Natasha O'Hear considers seven different visualisations of all or part of the Book of Revelation across a range of different media, from illuminated manuscripts, to tapestries, to altarpieces to pain
The book of Isaiah is a composite work whose formation took place over a long period of time, incorporating the work of many different hands rather than the work of a single author. A crucial stage i
This book is a study of the making of collective memory within early Judaism in a seminal text of the Western canon. The book of Ecclesiastes and its speaker Qohelet are famous for saying that there i
In seventeenth-century England the poet George Herbert became known as `Divine Herbert', his poetry a model for those aspiring to the status of inspired Christian poet. This book explores the relation
Before etching Jerusalem William Blake wrote about creating 'the grandest poem that this world contains.' Blake's avowed intention in constructing the work was to move readers from a solely rational
Western intellectual history has benefited from a rich and sophisticated conversation between theology and science, leaving us with centuries of scientific and theological literature on the subjects.
This book is a study of the role of intellect in human action as described by Thomas Aquinas. One of its primary aims is to compare the interpretation of Aristotle by Aquinas with the lines of interpr
This study examines the major themes and personalities that influenced the outbreak of a number of Evangelical secessions from the Church of England and Ireland during the first half of the nineteenth
Ezra and the Second Wilderness addresses the relationship between Ezra, the Ezra Memoir, and the Pentateuch. Tracing the growth of the Ezra Memoir and its incorporation into Ezra-Nehemiah, Philip Y. Y
Royal Priesthood in the English Reformation assesses the understandings of the Christian doctrine of royal priesthood, long considered one of the three major Reformation teachings, as held by an array
In the wake of the economic crisis, few questions are more pressing than those around the ethics of finance and economics. Theology and Economic Ethics expands the self-critical resources of contempor
The Macarian writings are among the most important and influential works of the early Christian ascetic and mystical tradition. This book offers an introduction to the work of Macarius-Symeon (common
The subject of this book is the appropriation of divine life in Cyril of Alexandria as set forth in his New Testament biblical commentaries. Cyril's writings are punctuated by what may be called a 'na
This book places Saint Augustine's theology in a new and illuminating context by considering what he has to say about beauty. It demonstrates how a theological understanding of beauty revealed in the
In this book Morwenna Ludlow compares and assesses the arguments for universal salvation put forth by theologians Gregory of Nyssa and Karl Rahner. Ludlow looks at the origins and development of the i
This is the first thorough analysis of the Hippolytus question in English in over a century. Drawing on leading scholarship of the 20th century, it untangles millennia of theory and points to the evid
This book is a study of the Anglican Reformed tradition (often inaccurately described as Calvinist) after the Restoration. Hampton sets out to revise our picture of the theological world of the later