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彼德‧梵科潘 (2)
(英)彼得•弗蘭科潘 (1)
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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:彼德‧梵科潘  出版社:聯經  出版日:2022/04/21 裝訂:平裝
轟動全球百萬暢銷鉅著《絲綢之路》作者經典作品剖析十字軍背後的權力遊戲,揭示狂熱東征運動的深層動力彼德.梵科潘入選英國《展望雜誌》2019年全球50大思想家名單:「這位牛津大學的歷史學家,在我們看待過去的方式上,引發了一場大眾革命!」挑戰近千年來的研究成果,揭露十字軍首役不為人知的歷史!攻克耶路撒冷,為西歐持續至今的全球優勢備好舞臺,並形塑了現代世界。11世紀末,數萬十字軍義無反顧地踏上了慘烈的遠征之路。他們天真地堅信,從異教徒手中奪回耶路撒冷、解救被凌虐的東方教徒,就是上帝賦予他們的神聖使命。但歷史遠非如此簡單,十字軍說到底是一群狂熱的烏合之眾,從一開始,他們就只是這場權力遊戲中任人擺布的棋子…… 依據傳統說法,十字軍首役在教宗烏爾班二世的鼓吹下展開,並由數千名西歐騎士將耶路撒冷從日益高漲的伊斯蘭威脅下解放出來。但是,如果十字軍首役真正的觸媒其實來自遙遠的羅馬東方呢?在這本開創性的著作中,梵科潘挑戰近一千年來的學術研究,提出可信且令人耳目一新的觀點。 幾乎所有相關歷史研究注視的都是教宗與自願投入的西方戰士,以及關於勇氣、悲劇和堅忍的無數故事。梵科潘的研究與此形成強烈對比,他審視東方,尤其是在基督教帝國拜占庭首都君士坦丁堡發生的事,指出十字軍首役真正的煽動者其實是皇帝阿列克修斯一世.科穆寧,其帝國在突厥人侵擾下瀕臨崩潰邊緣,於是向教宗懇求軍事援助。 梵科潘的敘事以長久以來被忽略的東方文獻為基礎,同時也對十字軍首役後改變世界的事件,提出發人深省而高度原創的解釋。透過梵科潘革命性的著作,我們得以用更忠於史實的方式,了解十字軍運動的起源,同時回顧牽動中世紀歷史和發展的重大時刻。
定價:450 元, 優惠價:9 405
Call the Midwife: A True Story of the East End in the 1950s (TV Tie-In)
作者:Jennifer Worth  出版社:Orion Publishing UK  出版日:2012/01/05 裝訂:平裝
Jennifer Worth's tales of being a midwife in 1950s London, now a major BBC TV series. Jennifer Worth came from a sheltered background when she became a midwife in the Docklands in the 1950s. The condi
定價:549 元, 優惠價:79 434
World of Reading Level 2: Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur : This is Moon Girl
作者:Marvel Press Artist  出版社:Disney Press  出版日:2022/10/04 裝訂:平裝
Introducing Moon Girl! When her Lower East Side, New York, neighborhood needs saving, a 13-year- old Black, super-genius transforms into her Marvel super hero alter-ego: Moon Girl! Her best friend Casey is there to manage her social media, and her giant red T-Rex, Devil Dinosaur, is by her side for muscle. Moon Girl is confident, determined, and ready for action in her turbo-powered roller skates.The World of Reading This is... series is designed to offer reluctant readers books they will want to read by featuring the origin stories of characters they love.Learn how a tween girl from the Lower East Side becomes Moon Girl in this 32-page origin story.Features:large, easy-to-read printshort, simple sentencesfun illustrationsIf you like this book, you might also like:Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur: Hair Today, Gone TomorrowThis Is Ms. MarvelThis Is Kate Bishop: HawkeyeThis Is Spider-ManThis is The Mighty ThorDescendants 3: Stronger TogetherZombies 2: Call to the Wild
定價:228 元, 優惠價:79 180
作者:彼德‧梵科潘  出版社:聯經  出版日:2022/04/21 裝訂:平裝
轟動全球百萬暢銷鉅著《絲綢之路》作者經典作品 剖析十字軍背後的權力遊戲, 揭示狂熱東征運動的深層動力 彼德.梵科潘入選英國《展望雜誌》2019年全球50大思想家名單: 「這位牛津大學的歷史學家,在我們看待過去的方式上,引發了一場大眾革命!」 挑戰近千年來的研究成果,揭露十字軍首役不為人知的歷史! 攻克耶路撒冷,為西歐持續至今的全球優勢備好舞臺,並形塑了現代世界。 11世紀末,數萬十字軍義無反顧地踏上了慘烈的遠征之路。他們天真地堅信,從異教徒手中奪回耶路撒冷、解救被凌虐的東方教徒,就是上帝賦予他們的神聖使命。但歷史遠非如此簡單,十字軍說到底是一群狂熱的烏合之眾,從一開始,他們就只是這場權力遊戲中任人擺布的棋子…… 依據傳統說法,十字軍首役在教宗烏爾班二世的鼓吹下展開,並由數千名西歐騎士將耶路撒冷從日益高漲的伊斯蘭威脅下解放出來。但是,如果十字軍首役真正的觸媒其實來自遙遠的羅馬東方呢?在這本開創性的著作中,梵科潘挑戰近一千年來的學術研究,提出可信且令人耳目一新的觀點。 幾乎所有相關歷史研究注視的都是教宗與自願投入的西方戰士,以及關於勇氣、悲劇和堅忍的無數故事。梵科潘的研究與此形成強烈對比,他審視東方,尤其是在基督教帝國拜占庭首都君士坦丁堡發生的事,指出十字軍首役真正的煽動者其實是皇帝阿列克修斯一世.科穆寧,其帝國在突厥人侵擾下瀕臨崩潰邊緣,於是向教宗懇求軍事援助。 梵科潘的敘事以長久以來被忽略的東方文獻為基礎,同時也對十字軍首役後改變世界的事件,提出發人深省而高度原創的解釋。透過梵科潘革命性的著作,我們得以用更忠於史實的方式,了解十字軍運動的起源,同時回顧牽動中世紀歷史和發展的重大時刻。 好評推薦 ▍專文導讀 林偉勝(英國伯明罕大學拜占庭研究博士) ▍熱烈推薦 范姜士璁(國立中興大學歷史學系助理教授) 神奇海獅(歷史作家) 蔣竹山(國立中央大學歷史學研究所副教授兼所長) 媒體名人盛讚 這部著作極為重要,充滿了拜占庭的機關算計,對歷史的修正深具說服力,引用全新來源的學術資料,令人折服。它將熟悉的西方故事透過東方皇帝的眼光重新聚焦,填補了十字軍運動拼圖中的空白處。 ――賽門.蒙提費歐里(Simon Sebag Montefiore),《耶路撒冷三千年》作者 精采絕倫,兼具深入的學術研究與流暢的可讀性。自史蒂芬.朗希曼以來對十字軍運動寫作最重要的新作品。 ――約翰
作者:(英)彼得•弗蘭科潘  出版社:海南出版社  出版日:2019/10/15 裝訂:精裝
11世紀末,數萬十字軍義無反顧地踏上了慘烈的東征之路。他們天真地堅信,從異教徒手中奪回耶路撒冷、解救被淩虐的東方教徒,就是上帝賦予他們的神聖使命。但歷史遠非如此簡單,十字軍說到底是一群狂熱的烏合之眾,從一開始,他們就只是這場權力遊戲中任人擺佈的棋子……權力遊戲Round 1: 出征作為十字軍的幕後推手,拜占庭皇帝阿萊克修斯很早就開始了輿論造勢。他通過官方和私人的渠道,不斷向西歐人渲染東方教徒的慘狀
作者:Peter Frankopan  出版社:Harvard Univ Pr  出版日:2012/04/01 裝訂:精裝
According to tradition, the First Crusade began at the instigation of Pope Urban II and culminated in July 1099, when thousands of western European knights liberated Jerusalem from the rising menace o
The First Crusade ─ The Call from the East
作者:Peter Frankopan  出版社:Belknap Pr  出版日:2016/09/12 裝訂:平裝
According to tradition, the First Crusade began at Pope Urban II’s instigation and culminated in July 1099, when western European knights liberated Jerusalem. But what if the First Crusade’s real ca
定價:912 元, 優惠價:79 720
A Call from the East
作者:Andrew Earnshaw  出版社:PBKPIMPE  出版日:2023/04/24 裝訂:平裝
定價:1507 元, 優惠價:1 1507
The First Crusade:The Call from the East
作者:Peter Frankopan  出版社:Vintage Publishing  出版日:2013/03/07 裝訂:平裝
定價:714 元, 優惠價:95 678
出版社:Lightning Source Inc  出版日:2021/09/09 裝訂:平裝
定價:948 元, 優惠價:1 948
出版社:Lightning Source Inc  出版日:2021/09/09 裝訂:精裝
定價:1598 元, 優惠價:1 1598
Call of Empire ─ From the Highlands to Hindostan
作者:Charles Baillie; Alexander Charles Baillie  出版社:McGill Queens Univ  出版日:2017/10/01 裝訂:精裝
From 1760 to 1869, four generations of one family from the Scottish Highlands sought their fortunes in the service of the East India Company. As they worked their way up through the ranks of the empir
定價:1798 元, 優惠價:1 1798
Call Sign Chaos: Learning to Lead
作者:Jim Mattis  出版社:Random House  出版日:2021/03/02 裝訂:平裝
A clear-eyed account of learning how to lead in a chaotic world, by General Jim Mattis--the former Secretary of Defense and one of the most formidable strategic thinkers of our time--and Bing West, a former assistant secretary of defense and combat Marine.Call Sign Chaos is the account of Jim Mattis's storied career, from wide-ranging leadership roles in three wars to ultimately commanding a quarter of a million troops across the Middle East. Along the way, Mattis recounts his foundational experiences as a leader, extracting the lessons he has learned about the nature of warfighting and peacemaking, the importance of allies, and the strategic dilemmas--and short-sighted thinking--now facing our nation. He makes it clear why America must return to a strategic footing so as not to continue winning battles but fighting inconclusive wars.Mattis divides his book into three parts: direct leadership, executive leadership, and strategic leadership. In the first part, Mattis recalls his early e
定價:722 元, 優惠價:79 570
Carroll County ─ A Place to Call Home
作者:Janice E. Lane  出版社:Arcadia Pub  出版日:2003/07/01 裝訂:平裝
When pioneer families from the East moved into Ohio around the turn of the nineteenth century, one of the first lands of promise they discovered was the area that would become Carroll County. The regi
定價:1125 元, 優惠價:1 1125
Art of the Ancient Near East: A Resource for Educators
作者:Kim Benzel; Sarah B. Graff; Yelena Rakic; Edith W. Watts  出版社:Metropolitan Museum of Art  出版日:2010/11/23 裝訂:精裝
Many features of civilization originated in the lands we call the ancient Near East, a vast and varied area from Turkey to the Indus Valley of present-day Pakistan and from the Caucasus to the Arabian
定價:3038 元, 優惠價:9 2734
Call the Midwife ─ A Memoir of Birth, Joy, and Hard Times
作者:Jennifer Worth  出版社:Penguin Group USA  出版日:2012/08/29 裝訂:平裝
Reflects on the experiences of Jennifer Worth as a midwife in London's postwar East End, including the nuns from whom she learned her craft and the interesting and challenging births she aided during
定價:684 元, 優惠價:79 540
作者:Despina Vlami  出版社:Tauris Academic Studies  出版日:2014/12/31 裝訂:精裝
Trade is the engine of history, and the acceleration in what scholars call 'globalism' from the beginning of the last millennium has been driven by communities interacting with each other through comm
Proof of Life: Twenty Days on the Hunt for a Missing Person in the Middle East
作者:Daniel Levin  出版社:Algonquin Books  出版日:2022/05/17 裝訂:平裝
“Riveting . . . Well-written and highly compelling."―Wall Street Journal​“Truly thrilling. Daniel Levin brilliantly conveys both the menace and the evil of Middle Eastern intrigue, and some victories of human kindness over cruelty and despair.”―Daniel Kahneman, New York Times bestselling author of Thinking, Fast and Slow Daniel Levin was in his New York office when he got a call from an acquaintance with an urgent, cryptic request to meet in Paris. A young man had gone missing in Syria. No government, embassy, or intelligence agency would help. Could he? Would he? So begins a suspenseful, shocking, and at times brutal true story of one man’s search to find a miss­ing person in Syria over twenty tense days. Levin, a lawyer turned armed-conflict negotia­tor, chases leads throughout the Middle East, meeting with powerful sheikhs, drug lords, and sex traffickers in his pursuit of the truth.In Proof of Life, Levin dives deep into the shadows―an underground industry of war where everything i
定價:644 元, 優惠價:79 509
作者:Nianshen Song  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2018/06/30 裝訂:精裝
Until the late nineteenth century, the Chinese-Korean Tumen River border was one of the oldest, and perhaps most stable, state boundaries in the world. Spurred by severe food scarcity following a succession of natural disasters, from the 1860s, countless Korean refugees crossed the Tumen River border into Qing-China's Manchuria, triggering a decades-long territorial dispute between China, Korea, and Japan. This major new study of a multilateral and multiethnic frontier highlights the competing state- and nation-building projects in the fraught period that witnessed the Sino-Japanese War, the Russo-Japanese War, and the First World War. The power-plays over land and people simultaneously promoted China's frontier-building endeavours, motivated Korea's nationalist imagination, and stimulated Japan's colonialist enterprise, setting East Asia on an intricate trajectory from the late-imperial to a situation that, Song argues, we call modern.
Making Borders in Modern East Asia:The Tumen River Demarcation, 1881-1919
作者:Nianshen Song  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2019/11/28 裝訂:平裝
Until the late nineteenth century, the Chinese-Korean Tumen River border was one of the oldest, and perhaps most stable, state boundaries in the world. Spurred by severe food scarcity following a succession of natural disasters, from the 1860s, countless Korean refugees crossed the Tumen River border into Qing-China's Manchuria, triggering a decades-long territorial dispute between China, Korea, and Japan. This major new study of a multilateral and multiethnic frontier highlights the competing state- and nation-building projects in the fraught period that witnessed the Sino-Japanese War, the Russo-Japanese War, and the First World War. The power-plays over land and people simultaneously promoted China's frontier-building endeavours, motivated Korea's nationalist imagination, and stimulated Japan's colonialist enterprise, setting East Asia on an intricate trajectory from the late-imperial to a situation that, Song argues, we call modern.
定價:1624 元, 優惠價:9 1462
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