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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:艾瑞克.布思  出版社:時報文化  出版日:2024/06/25 裝訂:平裝
看「教學藝術家」如何透過藝術參與,能夠為世界上最棘手的難題提供解方,甚至帶來創新的社會變革! 「人人都洋溢著藝術才華。」 有一整個專業領域的從業者,他們致力於為各種不同的目的而啟動人們的藝術才華,我們稱這群人為「教學藝術家」。這群專業人士很懂得如何喚醒人們的藝術才華,也懂得如何開發人們的藝術才華。他們深知如何將人類的藝術才華導向正面且重要的結果。 ※本書與衛武營國家藝術文化中心共同出版※
定價:360 元, 優惠價:75 270
作者:諾姆.華瑟曼  出版社:商周文化  出版日:2024/06/06 裝訂:平裝
讓未來的你,感謝現在做出的每一個選擇毅然放棄哈佛光環的頂尖教授,用親身經歷帶給你面對改變的智慧「你的創業課徹底改變我的婚姻!」曾在哈佛商學院教授創業學的諾姆.華瑟曼(Noam Wasserman),某天竟然遇到一個學生難掩興奮地衝來告訴他,這句話宛如一記警鐘,敲醒了華瑟曼──原來成功創業家的經營智慧,也能助人解決婚姻問題、人際關係、甚至生涯抉擇的難題嗎?◤我們每做錯一個抉擇,都有可能妨礙下一次的改變明明想離職,卻不知道下一個會不會更好?想接受全新挑戰,卻一直遲遲無法開始?是否要為了夢寐以求的工作舉家搬遷?再生一胎,是否會改變工作與家庭現有的平衡?……每一天,我們都需要處理各種選擇的難題,也經常在每一個抉擇時刻,走向當下看似合理的方向,卻無形中為自己戴上了手銬,加重未來每一次改變的成本──任教哈佛將近二十年的諾姆.華瑟曼(Noam Wasserman),發現許多資深同事囿於哈佛光環帶來的強大吸引力,放棄了不少來自其他地方、可能更具開創性的機會;也因此促使他警醒與反思,利用本書中的改變守則,成功卸下名校的枷鎖,告別了曾讓他享譽世界的哈佛。◤人生即創業,我們都是自己人生的創辦人人生就像創業,需要衡量風險與機會成本,還要克服內心的諸多顧慮,在衡量新的「投資」機會時,我們常常只糾結於失去──失去的金錢、名聲、時間等,如果能放眼於獲得──更多的成長、成就感、關係品質等,就可能規劃更無懈可擊的經營計畫,創造更令人滿意的投資績效,讓人生成為一間完美發跡、持續壯大的新創公司。無論你想在職涯上做出更積極的挑戰、在人生安排中跨出不一樣的旅程,或只是苦於沉重的家庭負擔或關係瓶頸,本書都提供了切身且關鍵的建議,適用於職涯決策、婚姻維持甚至親子教養之上,例如:#別為你的生活戴上手銬思考每一個行動的長期後果,例如現在為了離公司近而買的小套房,是否可能成為日後的負擔?#脫離要求完美的枷鎖有些人因為減重計畫荒廢了一兩天,就乾脆全盤放棄,這種必須一次到位的完美枷鎖,會讓人永遠無法真正開始改變。#一次只改變一個要素明星股權分析師跳槽到新投資銀行,績效也可能會大幅下滑,更不用說跨到更陌生的領域!控制改變的幅度,就是控制風險的界線。#先和潛在機會「交往」看看一邊醞釀新創事業,一邊保留原本的工作,可以減少33%的失敗率!追求成功不怕騎驢找馬,只怕破釜沉舟最後無路可退!#與其追求短期的公平,不如追求長期的成果夫
定價:380 元, 優惠價:9 342
作者:史蒂夫・泰伊  出版社:大牌出版  出版日:2024/02/21 裝訂:平裝
要掌握未來機遇,關鍵是「探索」,而不是「預測」!財星500大企業御用的頂尖策略師,以「情境規劃」工具、豐富商戰實例,完整揭祕◤搶占先機◢的布局技巧與藝術!◆公理商業圖書獎(Axiom Award)──Business Theory.金牌得主◆13堂決策思考課,掌握「解決問題」的最強方法!◆面對動盪萬變的局勢,你需要打造AI搶不走的「未來布局力」!◆接軌市場、因應脈動、權衡風險的必備指南!本書作者史蒂夫・泰伊為頂尖策略顧問,曾與多家財星500大企業合作,幫助企業想像多種未來的可能性,超前規劃因應之道。在書中,作者彙整多年來的學術經驗與實務心得,提出「然後呢?」、「所以呢?」、「現在呢?」的三階段省思方法,透過解讀社會脈動、找出影響因素、建構情境等步驟,幫助讀者視覺化未來,找出對應新局的可行策略。無論是新創、中小企業,還是大型企業;是基層、經營團隊或股東,都可以從書中的不同角度,找到你要的答案,掌握布局規劃的關鍵解讀: 手把手「情境規劃」交戰指南,帶你抓住最有利的生機與商機。 運用四大分類,評估策略的可行性。 在危機或緊急事件發生前,即時調整到對的商業模式。 依照影響力/不確定性矩陣,找出最關鍵的不確定因素。 辨析哪些趨勢訊號,會對公司和經營環境造成影響。本書特色1. 學會探索不同的未來脈絡,建立全局策略觀很多決策者不擅長擬定策略,最終只能在變局中坐以待斃。本書將導入案例,讓讀者理解如何感知未來環境,打造專屬策略。2. 提升商業策略分析思維必讀!洞悉趨勢背後的布局思維本書提供一套情境規劃的方法,幫助讀者探索不同的未來脈絡,從中思考自身的策略定位和目標。3. 掌握商機必修!情境規劃,是最有效的企業轉型工具 書中詳盡介紹了創建情境的方法與步驟,帶領讀者深入了解情境規劃的實戰眉角,學會運用創造力,判斷新出現的競爭環境,掌握變革契機。
定價:500 元, 優惠價:9 450
作者:弗雷‧達斯特  出版社:平安文化  出版日:2022/07/26 裝訂:平裝
你說出的每一句話, 都在創造你的人生。史上獲獎最多的設計公司IDEO執行董事親授「最強創意溝通術」! 讓你成為老闆的心腹、客戶的寵兒、茶水間的風雲人物!【GAS口語魅力培訓R 創辦人、廣播主持人、銘傳大學傳播學院助理教授】王介安 【威煦軟體開發公司(Wishing-Soft)總經理】吳育宏 【聲音訓練專家】周震宇 【人性銷售、領導專家】梁櫰之 強力推薦!頂尖人士都在用的7C溝通策略投入(COMMITMENT):不執著於自己的想法,避免深陷成見之中。 創造性傾聽(CREATIVE LISTENING):傾聽別人說話,尊重不同觀點。 明晰(CLARITY):把話說得更準確,找出共同的價值觀。 情境(CONTEXT):對話的場所能決定成敗,並賦予溝通活力和生命力。 規範(CONSTRAINTS):成功的談話,從來不該是聲音最大的佔上風。 改變(CHANGE):每一個表情,每一次笑聲,都是溝通訊號的變化。 創造(CREATE):把可行的想法轉變為明確的行動,讓點子成為現實。說話可以自在隨興, 溝通不能沒有目的, 一場交流的成功或失敗, 全看你如何「創造」。每個人都會說話,但卻不是每個人都擅長「對話」。理想的對話可以跟人交心、消弭對立,失敗的對話則會造成衝突、橫生誤解。面對來自不同背景、抱持不同立場的人們,既然找不到共通點,又該如何溝通呢?「創造」就對了!企業權威溝通設計師弗雷.達斯特,針對每個人生活中會碰到的溝通問題,研發出一套實用有效的「7C溝通策略」,傳授你如何在溝通中妥善運用創意,讓艱困難行的溝通變得流暢無礙,就連一般人在談話中最怕遇到的尷尬沉默,也可以有效善用,緩解談話的焦慮和壓力,避免產生溝通危機。《創造對話》是人際溝通的集大成之作,更是商業談判的必備聖經。不論是說話常常踩雷的你、團隊溝通不良進度延宕的你,還是期望能擺脫猶疑、讓自己決策更精準的你,都可以透過「創造溝通」,打破內心的桎梏,活出更理想的人生。
定價:380 元, 優惠價:9 342
Miss Molly's School of Making Friends
作者:Laura Cowan; Rosie Reeve  出版社:Usborne UK  出版日:2023/08/03 裝訂:精裝
Navigates the tricky world of friendship for little childrenThe thought of making new friends turns Kerry Koala's tummy upside down. But luckily Miss Molly's treetop school is there to help. Here Kerry will learn how to start conversations, take turns and play fairly, and work through disagreements and apologise - as well as understand different kinds of friendship and how they can change and grow. A perfect way to start conversations with children about making friends, with humour, fun and a cast of lively animal characters.
定價:549 元, 優惠價:75 412
BBC Earth Do You Know...? Level 4: Making Clean Energy
作者:Ladybird  出版社:Ladybird UK  出版日:2021/10/21 裝訂:平裝
What is energy? How do we get clean energy? Find out more about the fossil fuels, climate change and renewable energy.Making Clean Energy, a Level 4 Reader, is A2 in the CEFR framework and supports YLE Flyers exams. The longer text is made up of sentences with up to three clauses, more complex past and future tense structures, modal verbs and a wider variety of conjunctions.
定價:185 元, 優惠價:1 185
How Stella Saved the Farm: A Tale About Making Innovation Happen: A Wild and Woolly Yarn About Making Innovation Happen. Trade Paperback
作者:Chris Trimble  出版社:Macmillan UK  出版日:2013/03/14 裝訂:平裝
Inspired by George Orwell's Animal Farm and the international bestseller Our Iceberg is Melting, How Stella Saved the Farm is a simple parable about embracing change and managing innovation in difficu
定價:714 元, 優惠價:66 471
Kids Fight Climate Change: Act now to be a #2minutesuperhero (美國版)(平裝本)
作者:Martin Dorey; Tim Wesson  出版社:Candlewick Pr  出版日:2022/03/08 裝訂:平裝
環保鬥士馬丁多瑞寫給孩子們的第二本地球保衛指南!本書將艱澀的數據及資料化為一個個有趣任務,佐以真實故事和生動插畫,讓孩子理解氣候變遷的概念及其帶來的衝擊,更重要的是:我們能做什麼?當我們的環境面臨威脅,你也可以化身超級英雄拯救它!Kids can help save planet Earth with these positive, climate-focused missions from best-selling author and eco-warrior Martin Dorey.Our planet is in trouble! But with the help of this book, every kid can be a superhero making a difference. Sixty engaging missions guide readers through making carbon-saving changes in all aspects of their lives, from gardening to gadgets―even a DIY water-saving device for their toilet tank! Aided by lively illustrations, the author weaves crucial climate statistics and helpful resources with stories of positive change already happening, such as the resurgence of the Eurasian beaver due to conservation efforts. Along the way, readers meet other superheroes, both animal and human, who are changing the world too. With advice about speaking up and inspiring others to join in, veteran environmentalist Martin Dorey infuses optimism and encourageme
定價:304 元, 優惠價:79 240
Be the Change:Rob Greenfield's Call to Kids-Making a Difference in a Messed-Up World
作者:Robin Greenfield; Antonia Banyard  出版社:Greystone Books;Canada  出版日:2025/01/09 裝訂:平裝
定價:539 元, 優惠價:95 512
Design Materials and Making for Social Change:From Materials We Explore to Materials We Wear
作者:Earley; Rebecca; Hornbuckle; Rosie  出版社:PBKTYFRL  出版日:2024/12/19 裝訂:平裝
定價:2729 元, 優惠價:9 2456
作者:Katrin Seidel  出版社:PBKTYFRL  出版日:2025/03/18 裝訂:精裝
作者:Robert W. Galler Jr.  出版社:University of Nebraska Press  出版日:2025/01/01 裝訂:精裝
The Cambridge Companion to Literature and the Environment
作者:Louise Westling  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2013/12/31 裝訂:平裝
The Cambridge Companion to Literature and the Environment is an authoritative guide to the exciting new interdisciplinary field of environmental literary criticism. The collection traces the development of ecocriticism from its origins in European pastoral literature and offers fifteen rigorous but accessible essays on the present state of environmental literary scholarship. Contributions from leading experts in the field probe a range of issues, including the place of the human within nature, ecofeminism and gender, engagements with European philosophy and the biological sciences, critical animal studies, postcolonialism, posthumanism, and climate change. A chronology of key publications and bibliography provide ample resources for further reading, making The Cambridge Companion to Literature and the Environment an essential guide for students, teachers, and scholars working in this rapidly developing area of study.
定價:1494 元, 優惠價:9 1345
The Endfixer
作者:Noemi Vola; Rosa Churcher Clarke  出版社:Berbay Pub  出版日:2024/04/23 裝訂:精裝
Fans of Lane Smith and David Ezra Stein will delight in this story about stories and making sure they end in the best possible way. Sometimes, when a story is reaching what should be the absolute best part, the whole thing just falls apart. The ending can be too complicated, too sad, or too catastrophic. That's why our narrator has a plan to change the way things end. And make sure they finish at just the right time, in just the right way. But even the best plans can go awry.
定價:722 元, 優惠價:79 570
Running The Gauntlet
作者:Jeffrey W. Hayzlett  出版社:Mcgraw-Hill; Inc.  出版日:2011/12/23 裝訂:精裝
Change your ATTITUDE. Change your BUSINESS. Change your FUTURE.What’s stopping you from making the changes your business needs to thrive? The most dangerous move in business is the failure to make a m
定價:1305 元, 優惠價:9 1175
No One Is Too Small to Make a Difference (Expanded Edition)(平裝本)(英國版)
作者:Greta Thunberg  出版社:UK Penguin  出版日:2019/11/28 裝訂:平裝
The history-making, ground-breaking speeches of Greta Thunberg, the young activist who has become the voice of a generation'Everything needs to change. And it has to start today'In August 2018 a fifte
庫存 > 10
定價:219 元, 優惠價:79 173
Dragon Hoops (graphic novel)
作者:Gene Luen Yang  出版社:First Second  出版日:2025/02/25 裝訂:平裝
From the creator of American Born Chinese (now streaming on Disney+) comes a critically acclaimed sports drama—available for the first time in paperback!In Dragon Hoops, Gene Luen Yang turns the spotlight on his life, his family, and the high school where he teaches.Gene doesn’t get sports. But at Bishop O'Dowd High School, it's all anyone can talk about. The men’s varsity basketball team, the Dragons, is having a phenomenal season that’s been decades in the making. Each victory brings them closer to their ultimate goal: the California State Championships.Once Gene gets to know these young all-stars, he realizes that their story is just as thrilling as anything he’s seen on a comic book page. What he doesn’t know yet is that this season is not only going to change the Dragons’ lives, but his own life as well.
定價:760 元, 優惠價:79 600
Ash's Cabin (graphic novel)(平裝本)
作者:Jen Wang  出版社:First Second  出版日:2024/08/13 裝訂:平裝
The Prince and the Dressmaker author Jen Wang spins a sensitive narrative about an alienated teen who leaves modern society for the California wilderness to start a new life away from human kind.Ash has always felt alone. Adults ignore the climate crisis. Other kids Ash’s age are more interested in popularity contests than in fighting for change. The only person who seemed to understand how desperate things were was Ash's grandpa, Edwin.Before he died, Edwin used to talk about building a secret cabin, off the grid in the California wilderness. And to Ash, that maybe-mythical cabin is starting to feel like the perfect place for a fresh start and an escape from the miserable feeling of alienation that haunts their daily life.But making the wilds your home isn’t easy. And as much as Ash wants to be alone . . . can they really be happy alone? Can they survive alone?From New York Times–bestselling author and illustrator Jen Wang comes a singularly affectingstory about self-discovery, self-r
定價:684 元, 優惠價:79 540
作者:David Walliams; Adam Stower  出版社:HarperCollins Childrens UK  出版日:2022/09/29 裝訂:精裝
12歲的露絲與她糟糕的阿姨一起住在鳥不生蛋的農場裡,每晚她仰望星空,盼望著一場大冒險。有天,一台著火的飛碟突然墜落,蹦出一個神秘外星人,露絲的願望成真了!只不過…這名外星人似乎有個宇宙無敵大的秘密…?Go back to the Space Race with No.1 bestselling author David Walliams for a breathless cinematic adventure full of mystery, action, laughs and surprises – and a secret that could change the course of history… America. The 1960s.Ruth loves climbing trees, making a mess and throwing stones. But the thing she loves most is SPACE.The girl is OBSESSED. She spends her days reading comics about alien invasions, doodling UFOs, watching B-movies about Earth being invaded by creatures from Mars… and gazing at the stars through her old, battered telescope.Until one night, Ruth creeps out of bed in the attic room of her rickety old farmhouse to watch the stars – and is just dozing off when she spots something blazing across the sky. Something that looks like a flying saucer! Is she dreaming? No! And the flying saucer is on fire…But when the UFO crash-lands in the cornfield, and Ruth rushes to help,
定價:824 元, 優惠價:79 651
作者:David Walliams; Adam Stower  出版社:HarperCollins Childrens UK  出版日:2022/09/29 裝訂:平裝
12歲的露絲與她糟糕的阿姨一起住在鳥不生蛋的農場裡,每晚她仰望星空,盼望著一場大冒險。有天,一台著火的飛碟突然墜落,蹦出一個神秘外星人,露絲的願望成真了!只不過…這名外星人似乎有個宇宙無敵大的秘密…? Go back to the Space Race with No.1 bestselling author David Walliams for a breathless cinematic adventure full of mystery, action, laughs and surprises – and a secret that could change the course of history… America. The 1960s.Ruth loves climbing trees, making a mess and throwing stones. But the thing she loves most is SPACE.The girl is OBSESSED. She spends her days reading comics about alien invasions, doodling UFOs, watching B-movies about Earth being invaded by creatures from Mars… and gazing at the stars through her old, battered telescope.Until one night, Ruth creeps out of bed in the attic room of her rickety old farmhouse to watch the stars – and is just dozing off when she spots something blazing across the sky. Something that looks like a flying saucer! Is she dreaming? No! And the flying saucer is on fire…But when the UFO crash-lands in the cornfield, and Ruth rushes to help,
定價:714 元, 優惠價:79 564
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