Look at the owl and the pig and the bear and the puppy and the rabbit. What do you think they're waiting for?Something wonderful?A visitor?A surprise?Maybe they're waiting for you! 商品除瑕疵品外,恕不接受退換貨因拍攝略
邱老師強調:「傳統西方神學,幾乎一面倒的強調罪咎與清白(guilt and innocence,簡稱為 GI),因為歐美法治社會,傳統上就是以基督教約束人的內心,以羅馬法約束人外在的行為,上帝的審判官角色,很容易理解,信仰表達偏向個人主義;靈恩運動興起後,在恐懼與權能(fear and power,簡稱為FP)的世界觀中大有斬獲,強調祭壇、禱告的大能,靈界的爭戰,上帝的角色是得勝的將軍、是猶大的獅
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Use your Magic Magnifying Glass to see inside a whole world of mind-boggling machines in this cutting edge interactive titlle, ideal for budding scientists, engineers, or other curious young minds! Se
Written by "the new Mary Beard," classicist Honor Cargill-Martin flips the script in this enchanting anthology of eight Greek myths where women take center stage In She Speaks, passionate classicist Honor Cargill-Martin redresses this imbalance by retelling eight classic Greek myths, this time from an all-female perspective. Written in first-person, we hear from the astute sorceress Medea and her pivotal role in the quest for the Golden Fleece; discover the contributions of Cretan princess Ariadne in the slaying of the Minotaur; witness the strength and resilience of Atalanta, Circe, Helen of Troy, and many other women who have been previously overshadowed by their male counterparts. With her meticulous research and insightful storytelling, readers will be mesmerized as Honor resurrects these voices, breathes new life into well-loved stories, and drags the Classics into the modern world. Stories include: PANDORA'S STORY: The first woman on Earth who opened a box--and gave the world hop
Monday 1st NovemberThere's only fifty days until the Winter Solstice, the longest and witchiest night of the year. But before that there's the Grand Tournament - the biggest and sportiest day in the witchy calendar! And I can't wait!Bea Black is all settled into her new life in Little Spellshire, a town with a magical secret. She's made tonnes of friends at witch school, learned how to levitate frogs (just about) and been working hard on polishing up her broom skills.So when the Winter Solstice Grand Tournament rolls round, she's ready to rise to the next challenge and fly high. But then Ms Sparks decides that this year's tournament will be a bit ... er ...different. That is, it won't be an Extraordinary Grand Tournament at all, but rather a very ordinary sports day with Spellshire Academy! With magic firmly forbidden and rivalry reaching new heights, who will emerge victorious? And more importantly, will Bea's friendship with her best non-witchy friend Ash survive the competition? A p
Friday 18th FebruaryBinky has just reminded us that we have to put on this play in front of the WHOLE SCHOOL and now we’re a mixture of excited and SCARED!When Bea’s class is tasked with putting on the school play, she can’t wait to get started. Her friends are nothing if not dramatic, and now her magic is getting stronger, perhaps she can use that to create some special effects!But before long the drama takes over the school – with overenthusiastic set design, nervous performers and transformation mishaps. It’s time for Bea and her friends to put their teamwork to the test and put on an unFROGettable performance…A perfect potion of magic and mischief, DIARY OF AN ACCIDENTAL WITCH is THE WORST WITCH meets TOM GATES.PRAISE FOR DIARY OF AN ACCIDENTAL WITCH:“Great fun!” – iPaper“Full of magical mayhem!” – BookTrust“A magical adventure that will touch your heart and tickle your funny bone.” – Maz Evans, author of WHO LET THE GODS OUT“A brilliant, hilarious story!” – Emma Carroll, author of