From the creators of the #1 New York Times,/I> bestseller The Book of Useless Information comes another fun, foolhardy and completely frivolous, fact-filled book.The Useless Information SocietyA's la
Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon meets The Book of Useless Information via Mad Libs in this fun new twist on classic trivia games. A"WHOA'S THE BLONDE THAT MARRIED WHATA'S-HIS-NAME whose last name sounds l
你知道古埃及人認為大腦是沒有用處的人體器官嗎?過去放屁竟然可以是一種職業?!曾擔任過6年菜鳥醫生的英國喜劇演員Adam Kay帶來令人噴飯的人體醫學歷史冷知識,讀本形式搭配插圖,國小以上適讀。The brand-new, hilarious book from bestselling, record-breaking author Adam Kay.The olden days were pretty fun if you liked wearing chainmail or chopping people's heads off but there was one TINY LITTLE problem back then . . .doctors didn't have the slightest clue about how our bodies worked.It's time to find out why Ancient Egyptians thought the brain was just a useless load of old stuffing that might as well be chucked in the bin, why teachers forced their pupils to smoke cigarettes, why hairdressers would cut off their customers' legs, and why people used to get paid for farting. (Unfortunately that's no longer a thing - sorry.)You'll get answers to questions like:Why did patients gargle with wee?How did a doctor save people's lives using a washing machine, a can of beans and some old sausages?What was the great stink? (No, it's not what doctors call your bum.)If you're sure you're ready,