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Sam F. Halabi (2)
Kate Quinn/ Stephanie Dray/ Laura Kamoie/ E. Knight/ Sophie Perinot (1)
Souvankham Thammavongsa (1)
Violet Duncan (1)
許維素、汪冰 (1)

Cambridge Univ Pr (2)
Bloomsbury UK (1)
William Morrow & Co (1)
心靈工坊文化 (1)

三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:許維素; 汪冰  出版社:心靈工坊文化  出版日:2024/12/17 裝訂:平裝
★焦點解決短期治療資深諮商師,以案例深入淺出說明實務中如何應用概念及技術。★案例多元,諮商對話讓人彷彿身歷其境,翻轉過程清楚詳細,值得咀嚼深思。★結合正向心理學,抽絲剝繭其中的人生智慧,再搭配實用練習,為生活帶來更多幫助。★是給專業助人工作者的經驗分享和錦囊妙計,也是給一般大眾的心靈感悟與自我成長。焦點解決短期治療 × 正向心理學於助人技巧與個人成長,為你雙重增能人雖然會受過去影響,但更被未來吸引,當目標符合願望,當事人最有改變的動力。 ──許維素短期奏效,是「焦點解決短期治療」(SFBT)的強大魅力,即運用有限的諮商次數達到一定的顯著效果。這套療法著眼於當事人想要的未來及既有的優勢,透過與諮商師的密切合作、點燃行動火花、激發轉變,使當事人更成為理想的自己、更接近期盼的願景。SFBT相信每個求助者都自帶解答與資源,助人者的任務,是幫助他們找到那隱而未覺的目標與智慧,建構適合生命脈絡的獨特解決之道。然而每個人都是獨特的,諮商現場的思緒與情感流動千變萬化,無公式可循,考驗助人者本身的應變彈性與內在韌性。本書為此而生,由兩岸SFBT第一把交椅許維素,與多年推廣正向心理學的汪冰博士聯手,擺脫理論步驟式的教學,透過18則不同背景的人生故事,見證當事人如何在諮商師的關鍵提問下突破困境,看見希望。這些故事感人肺腑、深富啟發,並搭配【回顧與反思】單元,以專業視角簡明解析焦點解決短期治療核心技巧與應用要點,再輔以【生活踐行】專欄及【練習】單元,運用正向心理學的觀點拓展心靈體悟,幫助讀者自然運用焦點解決思維自我成長,成為自己與求助者的最佳啦啦隊!焦點解決短期治療的理念與技術深具實用性,在教育、企業、司法界也有越來越多的應用。相信本書的豐富內容,可以讓所有讀者大有斬獲,值得每個自助、助人者學習與體驗。我始終相信,諮商室中產生的洞見與領悟也可以擴展到諮商室外的生活,尤其焦點解決短期治療的智慧,對每個人的生活都會有所啟發。──汪冰感動推薦──王浩威/作家、榮格分析師林宏茂/台灣焦點解決中心負責人吳熙琄/亞洲創意對話中心暨茵特森創意對話中心創辦人曹中瑋/資深諮商心理師陳秉華/國立臺灣師範大學教育心理與輔導學系退休教授黃天豪/臨床心理師、華人艾瑞克森催眠治療學會理事長黃素菲/國立臺灣師範大學教育心理與輔導學系兼任教授、諮商督導郭崇信/加拿大溫莎大學臨床心理學系教
定價:600 元, 優惠價:79 474
Intellectual Property and the New International Economic Order ― Oligopoly, Regulation, and Wealth Redistribution in the Global Knowledge Economy
作者:Sam F. Halabi  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2018/04/19 裝訂:平裝
In economic sectors crucial to human welfare – agriculture, education, and medicine – a small number of firms control global markets, primarily by enforcing intellectual property (IP) rights incorporated into trade agreements made in the 1980s onward. Such rights include patents on seeds and medicines, copyrights for educational texts, and trademarks in consumer products. According to conventional wisdom, these agreements likewise ended hopes for a 'New International Economic Order,' under which wealth would be redistributed from rich countries to poor. Sam F. Halabi turns this conventional wisdom on its head by demonstrating that the New International Economic Order never faded, but rather was redirected by other treaties, formed outside the nominally economic sphere, that protected poor countries' interests in education, health, and nutrition and resulted in redistribution and regulation. This illuminating work should be read by anyone seeking a nuanced view of how IP is shaping the
定價:2014 元, 優惠價:9 1813
作者:Sam F. Halabi  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2018/04/30 裝訂:精裝
In economic sectors crucial to human welfare – agriculture, education, and medicine – a small number of firms control global markets, primarily by enforcing intellectual property (IP) rights incorporated into trade agreements made in the 1980s onward. Such rights include patents on seeds and medicines, copyrights for educational texts, and trademarks in consumer products. According to conventional wisdom, these agreements likewise ended hopes for a 'New International Economic Order,' under which wealth would be redistributed from rich countries to poor. Sam F. Halabi turns this conventional wisdom on its head by demonstrating that the New International Economic Order never faded, but rather was redirected by other treaties, formed outside the nominally economic sphere, that protected poor countries' interests in education, health, and nutrition and resulted in redistribution and regulation. This illuminating work should be read by anyone seeking a nuanced view of how IP is shaping the
Ribbons of Scarlet ― A Novel of the French Revolution
作者:Kate Quinn; Stephanie Dray; Laura Kamoie; E. Knight; Sophie Perinot  出版社:William Morrow & Co  出版日:2019/10/01 裝訂:平裝
A Paperback Original―Also Available as a Hardcover Library EditionSix bestselling and award-winning authors bring to life a breathtaking epic novel illuminating the hopes, desires, and destinies of princesses and peasants, harlots and wives, fanatics and philosophers―six unforgettable women whose paths cross during one of the most tumultuous and transformative events in history: the French Revolution.Ribbons of Scarlet is a timely story of the power of women to start a revolution―and change the world.In late eighteenth-century France, women do not have a place in politics. But as the tide of revolution rises, women from gilded salons to the streets of Paris decide otherwise―upending a world order that has long oppressed them.Blue-blooded Sophie de Grouchy believes in democracy, education, and equal rights for women, and marries the only man in Paris who agrees. Emboldened to fight the injustices of King Louis XVI, Sophie aims to prove that an educated populace can govern itself--but on
定價:646 元, 優惠價:79 510
Buffalo Dreamer (National Book Awards Finalist)
作者:Violet Duncan  出版社:PBKNCPLB  出版日:2024/08/27 裝訂:精裝
An illuminating novel about the importance of reclaiming the past, based on the author's family history Summer and her family always spend relaxed summers in Alberta, Canada, on the reservation where her mom's family lives. But this year is turning out to be an eye-opening one. First, Summer has begun to have vivid dreams in which she's running away from one of the many real-life residential schools that tore Native children from their families and tried to erase their Native identities. Not long after that, she learns that unmarked children's graves have been discovered at the school her grandpa attended as a child. Now more folks are speaking up about their harrowing experiences at these places, including her grandfather. Summer cherishes her heritage and is heartbroken about all her grandfather was forced to give up and miss out on. When the town holds a rally, she's proud to take part to acknowledge the painful past and speak of her hopes for the future, and anxious to find someone
定價:684 元, 優惠價:79 540
How to Pronounce Knife
作者:Souvankham Thammavongsa  出版社:Bloomsbury UK  出版日:2020/04/16 裝訂:精裝
In her stunning debut, Souvankham Thammavongsa captures the day-to-day lives of immigrants and refugees in a nameless city, illuminating hopes, disappointments, love affairs, and above all, the pursui
定價:824 元, 優惠價:79 651



