊分解文法結構、時態變化,搭配母語者標準發音之音檔及多樣化練習題,突破牢記死背的學習法。Our Intermediate to Advanced Box Set is a great bundle of supportive reference guides and practice books to introduce English language rules, grammar, and vocabulary at an advanced level.Ideal for English test preparations or ESL lesson plans, the Course Books use visual teaching methods to introduce the English language, reinforced through a variety of exercises and examples when used alongside the bundled Practice Books.In Level 3, expand your English conversational topics by increasing the detail around your interests, life stories, and achievements, as well as being able to give instructions, advice, or solutions to problems. Continue to an advanced understanding in Level 4 and cover topics such as family life, careers and business, news and media, and even laws, rules, and regulations. Whether you are looking for ESL teaching resources, or a structured program for adu
'This book provides an extremely well written and informative introduction to the subject of media economics, characterized by clarity in the explanation of concepts or frameworks and by a balanced di
Leading scholars investigate media policies in Europe, inquiring into the regulatory practices, policy tools and institutional features of media policy-making in 14 countries. The book offers a fresh
Kendall (Arabic, U. of Oxford) updates and expands her Top 1,000 Words for Understanding Media Arabic to incorporate terms associated with the Arab Spring and the search for democracy, recent natural
A text that reveals the value and significance of community media in an era of global communicationWith contributions from an international team of well-known experts, media activists, and promising y