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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:瑞秋‧霍利斯  出版社:格子外面文化  出版日:2020/03/15 裝訂:平裝
★ 紐約時報、美國Amazon第一名暢銷書★ 全球暢銷破4百萬冊,長踞排行榜75週★ 金髮尤物 瑞絲.薇斯朋大讚:激勵人心!瑞秋.霍利斯,擁有百萬粉絲的紐約時報暢銷作家,同時也是生活時尚網站The Chic Site、媒體公司The Hollis Company的創辦人,她在本書中拋開包袱、不計形象的自我揭露,只為了讓妳知道:姐妹們,妳的人生根本不需要像別人那樣,妳的人生必須由妳開創!這本書要揭發
定價:320 元, 優惠價:9 288
About Face 4:交互設計精髓(紀念版)(簡體書)
作者:倪衛國; (美)艾倫‧庫伯; 羅伯特‧萊曼  出版社:電子工業出版社  出版日:2020/05/01 裝訂:軟精裝
本書是《About Face 4 :交互設計精髓》的紀念版,以向經典致敬。《About Face 4 :交互設計精髓》是對《About Face 3 :交互設計精髓》的升級,此次升級把全書的結構重組優化,更加精練和易用;更新了一些適合當下時代的術語和實例,文字全部重新編譯,更加清晰易讀;增加了更多目標導向設計過程的細節,更新了現行實踐,重點增加了移動和觸屏平臺交互設計,儘管本書多數內容適用於多種平
定價:768 元, 優惠價:87 668
National Geographic Readers: Predator Face-Off (Level 1)
作者:Melissa Stewart  出版社:National Geographic Kids  出版日:2017/07/25 裝訂:平裝
Find out what happens when predator is pitted against predator in this exciting, informative reader. The Level 1 text provides accessible, yet wide-ranging, information about some of the world's most
定價:190 元, 優惠價:79 150
#81: The Super Cup Face-Off (Geronimo Stilton)
作者:Geronimo Stilton  出版社:Scholastic  出版日:2022/06/28 裝訂:平裝
When you're with Geronimo Stilton, it's always a fabumouse adventure!Everymouse on Mouse Island is squeaking about The Super Cup! My two favorite soccer teams, the Squeakers and the Turbo Cheese, had made it to the finals. But something suspicious was happening on the field. The Mighty Mice and the Sewer Rats seemed to be scoring without even trying! Could I get to the bottom of it before my two favorite teams are cheated out of their trophies?
定價:342 元, 優惠價:75 256
The Lighthouse Keeper's Wife:A heartbreaking historical novel about a young mother trying to preserve her family in the face of extreme challenges
作者:June O'Sullivan  出版社:Poolbeg Press Ltd  出版日:2025/01/09 裝訂:平裝
定價:909 元, 優惠價:95 863
Saving the Butterfly:A story about refugees
作者:Helen Cooper  出版社:Walker Books Ltd  出版日:2022/02/03 裝訂:精裝
A poetic, powerful story about a little brother and a big sister finding a new home and new hope after being rescued from a boat lost in the dark sea. A little brother and his big sister try their best to settle in a new home, where they have nothing left from before except each other. The little one makes new friends and quickly learns to laugh again but his sister remains haunted by the shadows of their past and hides away in their broken house.Trying to help his sister, the little one catches a butterfly for her and brings it inside the house. His sister knows that she needs to set the butterfly free ... but that would mean going outside.In taking the first steps to face her fears and save the butterfly, she also begins the process of saving herself.
定價:714 元, 優惠價:79 564
The Truth about Cancer ─ What You Need to Know About Cancer's History, Treatment, and Prevention
作者:Ty Bollinger  出版社:Hay House Inc  出版日:2016/10/25 裝訂:精裝
One out of three women alive today, and one out of two men, will face a cancer diagnosis, according to the World Health Organization. Ty Bollinger takes this personally: in the course of a decade, he
定價:950 元, 優惠價:1 950
Anxious Agnes: A Story about an Overly Anxious Child
作者:Carmen Chew  出版社:WS EDUCATION CHILDREN  出版日:2024/01/26 裝訂:平裝
來認識艾格妮絲,一個害羞而緊張的女孩,對一切都擔心。艾格妮絲的焦慮使她很難享受自己喜歡的事情,例如和朋友一起玩或上學。在家人和善意輔導老師的幫助下,艾格妮絲能找到勇氣面對恐懼嗎?《我很健康》系列由兒童圖畫書組成,旨在解決當今兒童面臨的緊迫問題,正如新加坡心理健康研究所兒童指導診所的醫療保健專業人員所指出的那樣。每本書都藉鑒了精神科醫生、心理學家和諮商師的經驗,他們為無數兒童提供了從數位成癮到飲食失調等各種問題的諮商。每本書都採用基於故事的方法,包含一個相關的故事,幫助孩子更了解自己,並能夠採取實際步驟來成長、發展和改變。這些書可供學校的教育工作者、諮詢課程中的輔導員和醫生以及幫助孩子應對情緒和掙扎的父母使用。在本系列中:引人入勝的基於故事的方法由經驗豐富的專家撰寫包括給家長和教育工作者的提示和建議Meet Agnes, a shy and nervous girl who worries about everything. Agnes's anxiety makes it hard for her to enjoy the things she loves, like playing with her friends or going to school. With the help of her family and kind counsellor, can Agnes find the courage to face her fears?The I Am Healthy series comprises children's picture books that tackle pressing issues facing children today, as identified by healthcare professionals from the Child Guidance Clinic, Institute of Mental Health, Singapore. Each book draws from the experiences of psychiatrists, psychologists and counsellors who have counselled countless children regarding everything f
庫存 > 10
定價:269 元, 優惠價:9 242
About Face:Contemporary Portrait Painting in Australia and New Zealand
作者:Amber Creswell Bell  出版社:Thames and Hudson (Australia) Pty Ltd  出版日:2025/01/09 裝訂:精裝
定價:1925 元, 優惠價:95 1828
Race Cars: A children's book about white privilege
作者:Jenny Devenny; Gordon; Charnaie  出版社:Frances Lincoln Publishers Ltd  出版日:2021/09/21 裝訂:平裝
Race Cars is a children's book about white privilege created to help parents and educators facilitate tough conversations about race, privilege and oppression. Written by a clinical social worker and child therapist with experience in anti-bias training and edited by a diversity expert, Race Cars tells the story of 2 best friends, a white car and a black car, that have different experiences and face different rules while entering the same race. Filled with bright, attention-grabbing illustrations, a notes and activities section at the back helps parents, guardians and teachers further discuss these issues with children.Why is this book important? As early as 6 months old, a baby's brain can notice race-based differences; children ages 2 to 4 can internalise racial bias and start assigning meaning to race; and 5- to 8-year-olds begin to place value judgments on similarities and differences. By age 12, children have a complete set of stereotypes about every racial, ethnic and religious g
定價:384 元, 優惠價:79 303
Anxious Agnes: A Story about an Overly Anxious Child
作者:Carmen Chew  出版社:WS EDUCATION CHILDREN  出版日:2024/01/26 裝訂:精裝
來認識艾格妮絲,一個害羞而緊張的女孩,對一切都擔心。艾格妮絲的焦慮使她很難享受自己喜歡的事情,例如和朋友一起玩或上學。在家人和善意輔導老師的幫助下,艾格妮絲能找到勇氣面對恐懼嗎?《我很健康》系列由兒童圖畫書組成,旨在解決當今兒童面臨的緊迫問題,正如新加坡心理健康研究所兒童指導診所的醫療保健專業人員所指出的那樣。每本書都藉鑒了精神科醫生、心理學家和諮商師的經驗,他們為無數兒童提供了從數位成癮到飲食失調等各種問題的諮商。每本書都採用基於故事的方法,包含一個相關的故事,幫助孩子更了解自己,並能夠採取實際步驟來成長、發展和改變。這些書可供學校的教育工作者、諮詢課程中的輔導員和醫生以及幫助孩子應對情緒和掙扎的父母使用。在本系列中:引人入勝的基於故事的方法由經驗豐富的專家撰寫包括給家長和教育工作者的提示和建議Meet Agnes, a shy and nervous girl who worries about everything. Agnes's anxiety makes it hard for her to enjoy the things she loves, like playing with her friends or going to school. With the help of her family and kind counsellor, can Agnes find the courage to face her fears?The I Am Healthy series comprises children's picture books that tackle pressing issues facing children today, as identified by healthcare professionals from the Child Guidance Clinic, Institute of Mental Health, Singapore. Each book draws from the experiences of psychiatrists, psychologists and counsellors who have counselled countless children regarding everything f
定價:405 元, 優惠價:9 365
Dream Street (NYT Best Children's Books of 2021)
作者:Tricia Elam Walker; Ekua Holmes  出版社:Random House USA Inc  出版日:2021/09/07 裝訂:精裝
NYT Best Children's Books of 2021Discover the true meaning of community in this gorgeous picture book about a very special street bursting with joy, hope, and dreams. An award-winning illustrator and critically acclaimed author pay tribute to the neighborhood where they grew up as cousins— “a place where love abounds“ (The Horn Book, starred review).Welcome to Dream Street—the best street in the world! On Dream Street, love between generations rules, everyone is special, and the warmth of the neighborhood shines. Meet kids like Azaria, who loves to jump double-Dutch one leg at a time; Zion, whose dream is to become a librarian; and cousins Ede and Tari, who dream of creating a picture book together one day. Meet grown-ups like Mr. Sidney, a retired mail carrier who greets everyone with the words, ”Don’t wait to have a great day. Create one!" and Ms. Sarah, whose voice is only a whisper but who has stories between the lines of her face that she’ll share when you come close. A magi
定價:722 元, 優惠價:79 570
Our Planet! There's No Place Like Earth (精裝本)
作者:Stacy McAnulty; illustrated by David Litchfield  出版社:Henry Holt & Co  出版日:2022/04/05 裝訂:精裝
Stacy McAnulty與David Litchfield再次攜手創作《我們的宇宙》科普系列繪本。繼火星、月亮後,讓地球來自我介紹。也提及人類活動引發氣候變遷,而我們該如何守護這獨一無二的美麗星球。A new nonfiction picture book in the Our Universe series from the author/illustrator team behind Earth! My First 4.54 Billion Years, this time looking at Earth’s current life and uncertain future, told with hope for cooperation and human resourcefulness in the face of climate change.In her first book, Earth (AKA: Planet Awesome) shared the story of her brief―cosmically speaking―life to date, with only a hint as to what the future may hold. Now, after being so warmly received, she’s eager to tell Earthlings even more. But this time, she’ll focus on her current life and her uncertain future. What is in store for Earth now and in the near future? In answer to the call for ways to talk with kids about climate change, this is not a book about fear, but about hope and cooperation and human resourcefulness. In the end, we know Earth and Earthlings are meant for each other!
定價:722 元, 優惠價:79 570
Count Your Lucky Stars
作者:Alexandria Bellefleur  出版社:Avon Books  出版日:2022/02/01 裝訂:平裝
Following Written in the Stars and Hang the Moon, national bestselling author Alexandria Bellefleur pens another steamy queer rom-com about former best friends who might be each other's second chance at love...Margot Cooper doesn't do relationships. She tried and it blew up in her face, so she'll stick with casual hookups, thank you very much. But now her entire crew has found the one and she's beginning to feel like a fifth wheel. And then fate (the heartless bitch) intervenes. While touring a wedding venue with her engaged friends, Margot comes face-to-face with Olivia Grant--her childhood friend, her first love, her first... well, everything. It's been ten years, but the moment they lock eyes, Margot's cold, dead heart thumps in her chest. Olivia must be hallucinating. In the decade since she last saw Margot, her life hasn't gone exactly as planned. At almost thirty, she's been married... and divorced. However, a wedding planner job in Seattle means a fresh start and a chance to fol
定價:722 元, 優惠價:79 570
Hangry (graphic novel)
作者:Drew Brockington (CON)  出版社:Little Brown & Co  出版日:2019/06/04 裝訂:精裝
Drew Brockington, creator of the CatStronauts series, makes his picture book debut with a send-up of Godzilla movies that also tackles a relatable toddler topic: the crankiness that comes from an empty stomach! When a young lizard monster gets a hankering for his favorite hot dog spot, he takes the train all the way to the city--only to find that the place is closed for vacation. But when this little monster gets too hungry, he starts to get angry. And when he gets hangry, this poor city is at risk of a full-scale monster attack. As his rage swells, so does he, until he's the size of a skyscraper, and it falls to the citizens to find him some food--and fast! In a hilarious story about a hunger-induced tantrum, Drew Brockington uses speech bubbles and sight gags to bring a smile to the face of any little monster.
定價:722 元, 優惠價:79 570
Brave Every Day
作者:Trudy Ludwig; Patrice Barton  出版社:Alfred a Knopf Inc  出版日:2022/06/28 裝訂:精裝
From social-emotional learning expert Trudy Ludwig and award-winning picture book illustrator Patrice Barton (co-creators of The Invisible Boy) comes a story about managing anxiety and finding the courage to stand up for yourself and others.Most kids love hide-and-seek, but Camila just wants to hide. Hiding is what she does best when she worries, and she worries a LOT.What if… I can’t… I’m scared!A class trip to the aquarium causes her worries to pile up like never before. But when an anxious classmate asks for help, Camila discovers that her heart is bigger than her fears.From social-emotional learning expert Trudy Ludwig and award-winning illustrator Patrice Barton, this tale of courage and compassion will embolden readers to face their own fears.“A sweet and powerful gem of a book sure to help young worriers.” –Dawn Huebner, PhD, author of What to Do When You Worry Too Much
定價:722 元, 優惠價:79 570
Be Strong
作者:Pat Zietlow Miller; Jen Hill  出版社:Roaring Brook  出版日:2021/08/10 裝訂:精裝
A picture book about finding strength in unlikely places from the team behind the hugely popular New York Times bestseller Be Kind.When her gym class must face the school rock-climbing wall, Tanisha i
定價:722 元, 優惠價:79 570
From the Desk of Zoe Washington
作者:Janae Marks  出版社:Katherine Tegen Books  出版日:2020/01/14 裝訂:精裝
#1 Kids Indie Next List * Parents Magazine Best Book of the Year * Chicago Public Library Best of the Best Book of the Year * SLJ Best Book of the Year * Kirkus Best Book of the Year * Junior Library Guild Selection * Edgar Award Nominee * Four Starred Reviews * Bank Street Best Children's Book of the Year *From debut author Janae Marks comes a captivating story full of heart, as one courageous girl questions assumptions, searches for the truth, and does what she believes is right--even in the face of great opposition.Zoe Washington isn't sure what to write. What does a girl say to the father she's never met, hadn't heard from until his letter arrived on her twelfth birthday, and who's been in prison for a terrible crime?A crime he says he never committed.Could Marcus really be innocent? Zoe is determined to uncover the truth. Even if it means hiding his letters and her investigation from the rest of her family. Everyone else thinks Zoe's worrying about doing a good job at her bakery i
定價:760 元, 優惠價:79 600
Ghoulia and the Mysterious Visitor
作者:Barbara Cantini  出版社:Amulet Books  出版日:2019/08/13 裝訂:精裝
A rollicking mystery with an unexpected hero, this fully-illustrated chapter book continues the adventures of Ghoulia, a lovable, not-so-scary zombie.One dark and stormy night, Ghoulia's cousin Dilbert comes to visit her at Crumbling Manor. She's confused--she didn't invite him, and it turns out that Dilbert's a real grouch. He complains about everything! When Ghoulia tries to track down Auntie Departed to find out why she invited Dilbert, she finds that Auntie has vanished. Ghoulia can't find her. And the doorbell won't stop ringing. One after another, Ghoulia's friends arrive--all with the same mysterious invitation in hand. As the gang searches Crumbling Manor for Auntie Departed, one of their own goes missing. Finally, Dilbert inadvertently solves the mystery in the greenhouse when he finds himself face-to-face with the sinister Chatterbox Ivy. Clue meets Little Shop of Horrors in this fun romp, which includes full-color illustrations and kid-friendly activities.
定價:380 元, 優惠價:79 300
If Found... Please Return to Elise Gravel
作者:Elise Gravel  出版社:Drawn & Quarterly Pubns  出版日:2017/06/13 裝訂:精裝
Welcome to the charming world of cartoonist Elise Gravel’s notebook, where her imagination runs wild with creatures of all shapes and sizesIn the outrageously amusing If Found…Please Return to Elise Gravel, Elise Gravel offers readers a sneak peek into her sketchbook, where colorful monsters, imaginary friends, a grumpy things reign supreme. Meet Donald, who sings off-key; Francine, who likes to eat stones; and Marvin, the man with lots of stuff in his beard. Mixing the real with the fantastical, Elise’s drawings exude curiosity, as microbes and mushrooms share the page with speckled pepper pops, gloppers, and floofs.Filled to the brim with vibrant felt marker illustrations, If Found… is not just an exhibition of Gravel’s work, but a challenge to young artists to keep a daily sketchbook. She reveals her top tips to becoming a successful illustrator—practice! practice! practice!—while empowering young artists to face their fears of making “ugly drawings.” Stop worrying about what makes
定價:682 元, 優惠價:79 539
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