"This book explores the emerging values and visions guiding the rise of new platforms for digital activities, crowdsourcing, crowdfunding and others that are shaping new development tools in the devel
"This book examines current issues relating to the practice of electronic government. It provides organizational and managerial directions with greater use and management of electronic/digital governm
"This book explores how constitutional awareness occurs in different countries and how this plays a role in citizenship participation. It also analyses the role of digital tools play in the disseminat
Luppicini and Baarda present readers with a collection of academic and professional contributions focused on the latest trends and methods utilizing emerging information and communication technolog
Contributors from a wide range of social sciences and business fields examine economic development and subnational governance from the perspectives of theorizing subnational governance and developm
Contributing to the literature on using information and communication technology for sustainable development, computer and information scientists review applications and case studies in the use of
Some contributors with experience in various government positions, and others with backgrounds in computers and electronics explore how government procurement can be and is being handled through co
This volume contains 18 articles by political science, communication, and other researchers from Europe, the US, Mexico, and India, who examine the use of new media technologies in social and polit
"This book explores the definition and measurement of financial sustainability in public administrations, the link between equality, intergenerational equity and financial sustainability in public adm
"This book promotes the integral economic, social and environmental protection and development in cities. It promotes cities as drivers of development and poverty reduction and it presents cases that
"This book addresses the role leaders play in the outcomes of post conflict resolution measures and peacebuilding. It explores how relationships between national leaders influence post-conflict resolu
"This book disseminates methodologies that would allow public institutions to implement practices, consistent with values of ethics, rigor, transparency and accountability to promote accountable publi
"This book defines key conceptual and experiential issues of urban development and planning of KBUD Middle Eastern cities of the twenty-first century. It discusses the role of knowledge and its spatia
"This book explains the strands of nationalist ideology and its application in modern American politics, offering insight into the goals, policies, as well as the potential successes and consequences