This collection of 18 essays, presented as separately authored chapters that are effectively standalone, explores critical and counter-hegemonic pedagogies that foster democratic consciousness, as wel
This book has received the AESA (American Educational Studies Association) Critics Choice Award 2013. There is a widespread, but mainly untenable, assumption that education in Western societies (and e
Noting that traditional education has long been an "authoritarian-structured and state-controlled avenue to assure that children are quiet, still, and receptive, much as corporate America wants its wo
This volume unmasks tensions among economic, political, and educational goals in the context of becoming and being a teacher. Chapters frame becoming and being a teacher within commitments to democrac
How do teachers know the limits of their speech? Free speech means more than simply being free to agree, though the authoritarian managerial cultures of many schools increasingly ignore the need for a
How do teachers know the limits of their speech? Free speech means more than simply being free to agree, though the authoritarian managerial cultures of many schools increasingly ignore the need for a