每個人都有屬於自己的那一部分。將這些碎片重新拼接,便能證實彼此曾共同經歷過的那段黑暗年歲:若這對你而言是真的,那麼對另一人亦將如是,此後你不再孤獨。這不是歷史課,而是美麗又令人心碎的見證,關於那群遍體鱗傷的男孩所擁有之刻骨銘心的情誼。★改編電影《Nickel Boys》強勢衝擊二○二五年奧斯卡金像獎最佳影片、最佳改編劇本等大獎★二○二○年普立茲小說獎獲獎作品,科爾森•懷特黑德(Colson Whitehead)繼《地下鐵道》(The Underground Railroad)後,成為史上僅有四位的兩屆得主(布斯•塔金頓、威廉•福克納、約翰•厄普代克)且為唯一黑人作家二○二○年普立茲小說獎(Pulitzer Prize)★美國國家圖書獎小說獎( National Book Award)入圍★美國國家書評人協會獎(National Book Critics Circle Award)決選——《紐約時報》(The New York Times)暢銷書籍★柯克斯文學獎(Kirkus Prize)獲獎小說——《時代雜誌》(TIME)二○一○年世代最佳小說之一★《出版者週刊》(Publishers Weekly)、《華盛頓郵報》(The Washington Post)、《衛報》(The Guardian)、全國公共廣播電台(NPR)、亞馬遜書店(Amazon)、紐約公共圖書館(The New York Public Library)、《Slate》等各大媒體年度選書埃爾伍德——成長於一九六○年代的塔拉赫西的黑人男孩——因偏頗的裁決而被送進名為「鎳克爾學院」的少年矯正學校,彷彿被困在一座恐怖、弔詭的監牢裡。唯一救贖是與同被視為少年犯的特納所建立起的深厚情誼。然而,特納認為埃爾伍德天真得無可救藥,並堅信世界是迂腐敗壞的。隨著學院生活趨於險惡,抱持理想主義的埃爾伍德和身為懷疑論者的特納,關係變得緊張,最終,兩人做出了將影響未來數十年的決定……本書取材自佛羅里達州一所矯正學校的真實故事,這所學校運營的一百一十一年間,上千名兒童的人生遭到殘忍剝奪。而這是一部令人心碎而又充滿力量的作品,堪稱科爾森•懷特黑德的巔峰之作。◈◈◈「科爾森•懷特黑德一如既往將一種美國文學的經典體裁轉化成自己的風格……敘事嚴謹,字句平實而有力,猶如劃破水面的船槳……他用莊重而謹慎的態度娓娓道來,成為那些痛苦的、被
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Emilie Day believes in playing it safe: she’s homeschooled, her best friend is her seizure dog, and she’s probably the only girl on the Outer Banks of North Carolina who can’t swim.Then Emilie’s mom e
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“The carnage began with the roses. She hacked at their ruffled blooms until they dropped into monstrous drifts of red on the parched yellow lawn … Only two things kept my mother grounded
Emilie Day believes in playing it safe. She's homeschooled, her best friend is her seizure dog, and she's probably the only girl on the Outer Banks of North Carolina who can't swim. Then Emilie's mom
Emilie Day believes in playing it safe. She's homeschooled, her best friend is her seizure dog, and she's probably the only girl on the Outer Banks of North Carolina who can't swim. Then Emilie's mom
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A guy whose father ripped his heart out too.You and me, Ishmael, we’re brothers, two dark sons. Destroyed, lost, and isolated, the perspectives of two teenage boys—modern-day Sam, and biblical Ishmael
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Perfect for fans of Veronica Mars and Downton Abbey, Stephanie Morrill’s atmospheric mystery, The Lost Girl of Astor Street, will take readers from the glitzy homes of the elite to the mob-run s
Sixteen-year-old Tatum Elsea is settling in for the worst summer on record. After she’s unfairly implicated in one of her best friend’s ideas gone awry, Tatum’s stepmother places her under virtual hou
Since the tragic death of his girlfriend, Delia, Levi can’t seem to come out of his depression--refusing to speak as long as Delia remains silenced. Desperate to make some positive change in his life,