This time-tested classic—first published more than sixty years ago—has helped millions achieve mastery of English. Word Power Made Easy is the most effective vocabulary builder in the English language
《英語說文解字》從概念入手,分門別類將表達相同或相似概念的核心詞匯組合在一起,考察這些詞匯意義上的聯繫和區別。在形式上,通過對單詞詞源、詞根和詞綴的研究,幫助讀者掌握構詞法,做到觸類旁通,舉一反三,在掌握核心詞匯的基礎上迅速擴充詞匯量。每一個英語單詞不再是孤立的個體,而是與其他詞匯有機聯繫在一起的要素,是各種概念的活潑的表現形式。全書編排嚴謹,內容豐富,每一章既有對概念和構詞法的詳細講解,又配備了大量的練習和測試,幫助讀者復習和鞏固所學內容。此外,書中還插入了大量的典故、故事,各種學習方法的介紹和比較,各種奇特的語言現象的分析與評論,全書語言幽默生動,使讀者輕輕鬆松地學到新詞匯、新概念,真正體會英文書名Word Power Made Easy的涵義。
暢銷熱賣超過六十年的英文字彙經典鉅作《Word Power Made Easy》,全新中文化,重裝上市!! 暢銷書《英文字彙解密:人格、職業、科學與行為》同步熱賣中! 【英文字彙書史上最強銷售紀錄】★ Amazon 4.5顆星推薦,語言書類排行榜No.1,熱賣超過六十年的經典鉅作!★ 出版至今全球長銷熱賣超過兩百萬冊!★ 全美公認No.1英文字彙學習書,美國學生準備SAT、GRE、GMAT必備參考
Word Power Made Easy is a comprehensive vocabulary‑building system created by legendary grammarian Norman Lewis that provides a simple, step‑by‑step method to increase your knowledge and mastery of th
Norman Lewis was born in 1912 in Brooklyn, New York, and died in 2006 in Whittier, California. He was an author, grammarian, lexicographer, and etymologist, and a leading authority on English-language
This helpful addition to the bestselling Made Easy series of? workbooks has been designed to help Canadian children develop strong? English skills and boost their word power. Imaginative, 10-minute? p
暢銷熱賣超過六十年的英文字彙經典鉅作《Word Power Made Easy》全新中文化,重裝上市!!【英文字彙書史上最強銷售紀錄】★ Amazon 4.5顆星推薦,語言書類排行榜No.1,熱賣超過六十年的經典鉅作!★ 出版至今全球長銷熱賣超過兩百萬冊!★ 全美公認No.1英文字彙學習書,美國學生準備SAT、GRE、GMAT必備參考書★ 2013年獲選為美國英語教師協會推薦書籍諾曼‧路易斯教授將