Kuhlthau (library and information science, Rutgers U.) et al. show preK-12 teachers, school librarians, and principals a framework for designing and implementing guided inquiry that is tailored to the
With this CD-ROM, you can now visually reinforce Guided Inquiry Design concepts and engage learners with 29 images ready for printing, posting, and learning.
When students are able to manage topics of high interest by choosing their own subject matter, they learn how to effectively perform pre-collegiate research through a process that they find fun and re
An essential resource for teachers and librarians who work with students in the later high school years through college and graduate school levels, this book explains and simplifies the scholarly task
Written by the creator of the Guided Inquiry Design (GID) framework as well as an educator, speaker, and national consultant on the topic, this book explains the nuances of GID in the high school cont