This is the first book on Asian countries’ strategies towards the EU. Since the introduction of Common Foreign and Security Policy in 1993 and the publication of the EU’s first strategic document on A
To avoid a repeat of those nationalist nightmares, a common European Dream emerged after WWII, which has since developed into some essential doctrines of European integration. This dream-inspired inst
文化是歐盟「多元一體」精神的基石,本書探索歐盟的文化政策脈絡,並同時從歐盟與會員國層級剖析各文化領域的實踐。 今日,文化日益被當作是歐洲各國提升經濟發展、創造就業、促進社會融合、強化與他國交流之重要媒介。歐洲整合之父莫內(Jean Monnet)曾說:「倘若歐洲整合能重新開始,吾將由文化著手。」事實上,文化乃歐盟的核心理念之一,也是「多元一體」(Unity in Diversity)精神的基石。在