Numbers by the Book is a step by step guide to the financial side of planning, opening and operating a successful museum retail operation. This 96 page gem is lavishly illustrated with tables and char
Innovative tourism industry leader Rosemary Rice McCormick guides the reader through the basics of marketing and tourism know-how for museum store managers and other museum and heritage marketing prof
The 2014 MSA Retail Industry Report provides benchmarks, gives insight, and enables you to make smart business decisions to maximize sales in your museum store. The report includes hundreds of pages o
Museum Store: The Manager's Guide is full of practical advice, forms, and examples for any museum store manager who wants to increase visibility and sales and expand their customer base.
The New Store Workbook gets down to the nitty gritty of planning to open a new museum store, from calculating the sales dollars needed per square foot, to estimating dollars spent by visitors, all the