非常適合課堂和家庭使用!您準備好參加有關自然界互動的終極測驗了嗎?為什麼有些海豚會幫助漁民捕魚?為什麼有些鳥願意進入鱷魚的嘴裡?砍伐樹木如何導致海平面上升?我們的行為如何導致一些動物滅絕?加入 Quiz Champs 主持人 Pam Pangolin,尋找諸如此類的有趣問題的答案。測試您對主題的掌握程度,學習有趣的事實,並一路上講一些愚蠢的笑話!Quiz Champs 系列經過專門設計,為年輕學習者提供有趣且具教育意義的學習體驗。該系列與新加坡小學科學課程大綱和劍橋小學科學課程保持一致,還包括豐富的問題,以拓展好奇心。已提供答案和附加資訊以幫助學習、複習和準備測驗。系列特色:與最新的2023年新加坡小學科學課程大綱和劍橋小學科學課程保持一致參與測驗題和笑話有趣、俏皮的外觀和感覺適合年輕讀者的簡單語言吉祥物隱藏在這本書的25頁中盡可能注入幽默有關主題的附加信息Great for classroom and home use!Are you ready to take the ultimate quiz on interactions in nature?why some dolphins help fishermen catch fish?why some birds willingly enter the mouths of crocodiles?how cutting trees can cause sea levels to rise?how our actions can make some animals extinct?Join Quiz Champs host Pam Pangolin as you find answers to intriguing questions such as these. Test your mastery of the topic, learn fun facts and crack up at silly jokes along the way!The Quiz Champs series has been specially crafted to be a fun and educational learning experience for young learners. The series is aligned
非常適合課堂和家庭使用!您準備好參加有關自然界互動的終極測驗了嗎?為什麼有些海豚會幫助漁民捕魚?為什麼有些鳥願意進入鱷魚的嘴裡?砍伐樹木如何導致海平面上升?我們的行為如何導致一些動物滅絕?加入 Quiz Champs 主持人 Pam Pangolin,尋找諸如此類的有趣問題的答案。測試您對主題的掌握程度,學習有趣的事實,並一路上講一些愚蠢的笑話!Quiz Champs 系列經過專門設計,為年輕學習者提供有趣且具教育意義的學習體驗。該系列與新加坡小學科學課程大綱和劍橋小學科學課程保持一致,還包括豐富的問題,以拓展好奇心。已提供答案和附加資訊以幫助學習、複習和準備測驗。系列特色:與最新的2023年新加坡小學科學課程大綱和劍橋小學科學課程保持一致參與測驗題和笑話有趣、俏皮的外觀和感覺適合年輕讀者的簡單語言吉祥物隱藏在這本書的25頁中盡可能注入幽默有關主題的附加信息Great for classroom and home use!Are you ready to take the ultimate quiz on interactions in nature?why some dolphins help fishermen catch fish?why some birds willingly enter the mouths of crocodiles?how cutting trees can cause sea levels to rise?how our actions can make some animals extinct?Join Quiz Champs host Pam Pangolin as you find answers to intriguing questions such as these. Test your mastery of the topic, learn fun facts and crack up at silly jokes along the way!The Quiz Champs series has been specially crafted to be a fun and educational learning experience for young learners. The series is aligned
Uncover fascinating stories about nature's cycles with this nature book for kids aged 5-7. In Nature Explained, art and science blend together in a fascinating visual tour of more than 20 nature cycles. Discover how trees lose their leaves, what makes flowers bloom, why seeds travel and many more incredible processes.Split into six sections - trees, leaves, flowers, seeds, mushrooms and seasons - the book's spreads present different scenes and explain the stories of nature, from pollination to photosynthesis and germination to decomposition, in a simple way. Anatomical profiles feature at the start of each section to give a broad overview to each chapter, and feature detailed diagrams and dissections for children to pour over.
Learn why it rains with the help of The Very Hungry Caterpillar!In this nonfiction story, young readers can discover what rain is and why it falls. The miracles of nature come to life in this early-learning series centered around weather, featuring simple text and Eric Carle's classic illustrations!
A busy and interactive reference book which answers all children's questions about how nature works. A great book to satisfy curious minds and answer all those pressing questions that just can't wait.
Explore the outdoors with hands-on science activities for kids ages 5 to 10 Kids are full of big questions like "What makes plants grow?" or "Why does the moon change shape in the sky?". Awesome Outdoor Experiments for Kids can help them find the answers! It's a treasure trove of outdoor adventures, with more than 50 fun experiments that show kids science in action as they play outside. Every experiment focuses on at least one aspect of STEAM: science, technology, engineering, arts, and math. As kids explore each activity outdoors, they'll get the chance to interact with nature and the amazing processes that are happening all around them. They'll observe bug behavior, build a beaver dam, predict the weather, and so much more. Discover the ultimate guide to an outdoor science lab for kids: Easy to do at home--The activities use basic items that are probably already around the house and include easy-to-follow steps. Hows and whys--Kids will learn the real science behind every result with
Discover what Little Elephant gets up to and explore his world, in this fun and informative title from the Really Wild Families series. Little Elephant has a big and loving family led by her Mummy and she can't wait to introduce you to her siblings, aunts, and cousins. Little Elephant walks miles every day with her herd, are you excited to join her journey? Beautiful and bright illustrations will make this informative book a hit with children of all ages! This charming celebration of elephants will show children just how amazing nature is and is a reminder that it is up to us to care for the planet and its weird and wonderful creatures.Learn all about nature’s largest land animal:- What happens in the herd- How they are ‘ecosystem engineers’- The role of female elephants- Why elephants are endangered This adorable story is followed by a fun factivity section packed with craft projects, case studies and a quiz section at the back of the book, so you can put everything you have
《瀕危動物歷險記》身歷其境的接觸超過15種獨特的生物,而他們有可能永遠消失在我們的世界。為什麼丹頂鶴會跳舞?巴西三帶犰狳能變成一顆球?為什麼北海狗的數量在不斷減少?與世界上最大的魚類--鯨鯊一起游泳;欣賞稀有而美麗的白鱀豚;在京那岸巴當河與婆羅洲象一起玩耍;從冰冷的海水到竹林,從熱帶森林到自然保護區,以前所未有的方式認識這些難以捉摸的瀕危生物!Adventures with Endangered Animals is an immersive encounter with more than 15 unique creatures in danger of being lost to our world forever. Why do red-crowned cranes dance? How is the Brazilian three-banded armadillo able to turn into a ball? Why are the northern fur seals decreasing in number? Swim with the world's largest fish, the whale shark. Admire the rare and beautiful baiji. And play with the Borneo elephants in the Kinabatangan River. From the freezing ocean waters to bamboo forests, and from tropical forests to nature reserves, experience these elusive endangered creatures as never before!
★《紐約時報》 2022 年度最好書★《金融時報》2023年度好書★ 入圍2023《英國皇家學會科學圖書獎》決選名單**A NEW YORK TIMES BOOK OF THE YEAR 2022 and FINANCIAL TIMES BEST BOOK OF 2023***Shortlisted for the Royal Society Trivedi Science Book Prize 2023*From the author of Spillover, the book that predicted the pandemic, Breathless is the story of Covid-19 and its fierce journey through the human population, as seen by the scientists tasked with fighting it.Bestelling author David Quammen draws on countless interviews with experts, including leading virologists, to take us inside the global race to understand SARS-CoV-2, it's ever-changing nature and capacity to kill. In doing so, he explains how new viruses emerge when we disrupt ecosystems and suggests why the coronavirus may be here to stay.By peering over the shoulders of the brilliant scientists leading the chase, Breathless uncovers the warnings from infectious diseases experts that went unheeded; and which clues are the most compelling in the hunt for the virus' origin.'A viral
9781474992145 Tree of Life (300片拼圖+16頁小書)A beautiful Tree of Life Jigsaw Puzzle accompanied by a 16pp book that explores the whole tree of life from microscopic bacteria to whole rainforest ecosystems, packed with information about how life works, what makes a living thing, and all sorts of the Earth’s amazing plants and animals.300片拼圖+16頁小書拼圖完成尺寸59*40公分9781839941191 The Tree Book (硬頁書)(英國版)Have you ever thought about all the amazing things that trees can do? How do they grow and why do they change through the seasons? How do trees help us and how can we help trees? Children will love discovering the answers with amazing see-through pages and clear, friendly text. With labelled acetate diagrams of a tree throughout the year, alongside minibeasts and animals that live in trees, this is a fantastic first look at nature for curious children everywhere.From leaves changing colour to underground root networks, The Tree Book is an exciting way to explore all the amazing things tree
《瀕危動物歷險記》身歷其境的接觸超過15種獨特的生物,而他們有可能永遠消失在我們的世界。為什麼丹頂鶴會跳舞?巴西三帶犰狳能變成一顆球?為什麼北海狗的數量在不斷減少?與世界上最大的魚類--鯨鯊一起游泳;欣賞稀有而美麗的白鱀豚;在京那岸巴當河與婆羅洲象一起玩耍;從冰冷的海水到竹林,從熱帶森林到自然保護區,以前所未有的方式認識這些難以捉摸的瀕危生物!Adventures with Endangered Animals is an immersive encounter with more than 15 unique creatures in danger of being lost to our world forever. Why do red-crowned cranes dance? How is the Brazilian three-banded armadillo able to turn into a ball? Why are the northern fur seals decreasing in number? Swim with the world's largest fish, the whale shark. Admire the rare and beautiful baiji. And play with the Borneo elephants in the Kinabatangan River. From the freezing ocean waters to bamboo forests, and from tropical forests to nature reserves, experience these elusive endangered creatures as never before!