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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:塔爾.班夏哈  出版社:天下雜誌  出版日:2023/01/03 裝訂:平裝
快樂,不是來自完美無傷,而是取決於行動選擇 讓我們從波動中復原的反脆弱力量 哈佛人讚譽改變人生的一堂課,哈佛史上最受歡迎正向心理學的教授班夏哈,再次指引我們更快樂的途徑。 從5個面向鍛鍊心力量,每一天都比過去更完整、更有力量。 你是否有羨慕過經歷人生重大變異,依然能堅毅面對的人? 痛失至親、重大意外、致命疾病……當人生變得很不容易,我們需要的是能吸收衝擊,不被打倒的彈性。 作者班夏哈是哈佛史上最受歡迎的正向心理學教授,其上課人數高達哈佛學生總數的1/4,更被譽為一堂改變人生的課。頂尖國際企業微軟、Google、可口可樂、英特爾等,紛紛邀請班夏哈為中高階經理人分享快樂之道。 班夏哈認為正向心理學有助於我們提升自我認同與主觀幸福感,更是啟動韌性的根源。當意外與苦厄來臨時,能幫助我們具備更好的承接應變能力,甚至從中獲得成長。 為了讓更多人練習更靠近快樂,作者將這堂哈佛快樂課再次精煉,透過一些簡單的改變,來和生活中的意義產生連結。選定適合自己的干預行動,就能幫助自己重建心理復原力。 ‧重新賦予意義/精神(Spiritual): 重新辨識你所做的事情的真正價值與用意。路不轉,人轉:將海邊的垃圾撿起來→免除海洋生物受困於垃圾的危難。只需要幾分鐘的覺察,就可以讓一切改觀。 ‧正視修復需求/身體(Physical): 無論活動與不活動,都能達到修復。五分鐘散步、十五分鐘小憩、一小時慢跑、兩小時獨處、一天完整的休假,善待身體幫助我們身心清明。 ‧發想正面問題/智識(Intellectual): 「生活中有什麼進行得很順利?」、「在關係裡,什麼部份我們做得很好?」正向聚焦,滿足你的求知與好奇,都能幫助複雜的思緒簡化且安定。 ‧大方關愛自己/關係(Relational): 「我現在想睡個午覺」、「我今天想運動,還是明天我們再一起去看電影?」提出自己的需求並不自私,反而能讓對方了解你的想法促使關係穩定。 ‧區分我與情緒/情緒(Emotional): 將「我好焦慮,我就是個負面的人」轉變為「我現在感到緊張、有壓力」把情緒中性化,無論何種情緒,都將會過去。 本書幫助你,增強心理免疫系統、強化心理韌性,重啟修復身心正循環。 快樂是一種連續的選擇,在最糟糕的狀態下,我們也能透過持續的選擇,幫助自己好過一些。透過在生活中真正身體力行幸福要素,我們就可以替自己鍛造韌性。全新的S
定價:400 元, 優惠價:9 360
作者:海倫.湯普森  出版社:臺灣商務  出版日:2023/12/01 裝訂:平裝
與《晶片戰爭》齊名,入圍《金融時報》2022年度最佳商業書在通貨膨脹時代,一窺能源如何徹底打亂了今日的金融秩序全球失序時代不可多得的地緣政治鉅作!獨家收入臺灣版序「在大國競爭的當代,能源基礎不但是經濟發展的重要支柱,更是掌握國家安全與產業永續的關鍵利器。綠色能源與ESG早已是先進科技的重要指標,理解過去化石能源如何波動全球板塊,更能讓我們掌握風險與評估布局──《能源賽局》正是這樣一本重要且不可多得的著作。」──中美矽晶暨環球晶圓董事長、太陽能光電協會理事長 徐秀蘭中國覬覦中南海、俄羅斯入侵烏克蘭,在通貨膨脹的時代,能源成為護國之盾!歐洲啟動淨零碳排、綠能投資成為主流,能源才是波動地緣政治的關鍵!石油在上個世紀主宰了世界的經濟發展,從日常用品、交通運輸到糧食生產,石油點燃了文明生活,也將美國推上世界強權。二十世紀美國運用了強大的石油資源,結合海陸空的制霸能力,幾乎掌控了全球的石油命脈,並進一步奪取了金融強權的關鍵地位,聯準會的一舉一動,都將波動世界的金融局勢。以巴衝突、金融海嘯、美中貿易戰,近20年的地緣動盪,背後都有能源爭奪的影子。能源不只是各國的經濟命脈,更影響了金融政策與民主穩定。隨著歐盟、美國、中國等各大強權都加入了綠能競奪,新舊能源的矛盾以及大國競爭,會如何再度瓦解地緣政治?而當綠色能源挾著淨零碳排趨勢崛起,又是誰將搶奪先機?作者劍橋大學教授湯普森長年研究地緣政治與能源議題,為了一窺過去20年動盪的地緣局勢,他將視角從當今社會往回拉到石油引發動盪的1970年代,並逐步分析化石能源如何推動美國霸權、歐盟分裂與中俄崛起。這場橫跨三大洲,涉及能源、金融、民主、地緣政治的鉅作,為過去20年的全球局勢提供絕無僅有的歷史洞察。當化石能源與綠色能源的競奪成為下個世代的關鍵議題,這本書提供了風險掌握與布局評估的關鍵解讀。
定價:680 元, 優惠價:79 537
Hard Times
作者:Charles Dickens  出版社:Penguin Classics UK  出版日:2012/07/26 裝訂:平裝
The Penguin English Library Edition of Hard Times by Charles Dickens 'Now, what I want is, Facts. Teach these boys and girls nothing but Facts. Facts alone are wanted in life. Plant nothing else, and
定價:439 元, 優惠價:79 347
Hard Times
作者:Charles Dickens  出版社:The Collector's Library UK  出版日:2016/09/08 裝訂:精裝
A novel of social and moral themes, Hard Times is the archetypal Dickens novel, filled with family difficulties, estrangement, rotten values and unhappiness. Published in 1854, it is set in the imagin
定價:659 元, 優惠價:66 434
A Federalist Alternative for European Governance: The European Union in Hard Times
作者:Sergio Fabbrini  出版社:CAMBRIDGE  出版日:2024/10/31 裝訂:精裝
定價:3990 元, 優惠價:1 3990
A Federalist Alternative for European Governance: The European Union in Hard Times
作者:Sergio Fabbrini  出版社:CAMBRIDGE  出版日:2024/10/31 裝訂:平裝
定價:1330 元, 優惠價:1 1330
Hard Times 艱難時世
作者:Charles Dickens  出版社:Wordsworth Editions Ltd  出版日:1995/01/05 裝訂:平裝
Introduction and Notes by Dinny Thorold, University of Westminster. Illustrated by F. Walker and Maurice Greiffenhagen.Unusually for Dickens, Hard Times is set, not in London, but in the imaginary mid
定價:219 元, 優惠價:9 197
Hard Times in an American Workhouse, 1853-1920
作者:Gregg Andrews  出版社:Louisiana State University Press  出版日:2024/10/29 裝訂:精裝
定價:2726 元, 優惠價:95 2589
How to Thrive in Hard Times:A Buddhist Manual
作者:Stephen Fulder  出版社:Watkins Media Limited  出版日:2024/12/10 裝訂:平裝
定價:824 元, 優惠價:95 782
Pepper and Me (A New York Times Best Children's Book of 2024)
作者:Beatrice Alemagna  出版社:HIPPO PARK  出版日:2024/01/16 裝訂:精裝
A New York Times Best Children's Book of 2024A Kirkus Best Picture Book of the YearA Kirkus Best Picture-Book Conversation Starter of 2024A 2024 Kids’ Indie Next List pickA Society of Illustrators 2024 Gold Medal WinnerFrom three-time NYT Best Illustrated creator of On a Magical Do-Nothing Day comes a stunning picture book about a little girl, the scab on her knee, and the healing they do together. In this utterly enchanting and unexpected tale from international picture book star Beatrice Alemagna, a childhood mishap is the occasion for growth and self-reflection. When a little girl falls on the street, scraping her knee, her father tells her not to worry, that "a beautiful scab will form." But she does worry! The scab is not beautiful and it's keeping her from bending her knee! When will it ever go away? By the time the scab--who she has named Pepper--falls off, something astonishing has happened: the girl has come to feel affection for the scab and has a hard time letting go. With a
定價:722 元, 優惠價:63 449
Tangled Up in Luck (The Tangled Mysteries)
作者:Merrill Wyatt  出版社:Margaret K. McElderry Books  出版日:2022/11/29 裝訂:平裝
“A sweet, heart-squeezing story!” ― Jaleigh Johnson, New York Times bestselling author of The Mark of the DragonflyWhen seventh grade enemies research a missing set of jewels for a class project, they realize that the answers to the unsolved case might be much closer to home than they thought in this fun-filled mystery “as satisfying as hot soup on a cold day” (Kirkus Reviews, starred review).If you told Sloane Osburn and Amelia Miller-Poe that they’d be hiding in their town cemetery from an evil mastermind, they would have been hard-pressed to believe you. If you also told them that person was intent on beating them to a cache of long-lost jewels using nothing more than a slingshot and wicked aim, they’d have been sure you got your facts wrong. Finally, if you told them they’d be doing all of this as friends…well, they would have been sure you needed medical attention.Whether through serendipity (really, really good luck) or zemblanity (really, really bad luck), someone tricked their
定價:342 元, 優惠價:79 270
The Princess in Black Takes a Vacation (The Princess in Black #4)(全彩平裝本)
作者:Shannon Hale; Dean Hale  出版社:Candlewick Pr  出版日:2017/03/21 裝訂:平裝
Even monster-battling princesses get tired sometimes! But a peaceful time away is hard to find as the humorous New York Times best-selling series continues.After battling monsters all night, a sleepy
定價:266 元, 優惠價:79 210
The Princess in Black Takes a Vacation (The Princess in Black #4)(全彩精裝本)
作者:Shannon Hale; Dean Hale; Leuyen Pham (ILT)  出版社:PBKCANWP  出版日:2016/11/08 裝訂:精裝
Even monster-battling princesses get tired sometimes! But a peaceful time away is hard to find as the humorousNew York Times best-selling series continues.After battling monsters all night, a sleepy P
定價:608 元, 優惠價:79 480
Sounds Like Me ― My Life So Far in Song
作者:Sara Bareilles  出版社:Simon & Schuster  出版日:2019/10/15 裝訂:平裝
This updated New York Times bestselling collection of essays by seven-time Grammy nominated singer songwriter Sara Bareilles “resonates with authentic and hard-won truths” (Publishers Weekly)—and feat
定價:722 元, 優惠價:79 570
There's a Ghost in This House (精裝本)
作者:Oliver Jeffers  出版社:Philomel Books  出版日:2021/11/02 裝訂:精裝
暢銷作家Oliver Jeffers帶來最適合萬聖節的可愛作品!小女孩住在一個鬧鬼的房子裡但她從沒見過鬼魂,有趣的互動式內容帶小讀著們一起在頁面之間尋找鬼魂!A captivating and utterly unique picture book with interactive, transparent pages about a girl who lives in a haunted house from world-renowned artist Oliver Jeffers. A young girl lives in a haunted house, but she has never seen a ghost. Are they white with holes for eyes? Are they hard to see? Step inside and help the girl as she searches under the stairs, behind the sofa, and in the attic for the ghost. From New York Times bestselling author-illustrator Oliver Jeffers comes a delightful picture book that breaks the fourth wall about young girl's determination to find the ghost haunting her house. Includes tracing paper pages that make the silly ghosts appear on each page. Perfect for Halloween!
定價:1102 元, 優惠價:79 871
The Doorstep Girls
作者:Val Wood  出版社:Corgi UK  出版日:2015/01/15 裝訂:平裝
Can two friends find hope in hard times? Ruby and Grace have grown up in the poorest slums of Hull. Friends since early childhood, they have supported each other in bad times and good. But their famil
定價:1044 元, 優惠價:55 574
Red Scare: A Graphic Novel (NYT Best Children's Books of 2022)
作者:Liam Francis Walsh  出版社:Graphix  出版日:2022/04/05 裝訂:平裝
A page-turning sci-fi adventure set in 1953, featuring a clever girl who, against all odds, must outsmart bullies, the FBI, and alien invaders during the height of the communist Red Scare.A Junior Library Guild Gold Standard Selection"Red Scare is a brilliant, fast-paced adventure. Action, history, and a tiny bit of fantasy collide in eye-popping panels, loaded with heart." -- Max Brallier, #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Last Kids on Earth seriesPeggy is scared: She's struggling to recover from polio and needs crutches to walk, and she and her neighbors are worried about the rumors of Communist spies doing bad things. On top of all that, Peggy has a hard time at school, and gets taunted by her classmates. When she finds a mysterious artifact that gives her the ability to fly, she thinks it's the solution to all her problems. But if Peggy wants to keep it, she'll have to overcome bullies, outsmart FBI agents, and escape from some very strange spies!
定價:570 元, 優惠價:79 450
Marcus Makes It Big
出版社:Crown Pub  出版日:2022/05/03 裝訂:精裝
From celebrity author Kevin Hart comes the laugh-out-loud highly illustrated sequel to Marcus Makes a Movie about a young boy who has big Hollywood dreams―and the hustle to make it happen.“Everybody, grab a ticket and run for a front row seat to Marcus Makes a Movie!” ―Judd Winick, New York Times bestselling author of the Hilo series Marcus’s movie, Toothpick vs. the Doom, is a HIT! But the only thing harder than making a movie is making a SECOND one. Marcus needs to come up with another great idea fast. Too bad his film crew (aka friends) are too preoccupied with their MeTube channels to notice. An invite to The Helen Show has Marcus thinking they’ll be back on top, but will nerves, unchecked ambition, and a rivalry between friends shut down this show before it even begins? In the laugh-out-loud sequel, actor and comedian Kevin Hart delivers a message about being creative, working hard, and learning that sometimes the best dreams are the ones you achieve with your friends.
定價:646 元, 優惠價:79 510
Like a Boss (Best Wishes #4)(精裝本)
作者:Sarah Mlynowski  出版社:Scholastic  出版日:2024/11/12 裝訂:精裝
Pass the wishes on! This New York Times bestselling multi-author series is like American Girl with magic.In this installment, written by acclaimed authors Sarah Mlynowski and Hena Khan, the magic, wish-granting bracelet lands with a girl in Washington, D.C., who ends up being put in charge of... well, everything!Maya Amir of Washington, D.C. is having a bad day. Her family visiting from out of town have taken over her room, and worst of all, an annoying classmate has taken over the Environmental Club but doesn't seem to care about the environment the way Maya does.Then Maya receives a mysterious, magic bracelet in the mail from Lucy, a girl in Fort Worth, Texas, who had the bracelet last time. The bracelet grants wishes and Maya is having a hard time deciding what to wish for. Until she accidentally wishes to be in charge during a meeting of the Environmental Club. Suddenly, Maya is the head of the club!At first, Maya is thrilled by her newfound authority. That is, until everyone start
定價:646 元, 優惠價:79 510
The Longest Storm (精裝本)(NYT Best Children's Books of 2021)
作者:Dan Yaccarino  出版社:Minedition  出版日:2021/08/31 裝訂:精裝
NYT Best Children's Books of 2021From New York Times Best Illustrated award winner Dan Yaccarino comes a heartwarming family story that will resonate for children who've experienced the Covid-19 quarantine -- or other kinds of loss -- featuring a dad and three children who rebuild their fraying bonds after being confined to their home together.No one knew where the strange storm came from, or why it lasted so long. The family at the center of this timely story has to hunker down together, with no going outside - and that's hard when there's absolutely nothing to do, and everyone's getting on everyone else's nerves. One night, when the storm takes a scary turn that leaves them all in the dark, the fractured family finds a way to reconnect and face whatever the future brings, together. This classic in the making will lift hearts with its optimistic vision of a family figuring out how to love and support one another -- even when their everyday world is shrunk beyond recognition.
定價:722 元, 優惠價:79 570
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